Friday, March 29, 2019

Complete Vidhi of doing 40 days Hanuman Chalisa Sadhana, Benefits And How To Do Its Havan

Hanuman Chalisa as we all know is one of the greatest stotras of Kali Yuga. 

It shows instant, on the spot results and shows many many miracles in the life of the sadhak.

Following are the immense benefits of reciting Hanuman Chalisa:

1. By reciting Hanuman Chalisa, one attains devotion and spirituality towards gods. He achieves righteousness and dharmik buddhi in life. Thus, Hanuman Chalisa is very beneficial for people who are atheists and want to learn more about spirituality but are hesitant because of the negative attitude of the people around him.

If you are just starting worshipping gods, then Hanuman Chalisa is the first prayog you must perform.

2. By reciting Hanuman Chalisa, the sadhak gains freedom from intellectual weakness and inability to understand a topic.

3. By worshipping him, one achieves all the 4 purusharth of life. I.e. Dharma, Arth, Kama & Moksha. All those sadhaks who cannot give time for sadhana can also recite Hanuman Chalisa 11 times daily and achieve every desire of life and attain moksha in the end.

You should recite 1-11 mala Shri Rama Jay Rama Mantra after reciting Hanuman Chalisa because Lord Hanuman is incomplete without Lord Rama.

4. All those sadhaks who are suffering from physical weakness can gain a lot of physical strength by reciting the Chalisa.

5. By regular recitation of Hanuman Chalisa, one gets a great amount of intelligence, knowledge, sharpness & wisdom in life.

Parents should make their children recite Hanuman Chalisa at least 5-11 times daily. One can begin with 1 recitation daily and then one can slowly increase it to 5-11 recitations. By doing this, the knowledge of the child increases, and he becomes able to grasp all the topics quickly and in the first attempt. He becomes a topper in his class. He becomes far more intelligent than all his peers and learns the topics of his interest, finds his life passion, and develops smartness and understanding of life far more quickly. He becomes mature very quickly and develops a good personality. 

6. He develops oratory skills and wit in his speech.

7. He gets freedom from quarrels, fights, and addictions in life.

Thus, Hanuman Chalisa is very very beneficial for married couples who are facing constant differences between each other.

There is a very very big lie being spread regarding Hanuman Chalisa that it cannot be recited for those who want to get married.

This is a very very big misconception and it is unfortunate to see that such a misconception is being spread by people who themselves are big and famous promoters of Hanuman, Rama upasana and are well known ramayana pathaks.

Sadhaks, even it is not clear whether Hanuman Chalisa makes one get married or not, but it has been observed by many people that when brought in to practice, Hanuman Chalisa is one of the most powerful stotras to get unbelievable and unrealistic changes with regards to one's love/married life, and all the arguments, all the differences and all the hurdles that may be existing between two people are removed and day by day, the relationship between the two people keeps on reaching more and more new heights.

Thus, Hanuman Chalisa is the best remedy for those who want to develop an unadulterated, pure and transparent love relationship with somebody.

9. It removes all the negative thoughts and guilt that may be existing in a sadhak's mind.

10. It is one of the most powerful remedies for those who are suffering from the depression of loss or separation from somebody they love. It heals the heart and gives a feeling of solace and peace to the heartache.

11. Ravan had imprisoned Lord Shani and all the other navagrahas in jail. When Lord Hanuman was burning Lanka from his tail, he found all the navagrahas and freed them. Thus, all the navagrahas had given him a boon that they will never trouble the devotees of Lord hanuman.

By reciting Hanuman Chalisa, one can gain freedom from all the graha peeda, gochar peeda, malefic yogas,etc and gain all positive results in life.

There is no other remedy greater and as fast working as Hanuman Chalisa for gaining freedom from graha peeda and effects of all the malefic yogas.

Reciting Hanuman Chalisa is extremely beneficial for getting freedom from shani's peeda. When one is going through Sade sati, his dhaiyya or when shani is in 4th, 8th and 12th house in one's lagna kundli or chandra kundli, one can recite Hanuman Chalisa and gain freedom from all the difficulties of life.

12. The opening verses start with 'Jay Hanuman...' indicating success in everything that a sadhak does in life.

13. He becomes sharp in thinking and becomes very persuasive in speech.

14.Arguments with friends, relatives and family is solved and one develops cordial relations with them. 

15. One gains lot of fame and respect in the society. Everybody becomes his supporter and help him in need.

16. It helps recover lost status and achieve desired position/post in life.

17. It helps to overcome all obstacles and achieve even difficult tasks with ease and comfort.

18. The sadhak becomes freed from all fears and Lord Hanuman protects him from all dangers and accidents.

19. The sadhak does not fear any ghost, pret, pisach,etc. in life and he gains so much courage that he can remain fearless even in a smashaan.

20. All kinds of diseases are cured by regular recitation of Hanuman Chalisa. Cough, cold, asthama, weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache, body ache, stomach diseases, impotency, bone diseases, blood related diseases, skin diseases, diabetes, back pain, weakness of any of the 5 senses - al of this is cured by regular recitation of Hanuman Chalisa.

Other than this, those who have got bones fractured or have an injury can also recite hanuman chalisa. By doing so, the bones or the injury heal very very soon and the patient experiences great improvement in his health.

21. The sadhak becomes aware of himself, his mind, his thoughts and emotions. He develops sensitivity towards people and develops great understanding with them.

22. One who remembers him with heart, actions and words gains freedom from all of his worries in life. No matter if it may be mental,spiritual,worldly or emotional.

23. By regular recitation of Hanuman Chalisa, the sadhak gains many types of siddhis like par chit abhigyaan siddhi, trikaal gyaan siddhi, nigrah anugrah siddhi,etc.

