Sunday, July 23, 2017

How to perform a Mantra Purascharana Sadhana - Basics of purushcaran

Any Mantra that we have in the world has its own mantra siddhi procedure. Mantra siddhi and purashcharan is almost one and the same. Purushcharan or Purashcharan or Puruscharyaa as it is called. However, this does not apply to all mantras.
Purushcharan means to become master of a mantra.Mantra siddhi means to activate a mantra for you.
A Mantra siddhi sadhana is usually followed by multiple prayogs.

Many of the people in the world today do not know how to perform a purashcharan. Many of them don't even know what purushcharan is. Such people, due to lack of a guru, don't get to know all this.
Hence, I, in order to make sure everyone who follows me get to know on how to perform a purashcharan and what are the rules for it; I'm sharing the exact rules and procedure for it.

The way the power of a snake is futile without  is powerless, similarly, a mantra without purushcaran is powerless.
Keep in mind that mantra purushcharan is different from Mantra Prayog. Majority of the wishes can be fulfilled by mantra prayog, but not all.
And a mantra purascharan is always better than mantra prayog even if it may be difficult.
The amount of punya(virtue) that is achieved by donating hundreds of cows, doing puja of multiple gods and feeding thousands of Brahmins is achieved by doing just one purshcharan.

The person who performs 100 purushcharan or puruscharyaa is respected even by gods.
One purushcaran is only considered true till you get siddhi over the mantra or get success in the purushcharyaa.

As a thumb rule, it has to be understood that mantra siddhi and puruscharan are the same.
However, not always. If the mantra siddhi and purushcaran are clarified separately, the sadhak must do the mantra siddhi and purushcaran accordingly.
For example, The Narasimha shlokatmak mantra with the samput of Hreem has mantra siddhi requirement of 320,000 while purushcharan requirement is of 32 lacs.

This is one of the few mantras in which, purushcharan and mantra siddhi provision are different.

The procedure of performing a mantra  siddhi/purashcharan sadhana  is very extensive. Hence, I will be sharing it in multiple posts.

Today, I will share the basics of a purushcharan, mantras, gods, puja vidhi,etc.

1. The mantra that has been gotten in dreams has no rules and regulations. It can be chanted as and when you like. However, cleanliness and following the appropriate puja paddhati is obvious.

2. Those who are vaishnav must look for a vashinavachari or a vaishnav sampradaya guru, A Gayatri upasak must look for Gayatriyaachari Guru.
A Saur(Surya) upasak must look for a Sauraachaari guru.
A Ganaaptya sadhak must look for a ganadishachari guru(One who worships Ganapati).
A Shaiv and Kaulaachari guru can give diksha to a Shaiv/Kaulachari upasak.
Those who are shaakt  can take diksha from a vaishnav, shaiv or Shaakt guru.
A kaulachari guru can give all kinds of diksha.

Without guru, there is no chance of becoming a great sadhak. With the grace of your isht devta,  you may manage to get success in 2-4 purushcaran, but not more than that.

 3. Bhaav - 
Every sadhana involves a specific bhaavna with which you perform the purushcaran.

In case of Vedic, Gayatri, Surya, Vaishnav and Lakshmi Mantras, one must chant the mantras with daas(disciple) bhaavna.

In case of Shaiv, Parvati, Gauri, Kali, Das Mahavidya, Shri Vidya, Ganesh, and Saraswati mantras, one must chant it while keeping veer bhaav i.e. fearless attitude.

HariHara mantras must be chanted through veer bhaav and its sadhanas should also be perform according to shaiv vidhaan.

4. Whatever sins and mistakes are done by a minister have to born by the king, whatever sins are done by the wife have to be born by the husband. Similarly, whatever sins are done by the disciple have to be born by his guru.

5. In Kaliyuga, only tantrik puja paddhati will give the desired results. Puja of gods done by other methods don't please god.
In Satyuga, gods could  be pleased by vedic vidhi. In Treta yuga, by smaarta vidhaan. In Dwapar through puranic methods

6. The sadhak must consider the mantra letters to be a devta swarup, the devta must be considered as a form of your guru. This way, the sadhak must keep the belief that the mantra, the mantra's devta and your guru - all 3 are one and the same i.e. non-duality.
By keeping this kind of belief and chanting mantras, the sadhak himself becomes an embodiment of the mantra.

7. The sadhak must never ever take loan from his guru.

8. A guru  must never be considered as a mortal. The disciple must always keep such a mindset that his guru is immortal. Otherwise, the sadhak doesn't get success in devta puja.

9. For all those couples who are much devoted towards sadhanas and do sadhanas together must consider each other to be Shiv and shakti respectively. The husband must never ever treat her wife like her daughter.

10. If the highly intelligent and knowledgeable sadhak, due to the fortune, ends up finding some rare mantra or stotra, then that mantra/stotra does not require diksha. It can be chanted as it is. Readers, this rule must be followed only after much wisdom and care. I must not be held responsible for any kind of problems you may face if you end up chanting wrong mantra/stotra. When we find a mantra out of nowhere and unexpectedly, it must be understood that it is god's grace and he wants us to chant it. However, it is not necessary. Sometimes, we may also find by fluke. Hence, the sadhak must use his own wisdom and decide on whether to chant it or not.

11. If,  the sadhak stops a mantra sadhana or a purushcharan, he becomes the bearer of great sin. However, to remove this sin, there is a remedy which will be shared by me in the future.

12. The mantra diksha taken from a stri guru shows quicker results. Mantra diksha taken from mother shows 8 times greater results.

13. In case the sadhak gets mantra is dreams from his guru, then the sadhak must energise a glass of water with that mantra and drink  the water.
In case the sadhak gets mantra in dreams and the swapna diksha was not given by his guru, then, he must do the following -
Fill a copper kalash with water and praan pratishthaa of your guru in it. Then, the sadhak must write the mantra on banyan leaf using kumkum and drop this leaf in the kalash.
After that, the leaf along with the water must be consumed by the sadhak.

Doing this will give you success in that mantra. Otherwise not.

14. Aghor Mantra, 6 lettered Rama Mantra, Dakshinamurti mantras, Uma-maheshwar mantra, Hayagreev, Varah, Shreem Mantra, Vedic gayatri mantra, Lakshmi Narayan mantra, Agni Mantras, Surya Mantras, Ganesh Mantras that have Omkar, Haridra Ganapati Mantra, 8 lettered Surya Maha Mantra, Narasimha Anushtup Mantra, Vedic Mantras, Pranav Mantra, Mantras that have pranav, Aatma-mantra, Guru Mantra, Ajapaa Mantra, Mantras that end with Swaha and Om should never be given to a shudra. Otherwise the guru/brahmin and Shudra both go to narak.

15. Shreem Mantra, Pranav, Vedic Gayatri Mantra must never be chanted by a woman otherwise she gets narak. Shreem mantra and Vedic Gayatri mantra is forbidden for women because every woman is considered as a form of Maa Adi shakti and chanting these mantras would be like worshipping oneself.

16. For any mantra, the sadhak must refer to siddhi-asiddhi chakras and only then chant a mantra. Otherwise not. This applies to mantra prayog as well as mantra sadhanas.
However, Narasimha, Surya, Varah, Om Mantra, Hroum Mantra, Kut mantra don't need to referred to these chakras.
According to some, Kut mantra refers to Beej Mantra Thraoum. While some say that Kut mantra means mantras which have just letters. Some other say that it refers to mantra with just beej mantras in it.

Mantras that can be chanted by anyone and dont need to be referred to the chakras -
1. Mantra got in dreams
2. Mantra given by a woman
3. A mala mantra or mantra with more than 20 letters
4. 3 lettered Mantra
5. Tara, Kali and Chinnamasta Mantras
6. Vedic Mantras
7. Napunsak Mantra( Mantras that end with Namah)
8. Hans Mantra
9. 5 & 8 lettered mantra
10. Mantras that have 1,2 or 3 beej in it.
11. 1 lettered mantras.
12. Mantra with 3000 letters or more
13. Krishna Mantras and Gopal Mantras.

Out of these, mantras mentioned in point 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,11 can be chanted as it is. Even without guru diksha.
For others, the diksha, whether necessary or not, depends upon the mantra. Because there is always an exception to such rules. However, it is not possible to mention in detail regarding every mantra or god. Hence, whenever a sadhak is looking for a mantra, he must first look at the above mentioned list and use his own wisdom and knowledge to know whether that mantra requires a diksha or not.

17. Gayatri Mantra of any god can be chanted by anyone. All you need to do is refer to the chakras and see if the mantra is friendly or enemy. If it is friendly, you can, without any worry, chant that mantra as many times as you want and fulfill all your wishes.
This applies to all gods. But sadhak must focus on normal deities and not do something extraordinary. It is has been seen so many times how people with almost zero spirituality are looking to perform mantra sadhana of the most powerful mantra in the world.
When such people don't get success, they cry that god doesn't help him.
Sanatana Dharma has clearly said that the person who chants mantra without diksha makes that mantra's god angry and the god leaves him.

Some people chant mantra from books without any guru diksha.
Lord Shiva himself has said, that the person who chants mantra from book looses his intelligence and becomes stupid and dimwitted and such a person should be treated like a chandaal.

18. Das Mahavidya Mantras, Mahadurga, Tvarita, Vaagvaadini, Annapurna, Pratyangira, Kaamkhyaa, Bala, Shailvaasini, Narasimha Beej Mantra, 3 lettered Mantra and the Anushtup Mantra, 1 lettered Kartvirya Arjun Mantra, his anushtup mantra, Hayagreev Beej Mantra, his anushtup mantra, Chintamani Beej Mantra, Bhairav, Kshetrapaal, Kuber, Gopal, Ganapati, Chetaka, Yakshini, Matangi, Shri Vidya goddesses, Sundari(Gauri maa), Shyama(a form of Kali), Shabar Mantras, Karna pisachini, Ekjata Tara, Vaama Kali, Neel Saraswati, Kaal Ratri, Hanuman, Shiv - all these show instant or quick results in Kali yuga.

19. The sadhak who fasts on the day of diksha gets the curse of the isht devta and goes to narak(God whose diksha is being taken). The fast must be done one day before the day of diksha.

20. The sadhak who does avahan of one god and does puja of another god is cursed by both.
This applies to every god. Even to Shri Ram and Hanuman. When the sadhak is doing upasana of Shri Rama, he must invoke, Shri Rama along with Hanuman, Sita, Lakshman, Bharat, Shatrughna simultaneously.

21. The monday that has Amavasya or rohini nakshatra,  The tuesday that falls on Chaturthi or chaturdashi, the wednesday that falls on ekadashi or dwadashi, the thursday that falls on ashtami, the friday that falls on panchami,navami, trayodashi or purnima, the sunday that falls on saptami - all these days are very auspicious even for gods. Any sadhana can give great success if started n these days.

22. Punyakhestra i.e. tirth or any such pious place, Kurukshetra, the 4 main shaktipeeth, Prayaag, Shri shaila, Kaashi - in these places sadhana can be started on any day, any tithi, any nakshatra, any karan, any yoga, any lagna, any  hora and at any time of the day.

23. Grahas play a lot of importance regarding sadhanas and prayogas. In the sadhana world, the position of planets and, most importantly, their combustion and retrograde motion play special role in sadhana matters.

24. Whatever japa count has been specified for a mantra by our tantras, 4 times that must be chanted. This is the rule of kaliyuga to chant 4 times than what is specified for mantra siddhi. However it has been seen that even by chanting as written in the sadhana procedure, i.e. without chanting 4 times the specified chant; the sadhak gets siddhi. However, it has also been seen that if sadhak chants 4 times more, a sadhak gets even greater results.

