Thursday, April 16, 2020

Medha Prapti Mantras and the difference in various intelligence powers

Today, I want to talk about a mostly unknown but important topic. Intelligence is called as buddhi, pragya, medha, dhaarna, dhruti, smruti, gyaan, vaakpatutaa and vidya, and it is perceived that they are nothing but the same.
But that's not the truth.
Today I will talk about the difference between all of these shaktis and the supremacy of Medha above all others.

First is, Buddhi -  Buddhi is one of the popular meanings of intelligence. Buddhi means a person's ability to judge what to do in a particular situation, what would be the right way of doing something.

Dhaarna - Dhaarna means ability to hold something in memory. The greater the power, the easier it is for someone to remember vast amounts of information.

Dhruti - Means stability and patience.

Smruti - Means the ability to remember. It is closely similar to dhaarna and means more or less the same.

Vidya - It means knowledge about a particular topic.

Gyaan - One big misconception people have, and a belief which is followed even in written language, is that gyaan means knowledge. However, spiritually, Gyaan is nowhere close to Vidya. In fact, they are completely different things. The word gyaan itself means Satya. Thus, to get gyaan means to find the truth. If you are in attachment, greed, addictions, getting gyaan means to be freed from these falsities and realizing what is truth, what is pure.

Pragya - It means to become learned in some skills. This is quite closely similar to Vidya, and it means to become an expert in something not just by knowledge but in practice.

Medha - Medha is the shakti which is supreme among all. There are very few mantras specifically for Medha, but this shakti encompasses all the other shaktis above.
Medha means the ability to look at a particular situation from all the angles, analyzing all the pros and cons, and being able to do what is necessary to be done. It is the ability to maintain a balance in whatever you and not get engrossed excessively into something. It is the power which allows us to identify, that love is positive but attachment or moha is not, that seeking money is correct but being greedy for it is not, that being kind and polite is correct but weak is not, being caring towards others is correct but it doesn't have to come at the cost of sacrificing your own self, that being strong is correct but rude towards others because of being in power is not, that being proud of one's achievement is correct but being arrogant and belittling others because of it is not, being humble is correct but timid is not, that being dharmik is correct, but lacking love for the world is not.

It is by this power, that one develops buddhi and be able to decide what would be the right thing to do. From Medha, comes vaakpatutaa or witty speech. It is the shakti which enhances our dhaarna, dhruti, smruti and pragya. Every medhavi person is buddhiman, gyaani and praagyi. But every buddhiman,gyaani,etc. is not medhavi.
This is because Medha is a divine shakti. It does not come through just eating medicines for it. It is the energy that only God can give.

By chanting the Mool Gayatri Mantra, Hans Gayatri Mantra or Hans Mantra, one becomes greatly Medhavi.
With time and regular chanting, the sadhak develops unsurpassable intuition powers and is able to have flashes of the future.
With years of chanting, he develops the ability to look into the future fully and becomes fearless even if in front of the whole world.

When the sadhak starts developing medha, he will gain all the qualities mentioned above. Without medha, one cannot go very far in worldly or spiritual life. That is why every person should chant Gayatri or Hansa mantras.