24. A lot of people in today's times have a very wrong perception that deceit and cheating is necessary to be able to live in this world. However, most of the times, it is usually such people only that face the same kind of treatment from others and then suffer. Remember that what you so, so shall you reap. 

One must not fear about people fooling you or you ending up in a suffering of any kind because you had to follow righteousness.

Keep in mind that bad only happens to those who o bad onto others. Thus, if you do deceit, cheating or any such thing, the same will surely come back to you to make you feel the same way that you may have made somebody else feel.

A lot of sadhaks have asked this question multiple times that why is it that someone has to suffer from difficulties even after following Dharma and the other person who may be adharmik, he/she is being successful in his deeds.

Here, there are 2 things that a sadhak must understand.

 First - Himself

Second - His Bhagya

One thing to keep in mind very well that nobody ever suffers for something they haven't done. Thus, if you are suffering from something, then that means the same bad karmas have been done by you in the past.

However, the sadhak who follows dharma never faces any kind of difficulty in life. 

So the question that comes is why do some people face difficulties in life even after following dharma, regularly doing puja path,being righteous, etc.

In such a situation, the two reasons that I have mentioned above must be taken into consideration.

First, the sadhak must ask himself if he is the reason for the difficulties he is facing in life. He must do aatma anusandhaan.

He must ask himself has he been behaving the right way, has he been doing mantra jap the right way and he must ask himself has he done anything that may have caused the said problem to happen in life.

Being kind, humble, egoless, having gratitude and a having a welfare and positive mindset towards all - these are the qualities of a dharmik person.

Once again, one must not think of these as weaknesses. 

Many people believe that being kind, ego-less,etc. makes us a victim and one can cheated and fooled in this world.

Another reason why a lot of people face difficulties is that many sadhaks start being proud that they are doing upasana of so and so god and they start seeing themselves as pavitra aatma and see others as if they are lowly worthless people and that such people can never reach the sadhak's level and such people will never improve in life. Such kind of actions instantly burn away his punya and increase his paap.

The people who have such kind of mindset turn their punya worthless and create paap the same way, as a block of heavier iron weight counter balances a lighter product on a tula.

Whats necessary here to use your own intelligence. If there is somebody who you may feel may cause harm to you, you must do what is required to protect himself from the harm. If in such a situation, you try to be kind, ego-less than obviously you would be faced with sorrow and pain.

The difference between when to be kind and humble and when to protect oneself should be understood from whether the action or situation's end result is going to be be helpful towards you and the opposite person or not.

For example, helping somebody who is begging on the road in whatever way you can is being kind and humble.

If you are in a jungle and there is a lion in front of you, the killing him is your dharma even though that may not prove to be good for the lion. This is because killing the lion is nothing but self protection only. It is your need. However, if in such a situation you choose to be kind and gratuitous then obviously you yourself will be responsible for your painful end. Nobody else.

The sadhak must always be righteous, but if he finds himself in a situation which may threaten him, he must look for such a solution through which neither the other person is harmed, nor do you have to sacrifice your own self.

This is Dharma.

Once the sadhak asks himself if he has been the reason for the difficulties in life or not, he must ask his bhagya.

 For example, if a sadhak is in a competition and has a less capable person as his competitor, somebody who would other wise no way win the competition.

However, in the end, the sadhak fails and the less capable person ends up winning the competition.

The reason for this here is bhagyabal.

It was the other person's bhagyabal that made him win the competition even after being less qualified.

The only remedy for such problems would be increase one's bhagya bal by doing punya

The sadhak who has the answer of the aforementioned reasons very easily understands the cause of his sorrows in life.

Other than this, there are also a few special things which are causer of difficulties and obstacles or durdasha in life.

One day Maharishi Narad asked Lord Brahma "what actions make a person face durdasha?"

Lord Brahma said - Waking over Husk, Chaff, Bhasma, Pestle; Having sex with kanya, maids, and old aged women, giving up on kul dharma-karma, his own dharma, having unnatural sex(with hands, mouth, buttocks), breaking one's brahmacharya from a brahman's wife, going near women under menstrual cycle during morning, evening or festival, abandoning one's mother,father or owner during danger or difficulty -- all of these cause durdasha.

Thus, a sadhak must avoid doing such kind of acts.

Those who worship Lord Hanuman and Chant his chalisa will never face the pain and difficulties from adharmik people.

25. The sadhak gains freedom from laziness, excessive sleep, weakness and all his worries about the future and enjoys each and every moment of life.

26. The benefits of Hanuman Chalisa are unlimited, unbelievable and beyond comprehension.

27. By reciting the Chalisa, the sadhak gets freed from the sin of knowingly or unknowingly having insulted one's guru or a devotee of god.

28. By regular recitation, lord Hanuman provides the sadhak lots of divine knowledge.

29. No matter how much of a bad path you may be on, you will get freed of all that and become a good human being.

30. It will help you to attain name, fame and respect in the society.

31. By regular recitation of Hanuman Chalisa, Lord Hanuman fills the life of the sadhak with whatever material comforts that he may desire.

32. Hanuman Chalisa is the solution for all kinds of pain, sufferings and pangs in this world.

33. Those who have been separated from their wives or those couples who are the verge of divorce and want to save it can also recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly and remove all kinds of difficulties present in their relationship. If you have been unable to meet your wife or girlfriend even after multiple efforts, then reciting Hanuman Chalisa will be very effective to bring both of you together.

34. Hanuman Chalisa enhances one's sankalp shakti, iccha shakti and kriya shakti. He becomes focused, determined, sure footed and hard working towards and for his goals.

35. The sadhana is very very beneficial who always have restricted thoughts or lacking creativity and want to open it up. By reciting Hanuman Chalisa, the sadhak can open up his mind and he starts believing that anything and everything is possible. It also enhances the divinity of the sookshm body of the sadhak.