Japa guidelines - 
 When we do a purashcharan sadhana, the usual number of chants prescribed is 1000 malas or 1250 malas.
Since, the number of malas required to chant is so much, our religion has suggested the following remedy to keep a count of the number of malas completed. This remedy is being shared here for people for the sake of information. Those who want can also use a tally counter to keep a record of number of malas completed. In the end, it is the sadhak's personal choice.
Make 100 small balls using a paste of water, rakt chandan, powdered cowdung, sindur and gorochan and then use these balls according to your need.

Any mala must always be sewn in a red thread. Such a kind of mala which is sewn in red thread and pran pratishthit is equal to Para brahma in purity and divinity. Such a mala should be kept secret from everyone and should be protected like one's own life.

Those who are chanting Shri Rama or Krishna or Narayan mantras with the aim of removing sins must chant the mantras on a mala made of Kush mool.

Rudraksh and Rakt chandan mala is best for Shri Vidya mantras.
Tara mantras must be chanted using shankh mala or mahshankh mala. The beads that are made from the ashes of a dead man's head is called as mahashankh.

Varnamala works for all gods and goddesses and all kinds of mantras.

In case mala or gowmukhi gets touched with untouchable things, one must wash it with panchgavya or pure raw cow milk or gangajal and restart the japa.

One thing I must tell everyone, that whatever we face in life, no matter what the nature of the problem may be, it is only happening due to our bad karmas. Hence, always focus on removing all your sins first and then go for other sadhanas. Because if your karmas are against you, you will fall back into poverty at a certain point due to your karmas.

I have shared various prayogas in the past to remove sins. I suggest every person to spend just 1 year of their lives just on mukti on their sins and it is my belief that from the next year onwards, your whole life will be peaceful and ever pleasant.
The sadhak has the option that he either sacrifices 1 year out of his life span of 100 years, or he keeps on running behind wealth and lust without paying much attention to karmas and keep on suffering every day for a 100 years and then suffer after death.
Once the sadhak does any of the sadhana or mantra prayog I may have shared,  and then chants just 1 mala of that mantra in the evening, he will be happy and sinless always.
This 1 mala is done only so that whatever sins you may have during the day are removed.
This obviously won't turn true if you are a brahma hatyari or gau hatyari or if you keep on drinking alcohol.

Readers, getting rid of sins is not as difficult as one may think. In fact, it more easier to successfully  get rid of crores of sins when compared to doing vashikaran, ucchatan,etc. on someone.

To know about such mantras and remedies to get freedom from sins, one can refer to this post -
Karma phal and remedies to be free from sins

Hopefully, by reading my posts and performing sadhanas or prayogs shared by me, at least one person may get rid of his heinous sins and go to Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva.

This is all for the first part of the basics of mantra sadhanas. In the next part,  I will share some more information and then I will talk about mudras and nyasa.

Wish you all a very blessed and pleasant Shravan and hoepfully, all your wishes get fulfilled with the grace of Rudra.

Remedies to get success in any task

Many times we see how some people never get success in their desired tasks.
Some people also end up getting the opposite results.

There 3 reasons for failure we get in any task:
1. Sanchit Karma
2. Pitru Dosha
3. Ashuddhi(impurity)

Out of these, the major cause of failure are our bad karmas. 
In sanatan dharma, there a specific god for every desire or object. 
For example, for knowledge we have Saraswati Maa.
For wealth, we have Goddess Lakshmi, Kuber and Lord Shiva.
To get rid of sins and skin diseases, we have Lord Surya.
To get a good wife, we worship Goddess Parvati.
To win over enemies, we worship Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
To get fame, we worship Lord Surya and Lord Rudra.
To get rid of poverty, sadness, diseases, sins,fear of death, we worship Lord Rudra.
To fulfill the 4 purusharth, we worship Lord Vishnu/Narayan/Shri Rama/Krishna.
To get beauty, sammohan shakti, wealth, family happiness, sons, get married, we worship Kamadeva.
To get good eyesight and remove any eyesight related problems, we worship Lord Surya and Goddess Parvati.
To get physical strength, we worship Lord  Vishnu.
To get Valour and courage, we worship Lord Surya.
To get tej, we worship Lord Surya.
To get kaanti, we worship Lord Soma.
To get peace of mind, we worship Lord Soma.
To get rid of negative, lustful and angry mindset, we worship Lord Shiva, the river goddesses, and Lord Rama.
To get control over senses, we worship Lord Shiva and Lord Soma.
To remove obstacles, we worship Ganesha.
To get asht siddhis, we worship Lord Hanuman, Lord Ganesha, Shiva, and Maa Kali, Lakshmi and Maa Saraswati. Saraswati is the main goddess of getting Asht siddhis.
To get great success in spiritual world and gain victory over all the 3 worlds, we worship our Guru.
Similarly, Lord Ganesh controls our obstacles. However, he does not cause obstacles to everyone.
Lord Vishnu himself has said that Lord Ganesh is the controller of obstacles and he creates the greatest obstacles for sinners and for those who choose the path of adharma.

Hence, when we face obstacles of even the simplest of tasks, it has to be understood that it is because of our sanchit karma.
Unfortunately, the world has become such, that if you look for moksha then you are condemned and considered a fool  by the society. While, if you con someone, you are considered as smart.
Looking for wealth is considered as respectful but treading on the spiritual world is considered as foolish and condemned as if such people are doing a crime.
Running after wealth makes you respected while if you are worshipping your guru or isht dev peacefully at home  attracts suspicion.
For a sadhak, it is best to stay away from such kind of sinners.

Today, I will share a few remedies through which one get success in any kind of task:
1. Chant 5 malas of your Guru mantra before leaving your home in the morning. This will give you success.
2. Have a bath and only then go for your desired task. When we are impure, we attract negative energy which acts as a hurdle in our success.
3. Do pitru Tarpan in the afternoon and then perform your task. Pitru Tarpan takes 20-35 minutes only. Hence, performing the same shouldn't be a problem for anyone. There are numerous books available in the market for this.
4. Offer coconut to a Hanuman temple before going for your task. This will give you success  even in the long pending tasks, without any doubt. Before offering, you must touch the coconut on your head, say your wish and then break it in front of him. One half of coconut must be left  there and the other half must be taken home as prasad.

5. Offer arghya to Lord Surya and chant 1 mala of Surya Gayatri Mantra.

Out of these remedies, the ones mentioned in 2 and 3 are mandatory for every person. Doing these 2 things is the law of Sanatana Dharma.
Keep in mind that for any normal task, you may manage to  get success by other remedies, but if you want to fulfill a wish related to any of the 4 purusharth, doing these 2 remedies is necessary.

Jay Shree Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Hanuman Mantra Prayog to remove malefic effects of Navgraha and ghosts

A very rare mantra is shared today by Romin Bajracharya using which a person can get rid of all kind of bhoot,pret baadha and from the malefic effects of any of the navgrahas.

By Romin,
Today I Am Going To Share With You An
Extremely Rare But Very Powerful Mantra Prayog Of Lord Hanuman.As We
All Know That A Human Life Is Never Same All The Time.Ups And Downs
Are Bound To Come In One's Life.We Suffer From
Problems,Worries,Tensions,Troubles,Mental Agonies And Much More.
And All These Kinds Of Problems,Blockages And Obstacles Comes From Bad
Placement Of Planets In Our Birth Chart.
                         Such Problems Always Makes A Person Lead A
Fully Frustating Life And He/She Becomes Unaware About What To Do And
What Not To Do.The Person Who Becomes The Victim Of Such Malefic
Planets And Other Ghostly Beings And Entities Is Bound To Get Lots And
Lots Of Failures Anywhere And Everywhere.
                          So Everybody Wants To Seek A Solution To Get
Rid Of Such Problems Either For A Very Long Period Of Time Or
Permanently.So People Search Many Astrologers,Go To Tantrik Babas And
Without Knowing Properly,They Believe Those Fraud People Who Are Just
Cheating Them And Making Them Fool And Also Receiving Millions Of
Money.They Even Don't Know That The Problem Which Can Be Solved By
Themselves Without Spending Rs.100IC/- Costs Them 2 Lakh IC-2.5 Lakh
IC Or More Than That.
                           Hence,One Should Be Beware Of Such Fake
People Who Blackmails Others In The Name Of God.For All Problems
Related To Navgraha And Bhoot Badha,The Best Sadhana Is That Of None
Other Than The Most Powerful Lord Hanuman.As We Are Aware Of The Fact
That All The Nine Planets Are Under The Control Of Hanuman's Tail,Lord
Hanuman Is The Real Protector In This Kali Yuga From Any And Every
Kind Of Problems.So,I M Presenting Here A Very Very Easy And One Of
The Rarest Mantra Prayog Of Lord Hanuman Through One Can Get Rid From
The Clutches Of Evil Effects Of Malefic Planets And Also From Ghosts
And Malevolent Spirits For An Extremely Long Period Of Time.Everyone
Will Probably Love This Very Beautiful Sadhana Because There Could Be
No Other Sadhana Like This To Get Rid Of Malefic Planets,Ghosts And
Evil Spirits In Such A Very Short Period Of Time And Also By Chanting
Such Little Number Of Mantra Chants.
      The Sadhana Procedure Is Also Very Very Simple And Can Be Tried
By Anyone And Everyone.It Is As Follows:-

                        Sarva Graha Dosha Shanti Hetu Hanuman Mantra Prayog
                                सर्व ग्रह दोश शान्ति हेतु हनुमान मन्त्र प्रयोग

1)This Mantra Prayog Can Be Started From Any Shukla Paksha Tuesday Morning.
2)Morning Time Before Sunrise Or Brahm Murat Is The Best Time To Do
This Prayog And Also It Is Much Much Better Than Any Other Time But If
One Does Not Have Time To Do At Morning,He Can Do At Evening Or Night
Also.Also,This Prayog Can Be Started From A Shukla Paksha Saturday Too
And If One Gets Chance To Do This Sadhana On Hanuman Jayanti And Ram
Nawami And Any Other Auspicious Days,It Is Like Drinking Elixir.
3)Direction Should Be Either North Or East.
4)Sadhak Should Wear Full Red Coloured Clothes And Sit Upon A Red Aasan.
5)Mantra Jaap Should Only Be Done With Red Moonga Mala(Red Coral Rosary).
6)Also,Sadhak Should Place A Picture(Photo) Of Lord Hanuman In Front
Of Him.Any Kind Of Photo Can Be Kept But It Is More Better If One
Establishes A Photo Of Lord Hanuman In Which He Is Giving
Blessings,i.e. in अभय मुद्रा .
7)Just Like In All Other Mantra Sadhanas And Prayogs,In This Also
Sadhak Should Free Himself From His Daily Chores And Take A Bath And
First He Should Mentally Remember His Guru And Take Aagya From His
Guru And He Should Do Guru Pujan,Ganesh Pujan,Puja Of Saraswati And
Finally Puja Of Lord Hanuman.If One Likes,Shiva,Surya,Ram And Sita Can
Also Be Worshipped But Thats Not So Much Necessary Ad Important.
8)Sadhak Should Offer Red Flowers,Motichoor Laddoo Or Any Other Sweet
Items And COMPULSORILY Tulsi Leaves To Lord Hanuman.
9)Mantra Should Be Chanted 10,000 Times.The Major Benefit Of This
Prayog Is That The Number Of Days Is Not Specified To Finish 10,000
Mantra Chantings And Can Be Completed In Any Number Of Days But If
Possible Sadhak Should Try To Finish The Mantra Chanting In 11,21,31
Or 41 Days Depending Upon The Mantra Chanting Capacity Of The
Sadhak,His Hectic And Busy Schedule And His Convenience.After
Completing 10,000 Mantra Chants,Sadhak Should Do Dashansh Havan And IF
DASHANSH HAVAN Is Not Possible,Then Sadhak Should Chant 1/4Th Of
10,000 Mantra Chantings Which Means 2,500 MORE CHANTINGS.
10)Brahmacharya Is Utmost Important For This Prayog.
                        This Is A Tried And Tested Mantra Prayog By
Many Sadhaks And It Is Said That After Accomplishing This Prayog,All
Kinds Of Problems In Life Are Quickly Removed And Happiness,Good
Luck,Peace,Prosperity And Fortune Is Again Achieved By The Sadhak Or
Comes In The Life Of The Sadhak.

