Sadhaks, as we all know the very auspicious moment of Rama Navami is coming up.
Now, Rama Navami is celebrated by Smarta on Saturday and by ISKCON on Sunday.
Here sadhaks, the one considered by ISKCON should be taken. This is because the navami that is obstructed by an ashtami is no auspicious, as it was last year.
Thus, we must consider Rama Navami on Sunday. Sadhaks, this year's chaitra month is very very auspicious. This is because it is a very rare month, where an Amavasya fell on a Friday, Navratri started on a Saturday.
Not only this, the same day that there is Rama Navami and in the same Muhurata of the birth of Lord Rama, there is also the maha-punyakaal of Mesha Sankranti, the time when Lord Surya enters his uccha sthaan.
Plus, there is a Ravi Pushya Yoga that day.
Then, later in the week, Chaitra Purnima is falling on a Friday.
Such a divine merger of so many great periods on a single day is extremely rare.
As far as I believe, such a divine merger is the first and last time a person would ever get to see in his life.
Hence sadhaks, one must not let this divine day go out of hands. Wasting such a divine day would be like wasting your whole human life.
Thus sadhaks, today, I will be sharing a very rare and powerful stotra of Lord Rama, which can fulfill all that there is, for a sadhak to desire.
Not before has stotra ever been shared on the internet.
On this very very great day, do not let this opportunity go out of hands. I have seen a lot of people making fun of Lord Rama thinking that Lord Rama upasana is just about moksha. Remember sadhaks that every sorrow a person is facing is due to his sins only. No god ever punishes a person who is punya, he only punishes those who commit sins.
Secondly, Lord Rama was a king. Thus, he can make you too like one, in health, wealth, power and kindness.
The upasna of Lord Rama is like using an arrow, it may take a little time for you to stabilize the arrow and bring it in the perfect position, but once it is shot, there is nothing that can stop it.
Sadhaks, Lord Rama is one such god where you will never ever get a no. No matter what you ask. Do not believe the fools who look down upon Rama/Krishna worship. They are better away. Lord Rama is Ajay. Nobody can interfere with the power and protection of Lord Rama.
After taking permission from Lord Rama, start the recitation of this stotra. Recite it at least 21 times daily. Do not chant anything else. There is no need for anything else.
Light a pure ghee diya, few incense sticks or dhoop, offer yellow flowers, gandh, naivedya of sweets and recite the stotra 21 times at dusk daily. If possible, wear yellow clothes as well.
Chant it atleast 21 times daily to see miracles happening.
A lot of people nowadays want stotras and mantras to show results from 1st day itself. Sadhaks, only the mantras of bhoot, pret and pisach show effects from the first day, not of Gods.
Even Hanuman Chalisa takes 2 weeks to show its results.
Everything requires effort. It takes time to cut our bad karmas and improve your positive aura. Mantras and stotras are not magic neither will they ever be. Success only comes to those who work hard and are patient.
For those who will just be starting Rama Upasana, they need to keep this in mind.
At first sadhaks, you may not anything at all. Seeing mental images of God in a meditative state, seeing him smiling - all these are the things that are experienced the most once the mantra energy starts getting instilled in you.
But in Rama upasna, it may happen that you may feel absolutely nothing at all. There may be no joyous feelings, no internal change at all. Especially if you are reciting 21 times daily.
If you recite 54-108 times, you may start getting experiences a lot quickly than others.
As I said, you may not experience absolutely anything at all. But if say that you are reciting this stotra for 30 days, then, for the first 20 days nothing will happen. You will feel as if you are repeating mantras like a parrot. From the 21st day, you will start seeing images and Lord Rama smiling.
But even that won't be a lot.
However, on the 28th day, huge miracles will start happening.
Very very soon and very very quickly and in very huge quantities, those changes will start happening which you never ever imagined.
In just 3 days, you will achieve all the things, that you desired since the past 27 days.
And after that, there will be no looking back.
Sadhaks, whatever I have mentioned above is from sadhaks who had honest experiences like these.
Lord Rama is upasna is far far greater than you can imagine.
And as for waiting, if you want quick results, you can take the aashray of ittar yonis for quick results.
It is true that Lord Rama upasna takes more time, but once you start getting results, there is no stopping.
I said this before and I am saying it again, in Rama upasna, there is no such thing as a No. It is impossible that you could ever get a No from him for anything, especially if its a worldly desire.
He automatically builds great politeness, honesty, kindness, pleasing nature, fearlessness, strength, and such great qualities.
He starts to become like Lord Rama himself.
The vidhi is simple and has been shared by me previously. Sit facing North on a Kush aasan, do guru and panchdev pujan, Hanuman and Rama family pujan and start the recitation of the stotra after taking a sankalp.
The stotra is Shri Rama Ashtadash-shat naam stotra, or the 118 names stotra of Lord Rama.