Lastly, Hanuman Chalisa is the most powerful sadhana for the new sadhaks who are just entering the sadhana world and want to bring major changes in their life very very quickly.

Hanuman Chalisa is more than just a shanti dayak stotra. By its regular recitation, many many divine things can be achieved by the sadhak.

Now, there may be many vidhis of reciting Hanuman Chalisa, but I will now explain the procedure for reciting Hanuman Chalisa which is anubhav siddh and known to give quickest results.

Note: - Before a sadhak starts the recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa in his life he must keep in mind that he has to give up on all kinds of laziness, excuses and impurity in your life from the day he begins his sadhana. 

The sadhak has to behave very responsibly and disciplined with regards to worshipping Lord Hanuman or doing any other tasks after you begin worshipping him in your life.

There is no place for laziness or impurity in Hanuman upasana.


1. Start the prayog from any Saturday of any month. One can start from Tuesday as well but I believe Saturday is a better option.

2. The sadhak must begin this prayog within 30 mins after sunset. First, he must go to his washroom and clean himself completely without showing any kind of laziness.

First, he must gargle with mouthful of water 4 times.

Then, he must splash adequate water on his face and clean his face and ears.

Then, one must wash both his arms upto his elbows 4 times.

Then, he must wash his feet and legs hoti his knees 4 times.

After this he can wipe his hands and legs with a cloth. Face must be left as it is.

3. After this, He must go to his puja room and sprinkle gaumutra everywhere. He must also make sure that all the unnecessary articles are removed from that room.

4. Then, he must sit facing north on a kush aasan or red velvet aasan. If the sadhak uses kush aasan then better. The clothes must be covering the whole body.

Shorts, 3/4ths,etc. and such revealing clothes are not allowed. Jeans,tshirts, saares are allowed.

5. Then, light a sesame oil diya in a tamra paatra and 2 incense sticks.

6. Now, mentally worship Lord Ganesh, Uma, Shiva, Narayan, Surya, Bharat, Shatrughna, Lakshman, Sita and Lord Rama.

7. Then, he must offer the diya, dhoop and a red flower to him. Also offer a ₹10 dakshina for him. This money can later be used for offering chola, prasad,etc. Or for buying havan samagri.

8. Then, take a mental sankalp for whatever it is that you desire. If you have a general wish like getting freedom difficulties or graha badha, then one can take mental sankalp for it.

If you have a specific wish like fulfillment of a particular task or fulfillment of a specific desire, then take a sankalp as per it's vidhi.

One thing you must keep in mind here is that, if you have multiple wishes then you cannot take sankalp of fulfillment of all the wishes in one go.

Also, once you take a sankalp for a particular wish, then all the mantra energy goes in the fulfillment of that one wish only. After that, if you change your wishes or ask for multiple things in the middle than that won't work.

If you have multiple wishes then that means that there is a need of stability in your life for which the sadhak must just take a mental sankalp and start the recitation.

After taking mental or savidhi sankalp, the sadhak tell his wish again to Lord Hanuman. You must first speak about your problems or difficulties with him that you are facing and then request him to bring an end to your problems or fulfill whatever desire it is that you have.

For example, If you are desirous of getting a job or starting a new business but unable to get it or do it then you must share with him what all problems you are facing currently and how it is becoming difficult for you and request him remove all those difficulties from your life and bring peace and happiness and how his blessings are very important to achieve those things.

Also sadhaks a very very important thing which isn't focused on or talked about by a lot of people or in books is that if you are general wishes, then it is fine. However, if you are doing it for fulfillment of a particular wish then you must not be saying that I get this amuk thing then also I am fine and if I don't get it then also I am fine.

If there is something that you desire, then you must be determined for it.

If you are worthy of what is it that you ask for and if the wish is realistic, then there is no doubt about fulfillment of that wish.

However, unrealistic wishes as per your whims and fancies won't be fulfilled.

This way, Every single day, the sadhak must join his hands and speak about his wishes to him.

You must get completely engrossed in what it is that you desire and what all emotions it makes you feel and then speak up about your wishes.

A lot of people have the habit of moving hands here and there while saying their wishes. Some also interwin their fingers

Do not do this.

You must join your hands properly and tightly near the heart chakra. 

This is called as avahan mudra which invokes god.

Then, one must take his own abundant amount of time to speak his wishes.

There are millions of people on earth who are worshippers of Lord Hanuman.

 Most of them only keep their wishes in their heart, they don't say it clearly in front of god.

Other than this, there are lacs of people who do say their wishes in front of god in a loud and clear voice.

Out of all these chorus of millions of voices, Your voice should be the one that is the loudest and reaches Lord Hanuman foremost before others.

That is why, you need to speak your wish very loudly and clearly.

You do not have to scream or make 10 other people hear your wish. But your voice and your words must be clear, specific, to the point and matching with your thoughts.

Your thoughts must be revealed as it is in front of him.

What you say must not be vague. You must share 100% , of what is there in your mind to him without any fear, shyness or shame.

It doesn't matter sadhaks what kind of thoughts you have. If you have good thoughts, Lord Hanuman will turn your aspirations into reality. 

If you are having bad thoughts, it will clean your heart and you will become open to positive changes in your life.

9. Then, recite Om Hanumate Namah and Shri Rama Jay Rama Mantra 1-1 time each and then start reciting the Chalisa.

Starting from "Shri guru charan...." to "hriday basahu sur bhoop" must be recited 11 times.

After end of each recitation, one must say "Siyavar Ramachandra ki jay" and along with this, at the end of the 11th recitation one must also say "pavanputra Hanuman ki jay".

Incense sticks and diya must keep on burning during the recitation.

10. Reciting the Chalisa 11 times usually takes 45-50 mins for new sadhak while it takes 25-35 mins for people who are well versed in it.

The chalisa can be recited as fast as you want but only once you have gained a smooth flow over it.