              मन्त्र:-llॐ नमो हनुमते रुदावताराय देव दानव यक्ष राक्षस
भूत प्रेत पिशाच डाकिनी शाकिनी दुष्टग्रह बन्धनाय्  रामदूताय  स्वाहा ll

Friday, July 21, 2017

Maheshwar Kavacha for freedom from all diseases

Lord Shiva has various forms. He is also called as Maheshwar. However, even though every name of Shiva sounds the same, they are not.
The supreme is Lord Ishaan who is one of the 5 Shivas. The second is Aghor which is another form of Lord Shiva. Then comes, Tatpurush, Vaamdev and Sadyojaat.

Maheshwar is the lord of all the gods and of this entire world.
On Monday, 24th July 2017, Shravan month is starting for people who follow purnimanta panchang.

There is no body in this world who cannot be cured from his diseases with the grace of Lord Shiva. With the grace of Lord Shiva, Angarak was cured from leprosy.
With his grace, Lord Soma got rid of the curse of Daksha.
With his grace, even the dead person can be brought back to life and made chiranjeevi.
Today, for the auspicious month of Shravan I am sharing a special and rare kavach of Maheshwar Shiva for all those who are suffering from incurable diseases.
By reciting this kavach, a person can get rid of each and every disease you may have. Other than this, this kavach also removes bhoot,pret baadha,etc. All the misfortune and poverty one may have in life is also removed with the effects of this kavacha.

Procedure of reciting this kavach:
1. Start this Prayog from the 24th July i.e. first day of Shravan in Brahma Muhurat.
2. Have Bath and sit facing east in your puja room on a white aasan wearing white clothes.
3. Keep a parad shivling or a Baan linga in front of you.
4. Worship your guru, Lord Ganesh, Narayan, Lakshmi, Nandi, Ganga, Chandra, Parvati and Lord Shiva.
5. Offer bel patra, honey, gangajal,etc.
Then, Take sankalp to get rid your diseases.
6. Recite the Kavach 51 times daily for 90 days

॥ माहेश्वरकवचम् ॥

॥ अथ माहेश्वरकवचम् ॥

ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय ।
राजोवाच ।
अङ्गन्यासं यदुक्तंभो महेशाक्षर संयुतम् ।
विधानं कीदृशं तस्य कर्तव्यं केन हेतुना ॥ १॥

तद्वदस्व महाभाग विस्तरेण ममाग्रतः ।
भृगुरुवाच ।
कवचं महेश्वरं राजन् देवैरपि सुदुर्लभम् ॥ २॥

यः करोति स्वगात्रेषु पूतात्मा संभवेन्नरः ।
कृत्वा न्यासमिमं यस्तु सङ्ग्राम प्रविशेन्नरः ॥ ३॥

न शरास्तोमरास्तस्य खड्गशक्ति परश्वधाः ।
प्रभवन्ति रिपोः क्वापि भवेच्छिवपराक्रमः ॥ ४॥

व्याधिग्रस्तस्तु यः कश्चित्कारयेच्चैवमार्जनम् ।
एकादशकुशैः साग्रैर्मुक्तोभवति नान्यथा ॥ ५॥

न भूता न पिशाचाश्च कूष्माण्डा न विनायकाः ।
शिवस्मरणमात्रेण न विशन्ति कलेवरे ॥ ६॥

Viniyog - 
ॐ नमः पञ्चवक्त्राय शशिसोमार्कनेत्राय
भयार्त्तानामभयाय मम सर्वगात्ररक्षार्थे विनियोगः

Tilak mantra-
ॐ ह्रौं ह्रां ह्रं मन्त्रेणानेन
वृषगोमयभस्मनाम् आमन्त्र्य ललाटे तिलकमादाय पठेत् ॥(Do a tripundra tilak while chanting this mantra. For this kavach you must make ash by burning cowdung or bull's dung.)

Kavach -
त्राहि मां देव दुष्प्रेक्ष्य शत्रूणांभयवर्धन ।
ॐ स्वच्छन्दभैरवः प्राच्यामाग्नेय्यां - शिखिलोचनः ॥ ७॥

भूतेशो दक्षिणे भागे नैऋत्यां भीमदर्शनः ।
वारुणे वृषकेतुश्च वायौ रक्षतु शङ्करः ॥ ८॥

दिग्वासाः सौम्यतो नित्यमैशान्यां मदनान्तकः ।
वामदेव ऊर्ध्वतो रक्षेदधोरक्षेत्त्रिलोचनः ॥ ९॥

पुरारिः पुरतः पातु कपर्दी पातु पृष्ठतः ।
विश्वेशो दक्षिणे भागे वामे कालीपतिः सदा ॥ १०॥

माहेश्वरः शिरोभागे भवो भाले सदावतु ।
भ्रुवोर्मध्ये महातेजास्त्रिनेत्रो नेत्रयोर्द्वयोः ॥ ११॥

पिनाकी नासिका देशे कर्णयोर्गिरिजापतिः ।
उग्रः कपोलतो रक्षेन्मुखदेशे महाभुजः ॥ १२॥

जिह्वायामन्धकध्वंसी दन्तान्रक्षतु मृत्युजित् ।
नीलकण्ठः सदाकण्ठे पृष्ठे कामाङ्गनाशनः ॥ १३॥

त्रिपुरारिः स्कन्धदेशे बाह्वोश्च चन्द्रशेखरः ।
हस्तिचर्मधरो हस्ते नखाङ्गुलिषु शूलभृत् ॥ १४॥

भवानीशः पातु हृदयं पातूदरकटीर्मृडः ।
गुदे लिङ्गे च मेढ्रे च नाभौ च प्रमथाधिपः ॥ १५॥

जङ्घोरुचरणे भीमः सर्वाङ्गेकेशवप्रियः ।
रोमकूपे विरूपाक्षः शब्दे स्पर्शेच योगवित् ॥ १६॥

रक्तमज्जावसामासशुक्रेवसुगणार्चितः ।
प्राणापानसमानेषुदानव्यानेषुधूर्ज्जटीः ॥ १७॥

रक्षाहीनन्तुयत्स्थानं वर्जितं कवचेन यत् ।
तत्सर्वं रक्षमे देव व्याथिदुर्गज्वरादितः ॥ १८॥

कार्यं कर्म त्विदं प्राज्ञैर्दीपं प्रज्वाल्य सर्पिषा ।
निवेद्य शिखिनेत्राय वारयेच्चोत्तरं मुखम् ॥ १९॥

ज्वरदाहपरिक्रान्तं तथान्यव्याधिसंयुतम् ।
कुशैःसंमार्ज्य समार्ज्यक्षिपेद्दीपशिखेज्वरम् ॥ २०॥

ऐकाहिकं द्व्याहिकं वा तृतीयकचतुर्थकम् ।
वातपित्तकफोद्भूतं सन्निपातोग्रतेजसम् ॥ २१॥

अन्यद्दुःखदुराधर्षं कर्म चाभिचारिकम् ।
धातुस्थं कफसंमिश्रं विषम कामसम्भवम् ॥ २२॥

भूताभिषङ्गसगर्तं भूतचेष्टादिसस्थितम् ।
शिवाज्ञां घोरमन्त्रेण पूर्ववृत्तं स्वयं स्मर ॥ २३॥

जहि देहं मनुष्यस्य दीपं गच्छ महाज्वर ।
कृत्वा तु कवचं दिव्यं सर्वव्याधिभयार्दनम् ॥ २४॥

न बाधन्ते व्याधयस्तं बालग्रहभयाश्च ये ।
लूताविस्फोटकं घोरशिरोर्त्तिच्छर्द्दिविग्रहम् ॥ २५॥ ??
कामलाक्षयकासञ्च गुल्माश्मरिभगन्दरान् ।
शूलोन्मादञ्चहृद्रोगं यकृतं पाण्डुविद्रधिम् ॥ २६॥

अतिसारादयोरोगा डाकिनीग्रहपीडिताम् ।
पामाविचर्चिकाद्द्रुकुष्ठव्याधिविषार्दनम् ॥ २७॥

स्मरणान्नाशयत्याशु कवचं शूलपाणिनः ।
यस्तु स्मरति नित्यं वै यस्तु धारयते नरः ॥ २८॥

समुक्तः सर्वपापेभ्यो वसेच्छिवपुरे चिरम् ।
सख्यव्रतस्य दानस्य यज्ञस्यास्तीव शास्त्रतः ॥ २९॥

न सङ्ख्या विद्यते शम्भोः सर्वकामफलप्रदम् ॥ ३०॥

श्रोतव्यं सततं भक्त्या कवचं सर्वकामिकम् ।
लिखितं तिष्ठते यस्य गृहे सम्यगनुत्तमम् ॥ ३१॥

न तत्र कलहोद्वेगं नाकालमरणंभवेत् ।
नाल्पप्रजाः स्त्रियस्तत्र न दौर्भाग्यसमाश्रिताः ॥ ३२॥

तस्मान्माहेश्वरं नाम कवचं सुरगणार्चितम् ।
श्रोतव्यं पठितव्यञ्च मन्तव्यं भावुकप्रदम् ॥ ३३॥

माहेश्वरस्य कवचं सर्वव्याधिनिषूदनम् ।
यः पठेच्चेन्नरो नित्यं सव्रजेच्छाङ्करं पुरम् ॥ ३४॥

At the end, the sadhak must do marjan using 11 kush grass. Marjan is a mantrik abhishek done on oneself.

Normally, Sanatana Dharma suggests that one must take help of  Mantra, havan, tarpan, medication and fresh air to get freedom from diseases. However, mantra remedies take time to show their effects. Any disease curing mantra/stotra take at least 4 months to 1 year to cure an incurable disease. Normal diseases are cured within 1 month.
However, this is a kavach. Hence, you will start experiencing results within 25-30 days for incurable disease.

Diseases like jaundice , tuberculosis , enlargement of stones in kidney , fistula,
Shoola ,lunacy, diseases of heart , leucoderma,dysentery,
The attack of ghosts and troubles caused by planets ,
Herpes, itching , eruption(chicken pox/small pox), leprosy and the snake's poison,etc. would all be removed with the grace of Maheshwara.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Karma phal and remedies to be free from sins

Sins whether small or big are sins and we have to suffer the malefic effects for our bad deeds. All of us fear going to Narak and suffering from Yam yatnas. The fear of yama is only because he punishes just the we we punished some person or animal by our bad intentions.

Today, I will throw a  light on the greatest sins in Sanatana Dharma and what kind of punishment one gets for such sins.

Normally people think that the 5 great sins Brahma Hatya, Par Stri gaman, madira paan(drinking alcohol), stealing gold and the 5th sin is keeping company of such people.
Though it is true that these are the 5 great sins. But there are a few sins even greater than this.
Hopefully, after reading this post, all those who are doing such kind of great sins stop it and start looking for sadgati.

It is a general mindset among that a person gets the rewards/problems according to his karmas only. However, this is not the complete truth. Even if you spend 100 billion kalpa in human yoni, your good/bad deeds wont come to end.