Do not unnecessarily try to chant very quickly and give pain and stress to your throat.

After end of the recitation, touch your head on the ground in front of you and ask for forgiveness for any mistakes done during the sadhana.

After this, again share whatever your wish was and request him to fulfill the same.

11. After completion of the recitation, without speaking or gossiping with anybody, the sadhak must go to any Hanuman temple nearby him and attend the aarti. Since aarti is usually performed 1-1.5 hour after sunset.

The sadhak go to the temple without telling anybody at home. If he wants, he can give any reason but he must not say he is going to the temple.

While going and coming back the sadhak must avoid eye contact with people and directly go to the temple.

Usage of phone while going or coming from the temple, listening to music,etc. Is also not allowed.

If the sadhak attends a temple with a siddh Hanuman murti or an orange coloured Hanuman then much better.

This way, every day, the sadhak must recite Hanuman Chalisa. The time, direction, place,etc. all should be the same and constant. 

A lot of people also have the habit of changing the tone of their recitation again and again.One must not do not do like that while reciting any mantra or stotra.

While reciting mantras or stotras, there are certain tones and pauses which give quicker results.

This is different for each sadhak and cannot be specified.

Hence, in the starting, the sadhak must explore multiple tones of reciting Hanuman Chalisa and observe which one feels better. But once an appropriate tone is found, it must not be changed the whole life.

During the sadhana days:

A) the sadhak must stop using all kinds of bad words, abuses,etc. no matter how small they may seem. Any kind of abuse or rude words are completely forbidden.

B)Strict brahmacharya should be maintained during the sadhana days. Looking at women in wrong ways, sexual talks,etc. all this is not allowed.

If any day the sadhak breaks the brahmacharya, the sadhak is not allowed to do the things mentioned in point 11. He is allowed to go to the temple but touching the idol,flowers, etc. is not allowed.

C) If the sadhak drinks alcohol or eats non veg, he is not allowed to enter temple or recite the chalisa.

D) Avoid eating onions and garlic.

E) Quit going out with friends, acquaintance and limit contact as much as you can & only focus on worshipping Lord Hanuman and doing things for self-development.

Read stories of Lord Hanuman.

Read about the significance of Hanuman Chalisa and worship of Lord Hanuman.

By doing this, you will bring radical changes in your life and by the end of the 40 days and without any doubt even those who are atheists with be turned into deep believers of God.

All the worries,fears and difficulties of the sadhak will subside by the end of the mantra prayog.

The more he focuses on Hanuman Chalisa and worshipping Lord Hanuman, the quicker changes he will get in life.

F) Attend aarti every day. Do not skip any day.

 If other plans come in between, skip them or postpone them after the aarti period.

But do not skip attending the aarti.

G) Once you start the sadhana, the time, sequence, the schedule and recitation will remain constant for all the 40 days. Nothing in this world should be able to come in between the time period of the sadhana.

If the sadhak cannot go for the aarti or recite Chalisa in the evening due to some reason, he can perform it later at night or in the morning itself or go to temple later but skipping them should be completely avoided.

H) You must remove all wallets, belts, money,etc from your pockets and then only sit for recitation.

I) The sadhak must not wear shorts or sleeveless clothes. you can wear them at night before going to bed but you must not wear them during the day time.

Full clothes like shirts,t shirts, jeans,etc. can be worn.

J) If you are reciting chalisa to get rid of any addictions like smoking, drinking,etc. it may happen that you may not be break it off completely. In such situations, it is fine as long as you are trying for yourself.

A lot of people are looking for getting freedom from addictions using the help of mantras and stotras but when it comes to actually help yourself they are not willing to do anything at all.

All those who want to get freedom from addictions, need to also to be willing to work towards gaining freedom from the addiction and believing that you need to become a better person.

It comes at a price called hard work. You must pay that price.

A lot of people believe that they will just sit in the corner of a room repeating a mantra or stotra like a parrot without any belief, faith or desire to work hard for god and without any determination for improving oneself.

Without giving up on laziness, there is no way out.

This applies to everything and not just addictions.

It doesn't matter which area of life it is, without hard work, nothing happens.

Even god won't help no matter how many lac mantras you keep on repeating.

I have been receiving a lot of mails from people who want to become like Kuber and powerful like Hanuman but are unwilling to work for it. The maximum amount effort some of them are ready to take is chant 1-3 malas daily and that is it. 

Just by doing this much, you are never going to achieve anything. If somebody wants to achieve something big, they must also put efforts for hours in it.

Just by putting little effort, you are not going to achieve anything.

Because you are lacking the devotion which is required in the first place for getting blessings of any god.

And God will never fulfill your wish, because he knows that you will forget him as soon as your wish is fulfilled. He knows that you are bound by desire, not be devotion for him/her.

And for those people who have devotion towards any god, for them, puja, recitation, vrat - all of these are nothing but sources of happiness which will be felt by doing seva of their isht devta.

For them, even 3-4 hours pass with ease because they are more concerned about feeling happy in chanting a mantra than being concerned about how many malas have been completed.

Even though, it is true that one must keep a check on how many malas are being completed, but if you make that your only focus, then you are doing it wrong.

Keeping record of malas must be running only in the background and should only come to front when 1 round is completed.

All the other times, focus must be on god and the mantra.

With faith, even 10,000 recitations of a mantra are enough.

Without faith, even 10 lac japa won't be enough.

If you are looking for a simple mantra with very simple prayog like 1 mala for 21 days or 30 days that can make you rich like Kuber then you are already going wrong.

Neither do you have the desire to work hard and put in the effort for god and show him your true devotion for him to fulfill your wish.

The same also goes for those who are looking for physical strength or power to read other people's minds.

If you want to become rich like Kuber or become powerful like Hanuman then be willing to work that much spiritually as well as in your business/ fitness. 