Normally, with the grace of gods, tirths and rivers, a person may get rid of many sins.
But the person who is away from Shri Rama/Narayan/Krishna or if he is away from Lord Shiva, such a person's prayashchitta  cannot make him pure the way the water of Ganga cannot purify alcohol.

A good karma never nullifies a bad karma  and a bad karma never nullifies a good karma.

Tirth snaan, japa, tapa yagya, gau daan, brahman bhojan, atithi seva, vrat, upavaas, daan, prithvi parikrama, reading puranas,spreading good knowledge, guru seva, guru bhakti don't make us karma free. They increase our punya.
If you want to get freedom from sins, then you must keep that appropriate sankalp before performing these remedies.

By these karmas, one may get swarga, but one doesn't get moksha.
By doing good karmas, one gets Swarga, by doing bad karmas one gets narak and by doing neech karmas, one gets diseases.

It only by worshipping Shri Rama or Lord Shiva or your isht devta or Mother goddesses  or your kul devi/devta that one can get moksha.

In hinduism/Sanatana Dharma, the sin of killing a cow is considered to be the first great sin.

1. Gau Hatya - The person who kills a cow or kicks a cow goes to Raurav narak after death and suffers there without even a single drop of water or a single morsel of food to eat. Neither he gets a place to rest. Such a person keeps on suffering from yama-yatna this way for 160 crore years.
After 160 crore years in raurav narak, he goes to dandshuka narak where he suffers for as much years as there were hairs on the body of the cow. There, he continuously bitten by 100s of snakes and due to the poisonous and painful effects of the snakes's poison and due to lack of food, his/her stomach starts drying up and extremely small.
After that, he gets birth as a cow for as many years as there were hairs on the body of the cow.
If one cow has 10,000 hairs and you have killed 100 cows, you will live in dandashuk narak for 10,00,000 years and then you will be born as a cow for another 10 lac years.
After that, he gets 1 lac human births where he suffers from leprosy in each birth.
After that, he gets 1 lac more human births where he lives as a chandaal.
After that, does he get a hindu birth. In this human birth, he becomes a leprosy stricken brahmin.
And by feeding 1 lac brahmins, he gets freedom from the disease.

2. Stri Hatya - The sin of Stri Hatya is 2 times greater than Gau Hatya. The person who kills a woman and especially his wife or mother gets the sin of stri hatya. Such a person lives in narak for as many years as there were hairs on the body of the woman.
After that, for the same number for years, he gets human birth and each birth he suffers from extremely painful tuberculosis in every birth. Such a person, if feeds 1 lac brahmins daily for 100 years and donates gold, gets freedom from this sin.

3. Brahma Hatya - The sin of Brahma Hatya is 4 times greater than gau hatya. Whatever is suffered by a gau hatyari, 4 times that is suffered by a brahma hatyari. Then, the brahma hatyari gets the yoni(body) of the insect or worm that live in human excreta for 4 times that number of years.
After that, 4 times the number of years, he gets the yoni of a mleccha.
Then, for another 4 times the above mentioned number of years, he is  born as a blind person.
Such a person by feeding 4 lac brahmins, gets freedom from this sin, gets beautiful eyes and earns great name and fame in the world.
Stealing Lord Shiva's articles like silver, pearl, rudraksh, religious books,etc. get the sin of Brahma Hatya.

4. Bhrun Hatya-  The sin of Bhrun Hatya i.e. aborting or killing a foetus is 4 times greater than Braham Hatya. Such a person lives for 100 years in narak and is eaten by thousands of carnivorous worms day in and day out. Suh a person is continuously afflicted by needles and similar small weapons for 100 years. After that, he gets birth as a horse for another 100 years. After that, such a person gets a human birth in Vaishya varna and suffers from ringworm for 50 years. After 50 years, he gets freedom from this sin by donating gold.

5. Peepal Hatya - The person who kills a peepal tree i.e. one who cuts it gets 4 times the sin of Brahma Hatya. The person who cuts a peepal tree brings and end of his entire family clan within just 6 months-2 years.

Readers, It is my real life observation  that the person who cuts a peepal tree and the one who facilitates or supports cutting of peepal brings and end of his kul and his pitrus and becomes a beggar very very soon. Hence, don't consider it lightly.

6. Swarna chori - The man who steals gold gets leprosy. and the person who eats gold enters the yoni of the worms found in human excreta. After this, he goes to narak where he is made to eat human excreta for a 100 years. after this, he gets a shudra yoni where he suffers from Blood related diseases. The, he get the brahmin yoni where he suffers fro uncontrollable diseases.
In this brahmin yoni, by donating 4 grams gold, the person gets freedom from this sin.

7. Par stri gaman -  Our mother, mother in law, sister, sister in law, daughter, daughter in law, grandmother, friend's wife, menstruating girl - all these are considered as par stri and equal to mothers. The person who looks at them with lustful eyes or touches them with lustful intentions gets the sin of Brahma Hatya. Those who have sex with such a woman gets the sin of par stri gaman. Such a person suffers from yama yatna for 160 crore years in raurav narak and then another 160 crore years in  kumbhpaak narak. Then, he becomes the bacterias/insects present in vaginas of prostitutes and then another 1 lac years as the worms of human excreta.
Then, he gets births in the yoni of different animals. Then, he gets multiple births as a shudra(dirty) insect. Then, he gets mutiple yonis of mlecchas followed by multiple yonis of extremely lowly class shudras. After this, he gets birth as a diseased brahmin. However, even in this birth, such a person becomes kul ghatak and his kul i.e. family starts decreasing in numbers.
Such a brahmin, by going to various tirths, gets freedom from the sin. But he still remains a kul ghaatak. By feeding 1 lac brahmins, such a person gets completely dirt free and is blessed with a boy.
The man who has sex with a prostitute goes to raurav narak for a 100 years.

The man who has sex with the wife of a brahmin gets the sin of Brahma Hatya every day till he doesnt die.

The woman who takes the path of prostitution for any reason whatsoever becomes a widow, a barren woman, an untouchable, jaatiheen(being in a different religion), and a nose bleeding woman in her next 7 births, respectively.

8. Sharangat ghaati/Vishwaas ghaati - This is the 2nd worst sin in Sanatana Dharma. Sharanagat ghaati or vishwaas ghaati refers to the person who abandons or fools or breaks the trust the person who may have taken his refuge. Such kind of sins are seen a lot today. If someone takes my refuge and if I fool him while making claims that I am helping him and in the end leave him in suffering even though the amuk person expected honesty from me, it means I am a sharanagat ghaati.

Lord Shiva himself has said, that the person who abandons his refugee even when he is capable of providing help to the refugee, such a person is abandoned by Santana Dharma itself. Such a person remains a Hindu just for the name.

No prayashcitt is there in any of the 4 vedas for such a person. The person who breaks the trust of his refugee cannot get freedom from this sin even by feeding crore brahmins for a crore days.

The only refuge for such a person is chanting the name of Shri Rama or Shri Krishna. No other remedy can remove this sin. It is  waste of time to search for some other solution.

Sharanagat ghaati is boiled for 1000s of years in oil and continuously bitten by snakes and similar poisonous animals. After that, he is born for 1000 crore times as a vulture, 100 times as a pig, 100 times as ferocious animals and then he is born as a vyaadhi grasta shudra.
Such a person thus becomes free from the rest of the sin that is left out by donating 100 grams of gold.

9. Guru Patni Gaman  - This is the worst sin out of all sins. The person who has sex  with his guru's wife or looks at her with lustful intentions or touches her with intentions is sarvada sarvatra chandaal. Such a person must be abandoned forever and from everywhere. Such a person is not allowed to worship any devta. If the family members keep a such a person with them instead of abandoning him, the whole family is abandoned by gods and the society. Such a person is not allowed to eat food cooked by others. He not allowed to bath in tirths or touch tulsi or worship tulsi. Such a person cannot do puja of any god. The puja articles touched by such a person are considered to be impure and meaningless.  Such a person is not allowed to have the darshan of Surya. He is not even allowed to salute his own guru or isht devta. Neither is he allowed to chant his guru mantra. Brahman bhojan, japa, tapa , yagya, etc. all is forbidden for him.
Such a man is  Sarvada Sarvatra(always and completely) chandaal and untouchable. Even looking at such a person while performing a sadhana makes the sadhana impure.
Such a person stays in Raurav narak for 1000 crore years and gets birth in various yonis. But never a human yoni.

Other than this, those who don't fast on Krishna Ashtami, Ram Navami and Shiv Ratri get all the sins that exist in all the 3 worlds. Those who don't have the power must fast by eating one time.

I am now mentioning a few remedies to get freedom from all these sins:
1. Chant 1000 malas of Shri Ram Jay Jay Rama to get freedom from all kinds of great sins.
If you have done guru patni gaman, Chant 10,000 malas. 
Those who haven't done guru patni gaman must chant 10,000 malas to get moksha.
At the end of the japa, feed 100 or 1000 brahmins and donate a cow.

2. Make 1 shivling using soil, bhasma or cow dung. By doing so, one will get rid of crores of sins in an instant and live for 1 kalpa in Swarga. After that, he is born in Brahmin varna and he becomes extremely knowledgeable brahmin  and owns lots of lands.
By making 100 lingas and worshipping them, one will get rid of all sins including guru patni gaman and becomes a king of Bharat i.e. India.

3. By making a 1000 shivlingas and worshipping them,the sadhak lives in swarga for billions of Kalpas and then born as a king of India.

4. By making and worshipping 10,000 lingas, one becomes an Emporer and by worshipping 1 lac lingas, a person becomes chakravarti samraat. By worshipping with devotion, a sadhak can get even more than that.

5. By tirth snaan, brahman bhojan, narayan upasana, a person gets born as a brahmin. Such a brahmin, by doing tapasya becomes a vaishnav. The land touched by feet of such a person becomes pure and sacred. By touch of such a person, even the chandaal's house becomes a tirth and all the tirths become dirt free by such a person's touch. This stage is called as being Brahma-Bhoot in Sanatana Dharma.
Such a person instantly gives moksha to the 1000 ancestors  and the 1000 descendants.

6. By offering 1 lac bilva leaves while chanting bilva stotra, one gets moksha and enters Shiv loka.

7. By wearing 1,000  11 mukhi rudraksh, the man becomes equal to Rudra.
8. By reciting Shri Rama Stava raja 1 lac times, by reciting Shri Ram Jay Ram mantra or the 6 lettered Rama mantra  1 million times(10 lac) , one goes to vaikuntha.
Shudras are not allowed to chant 6 lettered Rama Mantra hence they must chant Shri Ram Jay Rama mantra only

9. The man who takes a diksha and chants the 17 lettered Krishna mantra 5 lac times and the Krishna Kavacha that needs to be chanted with it and does dashansh havan, dashansh, abhishek, dashansh tarpan, dashansh marjan, dashansh brahman bhojan and donates 100 gold coins to a brahman dev goes to Vaikuntha with his 5 koshas/bodies viz. anna-maya kosha, praanmaya kosha,etc.

10. By reciting Sita Ashtottara shatnaam stotra 1 lac times, one goes to vaikuntha.

11. By chanting Om Namo Narayanaay or Shri Rama Jay Rama Mantra 11 mala daily, one gets a long life and goes to vaikunth after death.

12. By chanting any of the Shri Rama mantras 10 lac times, one goes to vaikuntha.

13. By chanting Gayatri Mantra 1 crore times, one lives for thousands of years and goes to Brahmaloka or Vaikunth after death.

14. By writing Adhyatma Ramayana in a book and donating it to a brahmin, one gets rid of all the sins not matter how great they may be.