If you dont have a mala, then go to a shop and buy one.

If you dont have a yantra, then go to a shop and get one.

If you dont have time in your day, then do time management and remove time for God. 

If you think that like a parrot you will repeat a mantra and that god is nothing but an emotionless robot who will reply to you like a robot and give you what you want when you say a few words, and then, the moment your wish is fulfilled, from that moment itself, you will leave him behind like he doesn't exist and you would successfully fool him into fulfilling your wish, then it is not god you are trying to fool, but you are fooling yourself.

Some people are ready to spend thousands a year easily on expensive dinners and movies and hanging out with friends and colleagues but find even little amount of money on malas & yantras that would be a one time investment to be very very expensive.

Such people are ready to spend time watching TVs, playing games, hanging out with friends but don't manage to have even 1-2 hours for God.

If you are somebody who doesn't even have that much income or going through so much bad monetary troubles, then for them, I have shared this Hanuman Chalisa Sadhana. 

They can perform this sadhana and without any doubt, by the end of the 40 days, they will get a new source of livelihood or growth and profits in their business and become secure and successful and there will be a new dawn in life.

I am clearing this again and again, without devotion and discipline, nothing is achieved in life, whether spiritually or worldly.

Even in this, discipline comes first. This is because it is only through discipline in performing a sadhana, that a person slowly develops devotion for a particular god.

Nobody is born from the womb with an ocean full of devotion for any God. But with discipline, the seed of devotion can be planted and by regularly following this discipline, one waters it and makes it grow.

If you want something, you must be willing to put effort for it. 

There is no meaning of mailing me from 10 different IDs and asking the same question over and over again.

No sadhana in the world can bring success to you if you are not ready to put the effort in it.

Even after performing mantra sadhanas to be rich like Kuber, you still need to put efforts in business to increase it and make more sales.

The same also applies for those who want strength.

God himself is not going to come as a customer and buy goods worth millions from you.

He will only provide you with more opportunities of expanding it.

Seizing them will be upto the sadhak.

K) A lot of people have been saying that they do not get results of chanting Hanuman Chalisa. A lot of rules related to chanting Hanuman Chalisa has been shared by me above.

Other than this, one major important factor because of which a lot of people do not get results of mantras is because they do not do dhyaan. 

Dhyaan means meditation with closed eyes on a particular image or a form of god.

This dhyaan must be done must be done with closed eyes because if you keep the eyes open, you may end up seeing other things around you which are not to be seen.

If you a pran pratishthit yantra or idol, then one can do tratak on that also. This can be done with open eyes.

But even in this, dhyaan is necessary.

I.e. on the yantra, you must imagine a form of the isht devta.

If it is an idol, you must imagine as if it really god himself looking at you in that idol.

Isht devta means the god whose mantra you are chanting.

The best way of doing dhyaan for Hanuman Chalisa Sadhana is being shared by me here:

For Hanuman Chalisa, one must meditate on a white complexion Lord Hanuman who is having closed eyes and meditating on Lord Rama and Maa Sita.

If you do a google search, you will find the image.

Now, after doing all the puja as mentioned in the earlier part, you must begin the chalisa path.

First and foremost, you must leave your body still like a statue. And let the gravity hold you on your aasan.

Loosen up all the parts of the body and feel at complete ease.

Do not to forcefully hold a particular body part a certain way.

Let it loose.

Now, keep your back and neck straight.

Take a few deep breaths so that you can feel even more at ease.

Then, close your eyes and meditate on the form of Lord Hanuman I have talked above.

Meditate on him with complete peace.

Know that from this particular minute onwards, all your sorrows, troubles, anxiety, pain, depression, despair, sadness and pangs are all going to be removed. Because you have come in the shelter that God who has the power to nullify even death.

Then what can be said out your problems

Understanding and believing in this, imagine as if he is gently smiling at you, and feel as that your belief in him has fructified and you have reached him. And that you are now assured that all of your problems are going to go away and you are going to get the desired peace and happiness which you have been looking for since so many years.

Meditate on this form and the recitation.

During initial days, explore multiple tone and pauses while meditating simultaneously and see which works well for you.

One important thing you must keep in mind is that dhyaan must be constant throughout the 11 recitations.

That is why, taking some deep breaths and easing your body is necessary before starting the recital so that one does not feel stressed in doing constant dhyaan after 4/5 recitations.

Phone,TVs, etc. Must be silent or shut.

Picking up calls, texting, seeing time all such time pass things are to be kept for later.

When we are giving time to god, it must only be given to him alone. Everything else comes later.

During dhyaan, feel as if god is smiling at you and showing abhay mudra to you and that now, all of your problems, difficulties and despair is being removed and leaving from your life and now, you are feeling happy and peaceful.

All of this has to be done in dhyaan only. You must do this dhyaan on your thir eye.

All of this has to be kept on doing when you are still exploring multiple tones and pauses for reciting Hanuman Chalisa.

You must also imagine that you are in an enclosed white coloured bubble where it is just you and him in it and absolutely no other person or thing.

When you do like this,

After a few days, and if the sadhak is properly doing dhyaan as I have said above, he will experience changes in his dhyaan automatically.

At first, the sadhak will start seeing Hanuman standing tall and looking at you.

You may see yourself and Hanuman in space and as if the height of Hanuman is increasing higher and higher and he is going to reach the 7th sky.

You may see Lord Hanuman showing abhay mudra and you feeling completely at bliss.

In this state, you may also see yourself speaking to him automatically.

This may not happen verbally. But only in the meditative state.

Keep in mind that this is not just an imagination of him. Lord Hanuman himself has come in sookshma roop in your dhyaan awastha.

In this state, whatever you say to Lord Hanuman shall be fulfilled if asked with purity of heart, mind and intentions.

Thus, whatever you must have taken sankalp of, you must imagine as if you are saying this to Lord Hanuman and he is blessing you and fulfilling your wish.

All this time, you must stay calm and composed.

Constantly moving your legs, feet, neck, hands, back,etc. Is not allowed.

You must stay still like a statue from start till end.

The remaining vidhi will be same as I have mentioned above.

All of this meditation must be done after you are focusing on the third eye for a few recitations each day.

This is because in order to establish stable energy of Hanuman Chalisa in your body and in order to enter the deep meditative state I have talked about above, chanting Hanuman Chalisa will require you to focus on your third eye.

Thus, in other words, at first you will be loosening up your body and taking a few deep breaths to bring body at rest.

The posture for the sadhana must be fixated at this moment itself.

Then, you must begin that recitation while focusing on the 3rd eye.

Then, after a few recitations, you will feel calmness within you.

After that, for a few recitations meditate on white complexion lord hanuman the way I mentioned a few paragraphs above.

Then, again for a few recitations, meditate on your third eye while feeling a complete sense of calmness and at ease.

Keep in mind that during the initial days or maybe even for many days, you may not feel any kind of calmness or changes in your mind at all.

This is because enough mantra energy hasn't built up to show effects.

However, the chalisa is still bringing changes in your life secretly. You must keep on following the dhyaan procedure I have mentioned above.

Very very soon, without any doubt, you will experience changes in your life.

I am not specifying days here because then a lot of people ask me how many days will the mantra take to show it's effects.

Sadhaks, I want to clarify that number of days is not written on stone.

It is not like you will do 11 recitations daily and then on the 13th day only some magic will happen.

The amount of days it will take purely depends on your devotion and belief in Hanuman.

Nothing else. Even if you follow the procedure and don't have belief that Lord Hanuman will help you then you won't experience any changes even at the end of 40 days.

Majority of the reasons why many sadhaks are getting struck in such dreadful cycles is because they are trying a new mantra or god every week.

Do not do like this.

Take as much as time as you want in choosing a mantra and devta. And choose that mantra which you have more inclination towards.

Do not choose a random mantra just because it looks or sounds more powerful.

That power is meaningless if your mind will be busy thinking about your desired mantra when you will be chanting the most powerful mantra.

Do not attempt to even look for multiple mantras.

The most successful sadhak is not the most intelligent one, but the one who has a simple innocent childlike mind with great curiosity and a belief that everything has unlimited potential.

Thus, do not attempt to look for multiple mantras and their benefits because once you enter the cycle of choosing a mantra, starting its sadhana, doing it for a few days and then leaving them in between, it will become very difficult to get out of that psychology.

Choose the mantra you have most inclination to and chant that.

Do not think about what other mantras are capable of.

That is irrelevant.

I will now share the vidhi of doing Hanuman Chalisa havan. Now sadhaks, Havan is usually done by brahman dev only. However, it may happen that the same is not possible due to certain reasons then one can do havan oneself also. But this is only allowed in prayogs where there is mantra japa + havan.

In case of purascharan, one has to take the help of brahmans.

The vidhi that I am sharing here is a sankshipt homa paddhati of aagamokt vidhi.

This vidhi can be used for aagamokt & shabar sadhanas.

Not for vedokt mantras or sadhanas.

Other than this, every school and aachar involve their own type of paddhati which can be learnt from one's guru.

Articles required for puja - 2-3 large plates to keep havan items with you, 1 ganesh idol, 12 betel nuts or supari, 12 betel leaves, kumkum, 1 bowl of sweet yellow rice to be offered in havan, 1 panchpatra filled with water and a small spoon, a pack of incense sticks, 1-2 packs of kapoor or camphor, 1 packet matchstick, 1 clay lamp,1 bowl akshat, 1 small basket of yellow or red flowers, 1 small hand towel, 1 kusha ring that has to be worn in hand before starting the puja. 2 x 250g pure ghee, few cotton wicks, 1 packet of kusha.

Havan Samagri- 

1. 1 packed havan wood. Mango wood will suffice or else if you use peepal wood then even better. This is the wood and not the thin samidha sticks which are normally used in navgraha havan. Or else, The best option would be to use mango wood with peepal tree sticks.

2. 200g Nava dhanya, 100g wheat, 100g guggal, 100g powdered jaggery, 100g of loban, 100g black sesame,100g barley or Jau

3. 4 pieces of yellow sandalwood sticks

4. 1 copper or clay made havan kund. Now sadhaks, a lot of people these days are selling havan kund at very low prices and calling it stainless steel havan kund. But in reality, it is a havan kund made of iron with such steel finish. 

One must not use these havan kunds even by mistake.

As much as possible, one must go for copper havan kund only. There is an option of using soil, clay and cow dung made havan kund but since that is not portable, not everybody can use it.

Still, if somebody wants, after properly checking, they can use steel havan kunds. But steel doesn't havan any kind of significance or benefit in Sanatana Dharma. Hence, one must keep that in mind while buying steel havan kunds.

Iron havan kund is absolutely not a choice. 

It has been observed by me that even many pujaris and karma kandi brahmins use it but sadhaks do not do this mistake. Only and only copper or clay made kunds are used in Sanatana Dharma.

How To Do Hanuman Chalisa Havan -

1. On the 41st day in the morning , have a bath and prepare for doing the havan.

2. Have a bath, wear red clothes and sit facing east on a red aasan ar sunrise.

3. Keep a chowki to the left of you and spread a red cloth on it.

4. Then, keep the havan kund in front of you. Thus, this way, there will be an reverse L formation.

5. Now, fold 4 kusha grass from the middle in 90 degrees & keep them on the 4 corners of the havan kund each.

6.Now keep the wood in the kund neatly like one usually does during havan. It has to be kept slanting in the middle or in any way one finds comfortable. The only thing to keep in mind is that there must be at least 4-6cms of space in the middle of the kund so that one can invoke Agni dev there and the diya can burn easily without any trouble.