15. By donating 8 handwritten Adhyatma Ramayana, a person gets moksha.

15. By reciting Shiv panchakshar mantra daily, one gets moksha. Even if you haven't got complete freedom from your sins, even then, you will go to shivaloka because you have worshipped him all your life. It is impossible for a true shiv bhakt to go to narak.

16. The person who chants Hare Rama Hare Krishna Mantra 35 million times(3.5 crore) gets freedom from all the sins forever. This mantra can be chanted any time anywhere and even if you are impure.

17. By reciting Hanuman chalisa 11 times daily for 10-15 years, a sadhak goes to Satyaloka or Vaikuntha after death.

18. By taking diksha and chanting 8 lettered Durga mantra Om hreem Durgaayei Namah 8 lac times, a person goes to Shivloka after death.

19. By chanting 8 lettered surya maha mantra Om Hreem Ghrunihi Surya Adityaha 8 lac times, a sadhak can get rid of the most powerful death and also attain moksha and go to vaikunth.

20. The man who does nirjala upavaas on 12 ekadashi with the sankalp of getting moksha and donates cow, clothes and gold to a brahmin gets moksha and goes to vaikuntha.

21. The man who does chandrayan for 1 year goes to chandra loka. The man who does chandrayan for 5 years and feeds 101 brahmins and donates a cow goes to shivloka.
 The chandrayan vrat is same as the  vrats Jains do during Paryushan.

22. The man who fasts for 7 nights and donates a large pot full of cow ghee goes to Brahma Loka.

23.  The sadhak who does nir-anna upavas on saptami tithi for 1 year and donates a gold lotus, gold, pot full of ghee and cows goes to Surya loka.

24. Similarly, the man who fasts on chaturdashi for 1 year and does everything as mentioned above, goes to Rudra Loka after death. Otherwise, the person who donates gold made elephant goes to Shivloka with the grace of Ganesha.

25. The man who fasts for 4 seasons starting from rainy season and donates cow ghee to brahmins for yagya or homa purposes and at the end of the 4 seasons, donates pot full of ghee and a kamadhenu goes becomes one with parabrahma i.e. gets moksha and his soul merges with soul of Lord Sadashiv.

26. The man who fasts on ekadashi for 1 year and donatesa sudarshan chakra at the end of the year goes to vaikuntha and lives there for 1 kalpa after which he is born as a king on earth.

27. One of my favourites vrats is Lakshmi Vrat. In this vrat, the sadhak has to eat only kheer[rice porridge] for the whole year and the end of the year , he must do kumari pujan, brahman bhojan and donate 2 cows to him goes to vaikunth.

28. The sadhak who does nirahar vrat for 1 paksha and donates 2 kapila cows goes to Brahmaloka and goes to Brahma loka  and lives there for 1 kalpa  and is worshipped by god and asuras.

29. On a festive day, the couple who make a globe made of atleast 3 carats but not less than that and establishes it on a mount of black sesame, and feeds brahmin family for 3 days and offers 10,000 ahutis using panchakshar shiv mantra or ashtakshar narayan mantra. On the 4th day, offer the gold made globe along with the til,  garland of flowers, clothes, ornaments and do puja of the Brahmin dev and wife. By doing so, one becomes one with Para Brahma in  very few days.

30. The man who remains on just raw milk for 1 year and donates a 2 faced gold cow to  a brahmin meets para Brahma.

31. The man who makes a gold kalpa vriksha of atleast 1 carats, keeps it on a mount of rice, fasts for 3 days and drinks just raw milk; and , at the end of the fast donates it to a brahmin couple becomes on with para brahma.

32. The man who stays without food for 2 paksha and donates a beautiful cow goes to vaikunth.

33. The man who fasts for 1 year drinking just raw milk and donated gold made globe from atleast 20 paal(gold sheets)  goes to Rudra Loka.

34. The man who gives up on beautiful clothes and beautiful and aromatic objects and wears plain clothes and the end of chaitra month, donates white clothes and beautiful aromatic objects to a brahmin goes to Varun loka. Lord Varun is also called as Jhulelaal by sindhis.

35. The man who gives up on flowers and salt and eats havishya anna for 1 month and donates a cow goes to vaikuntha. He lives in Vaikuntha for 1 kalpa and is born as a king on earth afterwards.

From this, it can be understood that vrat and upavas have 1000 times more power than puja and mantra japa. Hence, every person must keep on doing upavas.

Jay Shri Rama

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Kamdhenu Mantra to fulfill all wishes

Kamdhenu is the supreme cow in which all the gods reside. It is said that in various parts of the Kamadhenu, all the 33 crore gods reside. The goddess Kamadhenu is also called as Surabhi.
Today, I will share a very rare  and very powerful mantra which is like Kalpavriksha for us.
There is no wish that cannot be fulfilled using this mantra.

Procedure -
1. Start this prayog from any auspicious day like purnima, Friday, Diwali, Navratri,etc.
2. Wake up early in the morning, have a bath and then sit facing east in your puja place on a red velvet aasan wearing white clothes.
3. Keep a chowki in front of you and spread a white cloth on it.
4. Keep a copper plate on it and keep a silver Kamadhenu cow on it.
5. Light a pure ghee diya and few incense sticks.
6. Do achaman, pranayam, aasan shuddhi, deh shuddhi, sthaan shuddhi, bhoot shuddhi,etc.
7. Worship your guru, Ganesh, Shiv, Durga, Narayan, Surya and finally goddess Surabhi.
8. Do her panchopchar puja.
9. Take a sankalp for your desired wishes.
10. Chant 51 malas of this mantra for 25 days using sphatik or rudraksh mala. This mantra does not need havan,tarpan,marjan,etc. However, brahman bhojan must be done.

Mantra - || ॐ सुरभ्यै नमः ||
|| Om surabhyai namaha ||

The mantra looks simple but has lot of power. One can try and see for themselves to understand the immense benefits of this mantra.
Whether it is health, wealth, business success, intelligence, getting success in love, peace, prosperity, material happiness, good wife, good son,graha peeda shanti, getting siddhis, getting beauty,etc. all such wishes can be fulfilled by this mantra.
The mantra is like a kalpavriksha. Whatever you want will happen.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Rules of planting Tulsi in your house

Tulsi is a very popular plant in Hinduism/Sanatana Dharma and usually kept in every house.\
There are 3-4 varieties of Tulsi out of which 2 Tulsi namely Vana Tulsi and Shyama tulsi are more significant.
Tulsi had a human form of Vrundaa and was the wife of Jalandhar. Jalandhar was the incarnation of Lord Shiva who became an asura. He had the boon that nobody would be able to kill him till his wife Vrundaa remains chaste.
Goddess Vrundaa was very pious and chaste. As a result, nobody could defeat or kill Jalandhar and he was creating havoc and menace everywhere. He also had the boon that nobody except lord Shiva could kill him.
In order to defeat him, Lord Shiva entered into a fight with Jalandhar and  Lord Vishnu went to Vrundaa disguised as Jalandhar. Upon seeing him, Goddess Vrundaa quickly hugged him and thus broke her chastity. As Jalandhar's wife's chastity was broken, Lord Shiva was easily able to kill Jalandhar.
When, Goddess Vrundaa reaised that it was Lord Vishnu  disguised as Jalandhar, Vrundaa cursed him to be a stone(Shalagram) and she herself immolated herself into the sacrificial fire. He also cursed Lord Vishnu that the way she has jumped in to the fire as a sati, similarly her wife Lakshmi will have to enter the fire.
Lord Vishnu using his powers grew her back in to the form of a plant and blessed her that she would be an integral part of all puja archana.

Tulsi is a pratyaksh goddess. When we worship Tulsi or do her puja, it is same as puja of  some other goddess herself sitting right in front of you.

However, there a few rules and facts regarding Tulsi upasana/sthaapna which need to be followed.

1.  If your naivedya doesn't contain tulsi leaves, it will never be accepted by gods.
2. The flowers of the tulsi are considered equal to parijaat, champa and lotus flowers in greatness.
3. Never offer Tulsi leaves or flowers to Tripur Sundari/Lalita/Shodashi/Bala/Nityas and to Lord Ganesh and Lord Shiva.
By offering it to the Shrividya goddesses, she becomes extremely angry on the sadhak.
Offering to Ganesha is forbidden because it is said that tulsi is cursed by Lord Ganesh.
Offering to Lord Shiva is forbidden because except bel patra, anything offered to Lord Shiva is nirmaalya i.e. it has be thrown away. On the other hand, tulsi leaves need to be reused again and again till it is not eaten or till it doesn't rot away. Throwing Tulsi otherwise is a very very great sin.

4. Tulsi leaves must always be kept in some vessel. Never keep them on  the ground. A person gets the sin of Brahma hatya if tulsi leaf is kept on the ground.

5. Whatever is achieved by donating the 7 continents, crore times the benefit  is achieved by donating just one leaf of Tulsi.
6. By doing darshan of tulsi on a saturday, one get rids of all kinds of Gau Hatya, Brahma Hatya, Maatru Hatya, Pitru Hatya, Baal Hatya, Bhrun Hatya. What is achieved by doing one crore gau daan is achieved by sitting on an aasan on saturday and doing darshan of Tulsi.

7. By doing Tulsi puja and chanting her stotras and mantras, it brings the uddhar and kalyaan of your whole family, whether alive or dead and gives moksha to pitrus.
8. By speaking your problems and praying in the ears i.e. near her branches, goddess Tulsi will remove you from your problems very soon.
9. By doing its darshan one gets rid of multiple sins, by touching it one becomes pure, by doing namaskar one gets freedom from diseases, by chanting Ram/Krishna/Narayan mantras near her one gets freedom from death, by eating tulsi leaves one gets wisdom, by doing tarpan using perfumed water/rose water one gets freedom from bad and sinful mindset and becomes a great vedachari or vaishnav.

10. Never break tulsi leaves unnecessarily.
11. Whenever you see tulsi, do its pradakshina at least 1 time. If you end up seeing tulsi 10 times a day, you must do pradakshina 10 times a day.
The person who does 100 pradakshina get success in all his endeavours. One who does 500 pradakshina gets lots of wealth and material benefits.
One who does 1 lac pradakshina gets all kinds of siddhis.

12. Touching or breaking Tulsi leaves  on Dwadashi is forbidden.
13. Watering/Touching/planting a new tulsi is forbidden on sankranti, sunday, saptami or any festive day. Breaking tulsi leaves on these days is like making holes on Lord Vishnu's head. The person who does so gets the sin of Vishnu hatya.

14. The puja that is done without tulsi is considered as aasuri puja i.e. demonic

15. To get rid of sins, one must touch the tulsi dal. If that is not possible, one must touch the leaves. If one cannot touch leaves, one must touch the branch. If not that, one must touch the root. If not even root, then one must tuch the soil in which tulsi is planted. If one cannot do even that, one must  keep on chanting the word "Tulsi". Doing any of these will destroy all your sins with the grace of Narayan and goddess Vrundaa.

16. In the root of Tulsi resides all the trillions of tirths. In the middle part resides all the billions of devtas. At the top part of the plant resides all the vedas. In the roots resides Lord Narayan. In the shadow resides Maa Lakshmi.

17. During  Tuesday, Friday, Grahan Kaal, Krishna Paksha, Afternoon time, Night time don't break Tulsi leaves. The person who does so gets adho gati i.e. durgati or misery. However, doing puja during these times is allowed.

18.The person who does jagran on dwadashi and eats tulsi leaves gets freedom from the 33 crimes one may have committed in Vaishanav upasana.

19. The amount of punya achieved by planting a 1000 mango trees or a 100 pipal trees is achieved by planting by just 1 tulsi.

20. The person who remembers Tulsi along with Sita, Ram, Hanuman, Lakshman, Bharat, Shatrughna  when in a fight gets victory over his enemies without any doubt.