7. Then, start with panchdev pujan:

A)Guru Pujan- Start with the puja of your guru first since Guru is above everybody else. If you have his yantra then you can keep that or else you can keep his photo as well or else, one can simple keep a shivling and consider him your guru and do the pujan.

in your right hands, Take a betel leaf, keep a betel nut on it, 1 flower and little rice grains and then offer it to your guru chanting the following mantra:

॥ ॐ गुं गुरुभ्यो नमः आवाहयामि स्थापयामि पूजयामि ॐ गुं गुरुभ्यो नमः पुष्प अक्षताणि समर्पयामि ॥

One can replace Om Gum Gurubhyo Namah with his guru mantra also.

 The tip of the leaf must be facing towards you i.e. west.

B) Ganesh Pujan - Repeat the same puja mentioned above.


 || ॐ गं गणपतये नमः आवाहयामि स्थापयामि पूजयामि ॐ गं गणपतये नमः पुष्प अक्षताणि समर्पयामि ॥

C) Repeat the same for Surya Dev and the navgrahas, Lord Shiva, Lakshmi, Narayan, Bharat, Shatrughna, Sita, Lord Rama and then finally Lord Hanuman using their respective naam mantras.

D) Main Havan -

1. Make rakt chandan tilak on the 4 corners of the havan kund. Also sprinkle some of it on the wood. Now, Dip a wick in melted ghee and keep it in the centre of the havan kund. In the mean time, mix the havan samagri that you created with the ghee. This is so that you dont have to offer ghee and havan samagri separately in case you are the only person sitting for the havan. 2. After keeping the diya, mentally chant the following mantra and simultaneously light the diya - ॥ ॐ आं आग्नये स्वाहा ॥ 3. Then, on the aahuti spoon, keep a kapoor and light it and offer it in the middle of the havan kund nearby the diya while chanting the following mantra - 

॥ ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वाहा ॥. Do it total 3 times. 4. Then pray to Agni Dev to accept the aahutis. Then, light 2 dhoop sticks and offer to lord Agni dev and then put it in the fire. 5. Then, on a betel leaf, keep some sweet rice and offer it in the havan kund. 

6. Then, offer few flowers dipped in ghee to the havan kund. Chant the agni dev mantra I mentioned above while offering all these things. 7. Then take the 3 sandalwood sticks you had bought and offer them one by one and chanting the following 3 mantras. 1st mantra for 1 stick, 2nd for 2nd stick and so on. Mantra: 

॥ॐ भूः स्वाहा ॥

॥ॐ भुवः स्वाहा ॥

॥ॐ स्वः स्वाहा ॥

8. Now offer the Aahutis as mentioned by me ahead -

1-1 each:

ॐ गं गणपतये स्वाहा ॐ अग्नये स्वाहा ॐ सोमाय स्वाहा ॐ प्रजापतये स्वाहा ॐ इन्द्राय स्वाहा ॐ भूः स्वाहा ॐ भुवः स्वाहा ॐ स्वः स्वाहा ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः स्वाहा 3-3 each: ॐ सूर्याय स्वाहा ॐ चन्द्राय स्वाहा ॐ भौमाय स्वाहा ॐ बुधाय स्वाहा ॐ बृहस्पतये स्वाहा ॐ शुक्राय स्वाहा ॐ शनैश्चराय स्वाहा ॐ राहवे स्वाहा ॐ केतवे स्वाहा ॐ कुलदेवतायै स्वाहा ॐ पितृदेवतायै स्वाहा ॐ इष्टदेवतायै स्वाहा ॐ शिवाय स्वाहा ॐ महालक्ष्म्यै स्वाहा ॐ नारायणाय स्वाहा ॐ भरताय स्वाहा ॐ शत्रुघ्नाय स्वाहा ॐ लक्ष्मणाय स्वाहा ॐ श्रीं सीतायै स्वाहा ॐ रामाय स्वाहा 11 times: ओम् आंजनेयाय विद्मिहे वायुपुत्राय धीमहि तन्नो: हनुमत् प्रचोदयात् स्वाहा 

The, you must offer 1-11 aahutis for each verse Hanuman Chalisa. This is in case you have done 11 times 40 days prayog. If you have chanted 21,31,51 and in such numbers, the havan aahuti should be dashansh of how much recitations you did in a day. Thus, if you have done 21 recitations daily. The aahuti sankhya will be 3(rounded off) aahutis of each verse of Hanuman Chalisa.

Alternatively, one can also offer aahuti using the following mantra instead of Hanuman Chalisa verses:

|| ॐ हनुमते स्वाहा ||

One must offer 1mala of the dashansh amount of Hanuman Chalisa recitations you did in the entire 40 days. Thus, 11 times daily x 40 days= 440 total recitations. Dashansh of that is 44. so you must offer 4400 aahutis of the mantra. 

Purnahuti: After this, take a nariyal and keeping it head facing up, pour the remaining ghee on it, the way we do when offering abhishek to lord shiva. Then, chant the following mantra and then gently drop it in the havan kund. Purnahuti must be offered standing, not sitting. Mantra: || ॐ पूर्णमद: पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात पूर्णमुदच्यते | पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पुर्न्मेवावशिष्यते || ॐ शांति: शांति: शांति: | 

Then, Do aarti and do kshama praprthna for any mistakes done during the havan.Keep in mind, that havan must be done the way mentioned above. Do not try to cut something out from it. havan is very very powerful and giver of peace and prosperity but if done incorrectly, can become a cause of fear and difficulties. 

Sadhaks, even though I am aware that I have already posted a few articles on Hanuman Chalisa, my aim of posting this article was so that each and every sadhak can know everything there is to know about Hanuman Chalisa, and how, using just such a simple prayog, one can improve their lives.

A lot of sadhaks are looking for them ost rare and powerful mantra that requires the least amount of efforts. This is not sadhana works. If you are looking for the most powerful sadhana also remember that the amount of effort required in it will be equally great. So do not waste your time looking for most powerful mantras. The rules and discipline involved in it will be very difficult to follow.

Niether is there a need to perform difficult sadhanas.

It will be foolishness if you go after difficult sadhanas even when you have about an easier sadhana that can fulfill your wish in lesser amount of efforts. 

Hanuman Chalisa can give you all and everything you ask for.

One thing that i have observed and which hasn't been mentioned in any books is regarding the wish-fulfilling powers of a mantra. 

For example, if you were going through a difficult time and chanted Hanuman chalisa nad also got rid of it, but now, you want wealth but are unable to get it from Chalisa recitation or any other naam mantra recitation.

Sadhaks in such a case, by increasing the number of chants, the related wish gets fulfilled.

This is because the number of chants that you are doing is getting spent in burning of karma and protecting you from dangers. Thus, if you want to shift from shaanti to pushti, increasing the chants will usually solve the problem.

For a paid jyotish consultation, you can reach out to me at

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Jay Shri Rama

Jay Veer Hanuman


  1. Radhey Radhey sir , agar mandir me aarti ke tym na jakr baad me hokr aaya jae to chalega , n tyming of reciting chalisa can b change as u said shud b within half hour of sun set if can in mrng or evening or noon at any other tym , plz guide. N also write an artical on sunderkand sadhna , I hv been waiting for sunderkand sadhan frm u fr a very long tym.

    1. Attending aarti is necessary. If you cannot attend in evening, attend in the morning.
      If you can't recite at dusk then do in early morning at 6/7 or at brahma muhurat

    2. Sir , I live in US , i dont have any hanuman temple where i currenly stay , how can i attend the hanuman aarti then , please respond .Jai shree ram

  2. Thnx fr replying , one more thing wanna knw in our temple after aarti preists do naam sankirtan fr half an hour shud it b attend or can i cm bc hm once aarti finishes. N as u said go to temple directly wtout telling any one bt everybody knows tht i do go temple after completing puja at home so is thr any issue in it, and u also ask fr not to hv eye contact while going temple , if smbdy deta m in the way n start talking to m can speak to him or her fr few mnts, kindly ans, n also looking forward sunderkand sadhana , n i request u plz write the artical on sunderkand with deep detail as u hv written fr chalisa.thnx fr guideing us.

    1. If it purely a naam kirtan, not a bhajan, then you can attend. It is up to you.
      As for going,it is fine if your family members already know that you go to temple after puja.
      But everyday, after the completion of daily chant, you must not tell them and go.
      You must go directly without any questions or talks.
      Do not try to have eye contact.
      Usually, once you will start following the routine, Lord Hanuman himself will make sure that such obstacles do not come.
      If it happens, then let it be and keep the conversation as minimal as possible.
      No meaningless discussion, just have straight to the point short talk and go to the temple for the aarti.

  3. Thnx very much, I hv started frm tdy, bt one problem accured once I reached temple aarti was done , coz in our mndr the aarti starting tym is within five or ten mnt of sun set , so how wud i do both can I attend aarti first n thn after cmng bc hm can I receive chalisa.

    1. It is fine. Adjust the timing of your chalisa so that you can attend the aarti.
      Secondly, as mentioned by me always, you must not reveal publicly about the prayog or sadhana you are doing.

  4. sir near me there is temple very can do aarti in my house

  5. Kindly upload sadhana for navratri.

  6. Thanks a lot Sir...
    I have a request..can you plz provide some information abt sarva pap nashak shree vishnu strotra and aparajita mahavidya...

  7. The above article was very helpful. But what will be the conditions if I'm a student.

  8. Can girls do this ..for 40 days
    If periods occur in thee middle of 40 days
    What we have to do

    1. Would that not affect the flow and affect of the 40 days sakalp ?

  9. Sir can you tell what do you mean by unrealistic wishes? Can you give some examples?

  10. which yantra to buy?

  11. can one go out of station while under taking sankalp?

  12. I live abroad and do not have a temple or energized idol near by. Can I do the aarti at home?

  13. thank you . jai sri RAM

  14. Sir I started doing 11 days of hanuman Chalisa Pooja in bhrahma I completed only 6 days of Pooja by 6 days I got my period what can I do now . I have to continue or again should start from 1to 11 days pls suggest me

  15. Jai Shree Ram, Shriman me 1 sal se hanuman chalisa havan vidhi se kar raha hu daily havan se chalisa ke path karta hu kripa karke mujhe aage bhi Jari rakh e ke disha nirdesh bataye

  16. आपके द्वारा साधकों का जो मार्गदर्शन किया गया है उसके लिए कोटि-कोटि धन्यवाद प्रणाम जय श्री राम जय

  17. what an amazing knowledge, perfect time for me, since I am in the middle of sadhana. Thankyou very much Sir, JAY SHREE RAM

  18. Hanuman, the revered monkey deity in Hindu mythology, is celebrated for his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama and immense strength. Hanuman Statues can be found in various postures and forms across India and beyond, each symbolizing different aspects of his divine attributes. One common depiction is Hanuman carrying a mountain, symbolizing his heroic act of bringing the Sanjeevani herb to save Lakshman. Another popular form shows him with folded hands in a posture of devotion, reflecting his humility and piety. These statues, crafted from bronze, marble, and wood, are often placed in temples and homes to inspire devotion and courage. They serve as a reminder of Hanuman's virtues, such as loyalty, bravery, and selfless service. The artistry in these statues varies from intricate carvings in traditional styles to modern interpretations, making them both a spiritual symbol and a piece of cultural heritage.