21. By eating the tulsi dal one may have offered to Vishnu in puja, one gets the virtue of a 100 chandrayan vrat.

22. By using the branch of Tulsi as wick and ghee as the fuel and offering this diya to Narayan/Ram/Krishna, it is equal to offering lacs of diyas to gods.

23. Even if a single drop of tulsi mixed water enters the mouth of a dying person, he will surely reach vaikunth after death. If someone manages to make the dying person drinks 1-2 cups, even better.

24. The house where there is Tulsi is not 1% less than Vrundavan itself. Such a house is nothing less  than Vaikunth. Lord Narayan along with Lakshmi forever reside in the house where there is Tulsi.

25. Every alternate day, the vaishnav must offer gangajal to tulsi roots, doing this will bring immense growth in Tusl and increase its divinity.

26. By regularly eating tulsi leaves for 6 months, one can get rid of even leprosy. Let alone other diseases.

These were a few rules regarding Tulsi which everyone must follow.
Tulsi plant is a must for everyone in kali yuga.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Hidimba Mantra to get success in life

A ver rare and special mantra prayog is shared today by Romin Bajracharya chanting which a person will get victory in all his tasks and will be able to remove all his enemies.
By Romin.
                       Today I Want To Share With You A Very Rare
Sadhana Dedicated To Hidimba Devi Of Mahabahrat Kaal.As We All Know
That She Was Wife Of MAHABALI Bhima And So She Is Also Considered As A
Devi.In Himachal Pradesh,She Is More Popularly Known As "PHOOL
DEVI".She Is Also Known By The Name "Bhutandevi".
                       So,It Is Said That In Himachal Pradesh,She Is
Widely Worshipped And Her Sadhanas Are Done By Devotees And Many
People There Just Like We Worship Other Deities Like Goddess
Jagdamba,Shiva And Vishnu.HIDIMBA SADHANA Is Therefore Considered As
An Important Sadhana Of Life.
                       Just Like Kumbhakarna,Though She Is A
Rakshasni,She Is Said To Be Good And Benevolent And Provides Success
And Protection To The Devotees.
                       So,Here I Am Providing A Rare As Well As
Extremely Powerful Sadhana Of Hidimba Devi Which If Completed
Successfully And With Full Faith,Devotion And Concentration Surely
Surely Bestows 4 Benefits Which Are Equal To 4 BOONS.

                  The Four Benefits Are:-

1)One Gets Complete Victory Over Enemies.
        (शत्रु पर पुरी बिजय् प्राप्त होती है)

2)One Gets Freedom And Riddance From Fear Of Untimely Death.
      (अकाल मृत्‍यु का भय समाप्त होता है )

3)One Gets Victory Anyhow In Court Cases And Legal Matters.
      (मुकद्मे मे सफलता प्राप्त होती है)

4)One Gets Or One Becomes Victorious Anywhere,Everywhere And In Every
Aspects Of Life And Also One Gets Peace,Prosperity,Happiness,Full
Protection And All Round Success In Life.
    (जीवन मे सर्वत्र बिजय् और चतुर्दिक सफलता प्राप्त होती है)

                                         अत्यन्त दुर्लभ हिडिम्बा साधना


1)One Can Start This Sadhana From A Shukla Paksha Tuesday Or Any
Auspicious Day Like Saraswati Puja,Hanuman Jayanti,Ram Nawami,Ganesh
Chaturthi,Krishna Janmashthami,Mahashivaratri,ETC And So On.
2)First Of All,Sadhak Should Get Up And Have A Bath And Wear Fresh And
Clean Clothes(ANY COLOUR Cloth Can Be Used).
3)He/She Should Then Sit On A Kush Aasan Facing East Direction.
4)Sadhak Should Light An Oil Diya(Either Mustard Or Sesame) And At
First Sadhak Should Worship Guru,Ganesh,Saraswati,Shiva,Bheema And
Finally Hidimba Devi IN THIS ORDER And Then He/She Should Do
Panchopachar Puja Of Devi Hidimba.
5)The Photo Of Hidimba Devi Should Be Framed(COMPULSORY).
6)One Can Offer Bhog Of Any Kind Of Sweets And Should Light Incense
Sticks Which Gives Good Fragrance More Preferably Of Rose,Jasmine Or
7)Then He /She Should Take A Sankalp For Desired Wishes.
8)After That,Sadhak Should Chant This Mantra Continuously For 15
Minutes In ONE SITTING.Mantra Jaap Should Be Done With Hidimba Mala Or
Rudraksh Mala And Then Only He Should Go Out Of The Home.This Is Not A
Tough Sadhana(BELIEVE ME) And Also At Night Before Going To
Sleep,Sadhak Should Chant This Mantra 11 Times.

                                    मन्त्र:- || ॐ ह्लीम् हिडिम्बाये नम: ||

9)Anyone Can Do This Sadhana Easily Without Much Trouble.
10)This Sadhana Should Be Done Continuously For 1.25 Months(Which Is
Actually 41 Days)

NOTE:-During The Sadhana Says And Even After Completion Of Sadhana
Too,This Mantra Should Be Chanted Before Going To Sleep.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ganapati Beej Mantra Sadhana to fulfill all desires

Ganesh is the most dear and loved god of Hindus in general. He is one of the 5 main gods viz. Vishnu, Shiv, Durga, Surya and Ganesh.
Their puja is mandatory before any god's worship.
Other than them, if you are doing a yagya or homa or tarpan, then even Lord Brahma is invoked.

Today, I am going to share a very easy to perform sadhana dedicated to Lord Ganesh. The mantra is also called as Ek akshar ganapati Mantra. By chanting this mantra, there is nothing in all the 3 worlds that may be impossible to get.
By chanting this mantra, difficulties, obstacles and sins will run away from your life the way all the snakes run away at the sight of Garuda.

Whatever you desire, you will get. This includes health, wealth, intelligence, knowledge, freedom from diseases, aakarshan,maaran,mohan,stambhan,ucchatan, vashikaran and absolutely anything else.

This mantra doesnt require diksha.
Method -
1. Start this mantra sadhana from a Shukla paksha tuesday or a chaturthi.
2. Wake up in Brahma Muhurat, have bath and go to the room where you may be doing this sadhana.
3. Sit facing east on red velvet aasan wearing red clothes.
4.Keep a chowki in front of you and keep a red cloth on it.
5. Keep a 4 handed parad ganesh on it and keep the ek akshar ganesh mantra yantra in front of the idol.
6. Light a pure ghee diya or sesame oil iya in front of him.
7.Worship your guru and chant atleast 4 malas of guru mantra.
8. Then, worship Lord Narayan, Lakshmi Maa, Shiv, Parvati and Lord Ganesh.
9. Offer deep, dhoop, ashtgandh, hibiscus flowers, and naivedya of modak.
10. Recite ek akshar Ganapati kavach once and Take a sankalp for your desired wishes.
11. Using a Laal moonga mala( Red Coral Rosary), chant 101 malas of this mantra daily for 41 days to get siddhi over this mantra and fulfill your desired wish.
After that, one must do dashansh homa,tarpan,marjan, daan and brahman bhojan.

Rules like Bhumi shayya, eating satvik, non salty, non spicy, non-fried foods, maintaining strict brahmacharya must be followed.
One must eat only one time a day and only after offering it to lord ganesha first.
One must regularly feed cows, take blessings of his guru, do seva in temples, donate some alms every day to the poor. Doing this will give success in mantra sadhana more quickly.
The sadhak must perform shodashopchar puja every tuesday that comes within the 41 days.
The sadhak must very obviously avoid non-veg, alchohol, sex, company of evils,etc.
This mantra is like kalpavriksha. Whatever you ask for, you will get.

Viniyog - ||  ॐ अस्य श्री एक अक्षर गणपति मन्त्रस्य, गणक ऋषिः , निवृत्ति छन्दः , गणेशो देवता , मम अभिष्ट सिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ||

Rushyadi Nyasa -
|| ॐ गणकऋषये  नमः शिरसि || - Touch sahasrahaar Chakra
|| ॐ निवृच्छन्दसे नमः मुखे || -Touch your mouth
|| ॐ गणेशाय देवतायै नमः हृदये || Touch your heart

Kar Nyasa and shad ang nyasa -
Perform Kar Nyaas and Shad Ang Nyaas using the mantras गां, गीं, गूं, गैं, गौं, गः
To know how to  perform viniyog, ang nyaas and kar nyaas refer to this post -
Viniyog, Ang Nyasa and Kar nyasa procedure

Dhyaan - || सिन्दूराभं त्रिनेत्रं पृथुतरजठरं हस्त्पद्मैर्दधानं
दन्तं पाशान्कुषेष्टान्युरुक रविलसद्बीज पुराभिरामं
बालेन्दुद्योतिमौलिं करिपतिवदनं दान्पुरार्द्र्गण्डं
भोगिन्द्राबद्धभूषं भजत गणपति रक्तवस्त्राङ्गरागं ||
Meaning - Lord Ganesh has complexion like that of Sindur. He has 3 eyes and a large stomach. His 4 hand are holding Daant, paash, ankush, and var mudra. His head has baby moon and his face is like that of an elephant. His ears have become sweaty due to multiple ornaments. He is wearing snakes as his yagyopavit and is wearing red clothes. I salute to such a Ganapati.

Mantra -|| गं ||

Note - Tomorrow i.e. 16th July 2017 is an extremely rare and extremely auspicious day. On this day, there is a sunday, a saptami tithi, sankranti and sarvaarth siddhi yoga.
The presence of Bhanu saptami, Sankranti and Sarvaarth siddhi yoga on one single day is a very very rare event and a sadhana/mantra prayog started on this day will give success no matter how tough the sadhana may be.
This day is especially significant for Surya,Shiv, Narayan, Shri Ram, Hanuman, Durga and Lakshmi upasana.

Then, on wednesday and Thursday, there is ekadashi tithi full time on both the days. Normally, ekadashi tithi stays for one day, but on this ekadashi, it is going to last for 2 full days and night.

Hopefully, the readers would use these highly auspicious events very wisely and start their desired sadhanas/prayogs.

Puranic remedies for diseases

The Ayurveda is a veda which was created by Lord Prajapati after thorough understanding of the 4 vedas - Rik, Yaju, Saam and Atharva. By referring to these vedas, Lord Prajapati created the 3rd veda Ayurveda.
This Ayurveda was first given to Lord Surya. Lord Surya later shared it with many many disciples.

In Sanatana Dharma, there are 16 great vaidya(doctors). viz. Dhanvantari, Kashiraaj(Shiv), Divodaas, the 2 ashwini kumars, nakul, Sahdev, Yamraj, Chyavan, Janak, Son of Chandra - Lord Budha, Jabal, Jajali, Pail, Karath and Brahma Rishi Agastya.
They also created their own tantras on medicines and treatment of diseases.
Lord Yamraj created Gyananarva tantra, Budh created SarvaSaar tantra and Brahmarishi Agastya created Dvaidha-nirnaya.

Ayurveda has cures for even the most incurable diseases.
Today, I will share the remedies that are suggested by gods for controlling diseases and staying healthy.

The mordern Ayurveda says that any kind of diseases are caused due to vatta, pitta and kapha imbalance. ccording to ancient ayurveda there is another dosh called as tridoshaja.

The  normal jaundice i.e. Initial hepatitis, the severe jaundice Leprosy,  Gastroenteritis, Spleen, Angina, Viral fever, Diarrhoea, Cough,  Ulcer, Chicken pox,Cirrhosis of Liver, Stangury, Loss of blood, impurity of blood, diseases caused due to impurity or lack of blood, Tumor, Toxin consumption, Kubj( Spinal cord related condition which makes a person crooked), Breast and esophagus diseases, Hallucinations, Typhus, Cholera, Depression - there are the greatest diseases according to sanatana Dharma.

I will now share the remedies which one must perform  for a healthy body life -

1. The person who washes eyes with water, who performs vyayam, who applies oil on his feet, one who puts oil in his ears & the one who applies oil on his head always remains disease free.

2. Vasant Ritu(Spring season) - According to ur religion, in vasant ritu,the person who does regular walks, absorbs heat in little quantities and the person who has physical relations with his new wife doesnt face jara avastha i.e. problem of diseases.
3. Grishma Ritu(Summer) - In Grishma ritu, the person who baths with water of well, applies chandan on his body and dos ample amounts of pranayam never faces diseases.

4. Varsha Ritu(Monsoon Season) - The person who bathes with hot water, one who doesnt drink rain water, one who eats only as much as his hunger - such a person's body stays young even if he may 70-80 years old by age.

5. Sharad Ritu(Autumn season) - The person who avoids intense sunlight and stops going anywhere when there is intense sunlight never suffers from the effects of old age. Other than this, whatever is specified for Monsoon above must also be followed in this season.

6. Hemant ritu( Fall Season) and Shishir Ritu( Winter ) - The person who baths early in the morning in these 2 seasons, one who eats hot and freshly cooked warm food don't suffer from the pain of diseases.

7. The person who eats fresh and warm food, one who eats kheer, jaggery and ghee daily doesn't get affected by the effects of old age.

8. The one who eats meat, has sex with an old lady, one who eats 5 days old curd always suffers from multiple kinds of diseases.
9. One who eats food only when hungry, drinks water only when thirsty and the person who eats tambul(betel leaf and supari) every day doesn't get affected by the effects of old age.

10. One who eats curd at night,one who has sex with a menstruating girl/widow/prostitute/widow/old aged  get affected by numerous diseases before others.
11. One who has sex with a menstruating girl/widow/prostitute/widow/old aged or the person who eats food cooked by them is considered as maha paapi.

12. Bathing immediately after having food, drinking water even if not thirsty, applying sesame oil on body, Having food that is cooked in rancid oil, drinking rancid amla juice, eating stale food, drinking butter milk, eating lot of bananas, eating curd, drinking rain water/ sugary water, drinking coconut water,Bathing without applying oil first,  eating watermelon, eating over-riped cucumbers, bathing with well water in rainy season, eating radish in rainy season - all these cause a rise in kapha. The more you do these activities, the more your kapha will rise and go to sahasra chakra. Once it reaches sahasra chakra, it causes great destruction of semen.

Sins and diseases are considered as the best of friends. The both go together everywhere.Sins  give rise to diseases, old agedness and obstacles in life.
It is only sins which bring daridrataa, sadness, sorrow, and immense depression in life.
That is why, the yogis and the rishis always stay away from sins. Because sins gives rise to supreme animosity, doshas and misfortunes.

In Sanatana Dharma, one's guru and isht devta are considered supreme than all devtas. Nothing can ever happen to the person who worships his isht devta or guru faithfully. Even if such a person is the enemy of all other gods.
Though, it is very obvious to understand that this rule doesn't apply if you are an adharmi.

The person who eats fruits of a bel tree or a palm tree and immediately drinks water after it, goes to to the  upper lokas very very soon.

As there are 1000s of diseases, i cannot share a remedy for each disease. However, I am sharing a few remedies which are suggested by our puranas.

For shanti of pitta -
1. Mix cold water, sugar and powdered coriander seeds  and drink it to balance pitta.
2. Grams, Panchgavya, curd, Moong daal - all these pacify our pitta and give instant strength and nourishment.
3. To remove kapha - do lots of exercises and make yourself sweat a lot, eat raw bananas, do fasts, eat honey.
4. To remove vaat - Don't fight/have sex/run/walk/absorb heat/talk rudely/fear something/worry about something; instantly after having your food. To pacify vaat,  eat ripe bananas, drink cold water, have bath with warm water.

One thing to keep in mind that everything is the root of our sins. if you do sins, you will inevitably suffer from diseases.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Mantra to get sudden money

Today, I will share a rare mantra chanting which a person can sudden wealth or money from unknown sources.
The mantra is so powerful that just remembrance of the mantra itself gives sudden wealth.

Those who run a business can also chant this mantra to start getting more and windfall profits in business.

Prayog -
1. Perform this prayog on a shukla paksha Friday morning.
2. Sit facing North East or East on a kush aasan.
3. Keep a parad shivling in front of you.
4. Light a sesame oil diya and a few incense sticks in front of you.
5. Worship your guru, Lord Ganesh,  Lakshmi, Narayan, Surya, Parvati and Shiva.
6. Take a sankalp that you are performing this mantra japa to get sudden money.
7. Use a rudraksh mala and chant 5 mala of this mantra daily for 5 days.

You will surely have windfall gains or you will get a lot of unexpected money.

Mantra - 
||  ॐ वाराणस्यां उत्तरे तु सुमन्तो नाम वै द्विजः 
तस्य स्मरण  मात्रेण निर्धनो धनवान भवेत् ||

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Shri Ramcharitmanas Mantra to get success in exams

Shri Ramcharitmanas is a pali language version of the book Adhyatma Ramayana. The numerous verses of Ramcharitmanas can be chanted separately. Each of the shlokas of Ramcharitmanas are mantras in itself and chanting them shows very powerful and quick results.
There is a very powerful and popular mantra in Ramcharitmanas chanting which a person can extremely intelligent. The mantra is very powerful and it specially beneficial for students.
Today, a mantra prayog regarding the same mantra is shared here by Chetanya Mundachali.

By Chetanya,
I'm now sharing with  you a rare Ram mantra for topping in exams.I have been chanting this mantra for the past 2 years and it is a tried and tested mantra.Suppose a student has a difficulty in 2 out of 6 subjects,then this Ram mantra if chanted daily will help the student understand all the 6 subjects at one stretch.It is that effective.It is helpful for all students who are studying
How to top in exams ? (Mantra for Getting Top Rank in Exam)
This is a divine mantra of Lord Ram; it has been taken from the Ramcharitmanas. It has to be recited 108 times in a day or at least 21 times. This mantra is blessing of god and really working, chant this mantra and feel the effects.
Question comes in every student's and the competitor's mind that "What can we do for getting top marks in the Exam and what the strategy applying to top rank in exam". Students are creating many strategies and rules to get top rank but they aren't getting success.
But we are forget the most important thing that depend on the mental power. It is the spirituality.The spirituality, It is the most powerful element in our life and it connects all world by directly or indirectly.One must spiritually believe in Lord Ram while chanting this mantra for best results

So, believe in the power of god and concentrate on your goal. Use this mantra to get top rank in any kind of exam. As per my knowledge this is the real power and blessing of god. The mantra is follows.

Guru Griha Gaye Padhan  Raghurayi ।
Alp  Kaal  Vidhya  sab  payi ॥

 गुरु   गृह  गए  पढ़न  रघुराई ।
अल्प काल विद्या सब  आई ॥

Method: - The continuous chanting of mantras is essential and you must be chanting this mantra at least 20 times before studying. Do attention of Lord Ram while chanting this mantra to effective soon. The brain will becomes powerful by this mantra and rapidly increases power of memory.

Durga Mantra to remove all problems and sadness from life

Durga is combined form of the 3 goddesses - Saraswati, Mahalakshmi and Parvati.
She had killed the mahishasur after 9 days of intense fighting. As chamunda she had killed the demons Chanda and Munda.

Today, I will share a very popular mantra chanting which a sadhak will get rid of all kinds of sadness, worries, anxieties and apprehensions one may have.

When times become tough and the sadhak cannot understand what to do, when someone is suddenly caught by a fearful diseases, when the enemies are becoming so strong that you life comes in question, when poverty is coming to grasp you and your family and when days become so bad that you even start having suicidal thoughts, at such moments, by chanting this mantra, you will get rid of all kinds of negativity, all kinds of sadness, all kinds of diseases and all your negative apprehensions will turn false and you will  see positive events happening in life.

The mantra is tried and tested. And there is no meaning of doubting this mantra. No success is gained if someone doubts this mantra.
The mantra must be chanted early in the morning in front of a chamunda yantra or durga yantra.
The mantra must be chanted using a red hakik or a red chandan mala only.
At Least 5 malas must be chanted daily if someone wants to see quick results. Those who lack of time must chant at least 1 mala daily.
One can chant this mantra as long as they want.

Mantra -

|| सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
Sarva Mangala Maangalye Shive Sarvaartha saadhike |
Sharanye Traiyambake Gauri Narayani Namostu te ||

Who is the Auspiciousness in All the Auspicious, Auspiciousness Herself, Complete with All the Auspicious Attributes, and Who fulfills All the desires of here devotees,
Who gives refuge to those in trouble, With Three Eyes and a Shining Face; Salutations to our mother Narayani.

Lakshmi Mantra Prayog for abundance

Today, a very rare and powerful lakshmi mantra prayog is shared by Romin Bajracharya. By performing this mantra prayog, the sadhak will be able to remove all the negativity and lackness from life and become wealthy and prosperous.

By Romin,
Today I Want To Share With You An Extremely Rare
Sadhana Dedicated To Goddess Laxmi And Composed By Baba Avdhoot
Krityanand.In The Avdhoot Class Of Sadhanas,Baba Krityanand Is Said To
Be World Famous And Unparalleled.He Once Revealed A Very Very
Important Sadhana Of Mata Laxmi Which Is Going To Be Described By Me
In Detail.
As We All Know That Wealth Is The Fuel Of
Life.We Cannot Imagine Our Life Without Wealth.Through Wealth And
Money,90% Of One's Problems Get Solved Automatically.So,Everyone In
This World Should Dream Of Getting Wealthy.It Is Not A Wrong Wish At
Wealth Does Not Mean Only Money But Also
House,Food,Land,Car,Name,Fame And All Comforts. If The Goddess Of
Lakshmi Is Appeased Through Powerful Rituals,She Is Compelled To Grace
The House Of The Sadhak And Bless Him With All Comforts In Life.
So,Presented Here Is A Very Very Powerful,Amazing And
Divine Sadhana Of Goddess Laxmi Through Which One Can Become
Exceptionally Rich And Excel Others In The Matter Of Wealth.
The Procedure Is Also Extremely Extremely Simple
And Can Be Done By Anyone Without Trouble Or Tension.

The Procedure Is As Follows:-

"Laxmi Sadhana Of Baba Avdhoot Krityanand"

1)Sadhak Can Start This Sadhana From Any Night But A Good Time To
Start This Sadhana Is Shukla Paksha Wednesday Night.
2)If One Is Able And Free To Do This Sadhana On The Most Auspicious
Occassion Of Laxmi Puja During Deepawali,Then Its Like Getting A
Divine BOON From Mata Laxmi HERSELF.
3)First Of All,Sadhak Should Have A Bath At Night After 10 PM And Wear
Fresh White Clothes Or Yellow Clothes.
4)After That,He/She Should Worship One's Guru,Lord Ganesha,Lord Vishnu
5)After That,One Can Offer Marigold Flowers And A Bhog Of Some Kind Of
Sweets To MATA.If One Wishes,Then One Can Also Spray Attar(Perfume)To
Create Sweet Fragrant In The Whole Room.
6)Then After The Completion Of This Step,Sadhak Should Take A Sankalp
For Desired Wishes Or Lets Say For Becoming Extremely Extremely Rich
Or To Become A Successful Businessman,Or To Become A Millioniare Or A
Billioniare,ETC And So On.
7)Then,Sadhak Should Take A Kaam Roopini Or A Kam-Roopini Gutika In
8)In The Same Palm,He/She Should Take A Clay Lamp Filled With Oil And Light It.
9)He/She Should Then Concentrate Eyes On The Flame And Thus Chant 11
Rounds Of This DIVINE Mantra.

Mantra:- || Om Shram Siddheshwaraay Lam Mahaalakshmi Vam
Vashyamaanay Phat ||

मन्त्र:- || ॐ श्रं सिद्धेश्वराय् लं महालक्ष्मी वं  वश्यमानय फट् ||

10)11 Rounds Takes Nearly 2 HOURS And After The Mantra Chanting Is
Over,One Should Place The Kaam Roopini In A Safe Place At Home.One Can
Keep It In Money Locker,In A Puja Room Or At Any And Every KIND Of
Safe Place At HOME.One Shall Be Left Totally Amazed By The Effect Of
This Sadhana In A Few Days.Every Sadhak Should Surely Try This
Wonderful Sadhana Once In Life.If A Sadhak/Sadhika Gives His/Her 2
Hours To Mata Laxmi By Doing This Sadhana,Then She(MATA LAXMI) Will
Give Them Anything And Everything They Want In Their Life.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Time taken by grahas to show their effects

Navagrahas are the controllers of everything that occurs in our life. Every graha has its own transit time depending upon the house it is placed.

Every graha has its own transit time. For example, rahu stays for 1.5 years in one house and then moves retrograde to the previous house.
Jupiter stays in one house for 13 months and then moves to the next house.
The result of this transit may be good or bad depending upon the house it is placed. However, they don't show their good/bad effects all the time.

Today, I will share some very rare information regarding the fruition of the effects of the grahas and how much time does each graha take to show its  good/bad effects.
The time periods shared by me here are considered not only for the transit effects but also for the mantra effects.
i.e. the time taken by the respective graha to show its good effects in case you chant that graha's shanti mantras.

Sun - 15 days
Sun's transit in any house lasts for 28-31 days and then it changes its sign.The effects of the transit of Sun in a house is experienced in the middle part of the transit. Similarly, if you have done mantra japa of surya mantras to pacify his malefic effects then it will take 15 days to see the results of the mantra.

Moon- 1 month
Moon takes 1 month to show the effects of its transit. However, moon takes just 2.5 days to transit through one house. From this, it has to be understood that the effects of the moon transit would be experienced 1 month after the time of transit.
Similarly, if you are chanting chandra mantras to pacify its malefic effects, it will take 1 month to see the effects of the mantra japa.

Mars - 5 days,1 month to 6 months
The effects of the transit of mangal graha are experienced within 5 days, 1 month or 6 months depending upon the nakshatra that it is passing through at that time. The mantra japa done for mangal shanti would usually start showing effects from the 4th or 5th day. after which, the effects of Mangal will start increasing gradually and its full effects will be experienced at the end of 2.5 years or its retrograde period, whichever is earlier.

Budh - All the time
The effects of budh transit are experienced all the time day in and day out. The most prominent effects are seen during the last days of the transit or at its combustion whichever is earlier.
Budh graha always stays near Surya, hence, it keeps on getting combusted every month for a few days.

Brihaspati, Shani, Solar eclipse - 1 year
Brihaspati and  Shani transit effects are experienced at the end of 1 year i.e. 12 months. This also applies to the mantra japa done for brihaspati/shani shanti. The effects of the damage done by solar eclipse are experienced at the end of 1 year from the day of eclipse.

Shukra, Rahu - 6 months
They show 6 months to show the effects of their good/bad transits.
However, it has been seen in case of Rahu that his effects are very malefic at the beginning and end of the transit. The middle period is usually tension free and peaceful.
 both the grahas take 6 months to show the effects of the mantra shanti done on their behalf.

Ketu - 1 day to 3 months
However, it has been seen that Ketu shows its effects from the first minute of its transit itself and shows the full malefic/benefic results till next 3 months. This rule only applies for those who are not much devotional. A faithful person, religious person and a person who follows dharma properly doesn't gets affected by graha badha.
Ketu is a very underestimated graha because not much is known abut him. He is the karak of the difficulties and sorrows the world faces at large.
When a particular country or state gets affected by famine or war, it has to be understood to be effects of Ketu.
Ketu controls the 9 upgrahas such as dhumketu, mahaketu, yamaganda, gulikai,etc.
The dhumketu is popularly called as Halley's comet in english. Sanatana dharma says that the sighting of Dhumketu is highly inauspicious and dangerous for the world.

One thing to be added regarding mantra chanting is that, the time that I have shared regarding the fruition of effects of graha shanti mantra chants signify the time when the mantra will show full results.
If you are going to chant shani graha's mantra from today, the mantra will start showing its effects from tomorrow, but the complete and full effects will be experienced at the end of 1 year.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Vaak Ganapati Mantra Sadhana for extreme intelligence

Knowledge is the source of all happiness and peace of life. Some realise it very soon while some don't.
The source of all kinds of happiness, in this human life, is brought due to knowledge. When we become successful in our business, we feel happy because it our knowledge which has brought us where we wanted to be. If you didn't  have the knowledge of doing the business, you would have very surely failed in it.
Similarly, all the kinds of sadness that we face in life is caused by the amount of knowledge that we have. Even the sins that we do or the pious deeds that we do are the end result of what knowledge we have. If you have a bad or selfish mindset, you will only make more and more  sins. On the other hand, if you have the humble and loving mindset, you will one do more and more pious deeds.

Even the fears that we experience in life, are nothing but the result of our lack of knowledge. Many times we see how people fear something or the other.
Some worry about their children, some worry about the family peace, some worry about their career,etc.
The true reason for fear and their minds is not due to what's happening presently but what's going to happen in the future.
The lack of knowledge about what is going to happen in the future gives rise to lack of consciousness or awareness.
When our minds become dim or blind due to the lack of consciousness or awareness about what may happen in the future, fear occurs.

For example, if someone tells you that 2 weeks from today, something very big and life-changing event is going to happen with you. This may cause either fear, anxiety or it may make you happy and excited about it.
If you are a thief or a murderer, it may cause fear. If you are learned one, it may cause excitement about a great positive change in life.
It all depends on how you use your knowledge. Keep in mind, that good done onto anything or anyone is always repaid with good by the karma. But the bad acts are always repaid with bad acts only.

Lord Krishna also has said that the person who is gyaani never gets unclean by the splash of sins because the gyaani nevers involves himself in that which is bad, untrue and deceit.

A thief steals money and gold because he doesn't have the wisdom of the good and bad. It is only when the nectar of knowledge starts forming in his head and wisdom is imparted on a thief that he comes to the path of good.

Today, I will share an extremely rare mantra of Lord Ganapati. This mantra is called as  Vaak Ganapati Mantra.
The mantra is extremely extremely powerful and intense.
By performing this mantra sadhana, even a maha jad buddhi will become equal to Brihaspati in knowledge.

I do not know if this mantra requires diksha or not. If someone has a guru then he must request his guru to give him a diksha. If you don't have guru then you must request Lord Ganapti to give you diksha for this mantra. Normally, if lord Ganesh wishes, he gives diksha via dreams within 7-10 days.

Using this mantra, the sadhak will become equal to Brihaspati in intelligence, knowledge and wits.

Procedure -
1. Perform this  mantra sadhana on a Shukla paksha Tuesday or from shukla paksha chaturthi.
2. Get up in Brahma Muhurat, have your bath and perform your sandhya.
3. Go to your puja room and sit facing east on a white/yellow velvet or a kush aasan.
4. Keep a chowki in front of you and spread a white cloth on it.
5. Keep a copper plate on it and then keep a parad ganesh on it.
6. Then, sadhak must perform achaman, pranayam, aasan shuddhi, sthaan shuddhi, deh shuddhi, bhut shuddhi,etc.
7. After this, the sadhak must worship his guru, Ganesh, Shiv, Parvati, Vishnu, Lakshmi,  Surya and then worship Lord Ganesha again using panchopchar puja as follows-
१) Offer a pure ghee diya with the mantra -|| ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नमः दीपं  दर्शयामि ||
२) Offer naivedya of modak using the mantra - ||ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नमः नैवेद्यं निवेदयामि ||
3) Offer yellow flowers using the mantra - || ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नमः पुष्पं समर्पयामि ||
4) Offer ashtagandha using the mantra - ||ॐ श्रीगणेशाय नमः गन्धं  समर्पयामि ||
5) offer dhoop of guggal using the mantra - ||ॐ  श्रीगणेशाय नमः धूपं आघ्रापयामि ||

This was the basic panchopchar puja. Those who want to do shodashopachara puja can also do so . There are many books available in the market which explain how to do puja of ganesh as he is a very popular god.
Other than this, there is also ganesh mansik puja stotra which can be recited to do mental puja.
However, this stotra will only work for people who understand sanskrit. Because manas puja means to imagining that you are doing puja of god using various things. All this is explained in the maanas puja stotra and unless and until one doesn't understand the meaning of the stotra, the stotra remains fruitless for them.

8. Then sadhak must take sankalp for his desired wishes.
9. After that, recite ganapati Kavach.
10. Using a Rudraksh or white hakik mala, chant 61 mala of this mantra daily for 180 days.
Those who don't want to become so highly knowledgeable can also chant chant 11 mala for 11 days as a mantra prayog to get bring a normal growth in knowledge and intelligence.

By doing this sadhana, the sadhak will become equal to Lord Brihaspati is knowledge, intelligence, smartness and his fame will reach and every corner of this world.
By performing this sadhana, no matter how dull minded someone may be, he will become extremely extremely sharp with the grace of Lord Ganapati.

Viniyog - || ॐ  अस्य श्री वाग्गणपति मन्त्रस्य , ब्रह्मा ऋषिः , गायत्री छन्दः , विद्या गणपतिर्देवता , मम अभिष्ट सिद्धयर्थे जपे विनियोगः ||

Kar  Nyaas - 
| ॐ ऐं  अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः ।
| ॐ गं तर्जनीभ्यां नमः । 
|ॐ वाग्गनपतये नमः  मध्यमाभ्यां नमः । 
|ॐ ऐं  अनामिकाभ्यां नमः ।
|ॐ गं कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां नमः ।
| ॐ वाग्गणपतये नमः करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः । 

Ang Nyaas - 
|| ॐ ऐं हृदयाय नमः |
| ॐ गं शिरसे स्वाहा |
| ॐ वाग्गनपतये नमः शिखायै वषट् |
| ॐ ऐं कवचाय हुं |
| ॐ गं नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् |
| ॐ वाग्गणपतये नमः अस्त्राय फट् |
| ॐ भूर्भुवःसुवरोम् इति दिग्बन्दः ||

To know how to perform viniyog, Kar Nyaas and Ang Nyaas refer here -
Viniyog, Ang Nyasa and Kar nyasa procedure

Dhyaan -
 || द्वाभ्यां बिभ्राजमानं धृत कनक महा श्रुङ्खलाभ्यां भुजाभ्यां 
बीजापुरादि बिभ्रत्  दशभुज मरुणं नाग भूषं त्रिनेत्रं 
संध्या सिन्दुर वर्णं स्थनपर नमितं तुन्दिलं चन्द्रचूडं   
कण्ठादूर्ध्वं  करिन्द्र युवतिमया मधो नौमि विद्या गणेशं ||

Meaning- Let us meditate on vidya ganesh who has complexion like that of a molten gold and whose wearing multiple ornaments and gems on his  10 forearms and who is having a snake as yagyopavit, having 3 sindur coloured eyes and who has half chandra on his head and who is holding her young beloved by keeping his hands on her neck.

Mantra - || ॐ ऐं गं वाग्गणपतये नमः ||