वेदव्यास उवाच ।
शृणु गाङ्गेय वक्ष्यामि रामस्याद्भुद्कर्मणः
नामाष्टशतकं पुण्यं महापातकनाशनम्
नातः परतरं गुह्यं त्रिषु लोकेषु विद्यते ॥ १ ॥
कैलाशशिखरे रम्ये नानारत्नविभूषिते
एकाग्रो प्रयतो भूत्वा विष्णुमाराध्य भक्तितः ॥ २ ॥
उपविष्टस्ततो भोक्तुं पार्वतीं शङ्करो अब्रवीत्
पार्वत्येहि मया सार्द्धं भोक्तुं भुवनवन्दिते ॥ ३ ॥
तमाह पार्वति देवी जप्त्वा नाम सहस्रकम्
ततो भोक्ष्याम्यहम् देवी भुज्यतां भवता प्रभो ॥ ४ ॥
ततस्तां पार्वति प्राह प्रहसन् परमेश्वरः
धन्यासि कृतपुण्यासि विष्णु भक्तासि पार्वति || ५ ||
दुलभ् वैशन्वि भक्तिर्भागधेयं विनेश्वरी |
रकारादिनि नामानि शृण्वतो मम पार्वति । ६
मनः प्रसन्नतामेति रामनामाभिशङ्कया
रमन्ते योगिनो अनन्ते सत्यानन्दे चिदात्मनि ।
इति रामपदे नासौ परम् ब्रह्माभिधीयते ॥ ७ ॥
राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहस्रनाममध्ये तु राम नाम वरानने ।
रामेत्युक्त्वा महादेवि भुंक्ष्व सार्द्धं मयाधुना ॥८ ॥
ततो रामेति नामोक्त्वा सः भुक्त्वा च पार्वति ।
ततो भुक्त्वा महादेवि पतिना सह संस्थिता ॥ ९ ॥
प्रच्छ श्रीमहादेवं प्रीतिप्रवण मानसा ।
सहस्रनामभिस्तुल्यम् राम नाम त्वयोदितं ॥ १० ॥
तस्यान्यान्यापि नामानि सन्ति चेद् रावणद्विषः ।
कथ्यतां मम देवेश तत्र मे प्रीतिरुत्तमा ॥ ११ ॥
श्री शङ्कर उवाच ।
शृणु नामानि वक्ष्यामि रामचन्द्रस्य पार्वति ।
लौकिका वैदिकाः शब्दा ये केचित्सन्ति चाधिकम् ।
तेषु च अत्यन्तमुख्यं हि नाम्नां अष्टोत्तरंशतं ॥ १३ ॥
विष्णोरेकैक नामानि सर्व वेदाधिकं फलं ।
ताद्रुङ्ग्नाम सहस्रेषु राम नाम परम् मतं ॥१४ ॥
जपतः सर्ववेदांश्च सर्व मन्त्रान्श्च पार्वति ।
तस्मात् कोटिगुणं पुण्यं रामनाम्नैव लभ्यते ॥ १५ ॥
ॐ अस्य श्री रामाष्टोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्रस्य, ईश्वर ऋषिः , अनुष्टुप् छन्दः
श्रीरामचन्द्रो देवता, श्रीराम प्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ॥
ॐ श्रीरामो रामभद्रश्च रामचन्द्रश्च शाश्वतः ।
राजीवलोचनः श्रीमान् राजेन्द्रो रघुपुङ्गवः ॥ 16॥
जानकीवल्लभो जैत्रो जितामित्रो जनार्दनः ।
विश्वामित्रप्रियो दान्तः शरणत्राणतत्परः ॥ १७ ॥
वालिप्रमथनो वाग्मी सत्यवाक् सत्यविक्रमः ।
सत्यव्रतो व्रतधरः सदा हनुमदाश्रयः ॥ १८ ॥
कौशलेयः खरध्वंसी विराधवधपण्डितः ।
विभीषणपरित्राता दशग्रीवशिरोहरः ॥ १९ ॥
सप्ततालप्रभेत्ता च हरकोदण्डखण्डनः ।
जामदग्न्यमहादर्पदलनस्ताडकान्तकः ॥ २० ॥
वेदान्तसारो अमेयात्मा भववैद्यश्च भेषजः ।
दूषणत्रिशिरो हन्ता त्रिमूर्तिस्त्रिगुणस्त्रयी ॥ २१ ॥
त्रिविक्रमस्त्रिलोकात्मा पुण्यचारिती कीर्तनः ।
त्रिलोकरक्षको धन्वी दण्डकारण्यपुण्यकृत् ॥ २२ ॥
अहल्या पावनश्चैव पितृभक्तो वरप्रदः ।
जितेन्द्रियो जितक्रोधो जितलाभो जगद्गुरुः ॥ २३ ॥
ऋक्षवानरसंघाती चित्रकूटसमाश्रयः ।
जयन्तत्राणवरदः सुमित्रापुत्रसेवितः ॥ २४ ॥
सर्वदेवादिदेवश्च मृतबालकजीवनः ।
मायामारीचहन्ता च महाभोगो महाभुजः ॥ २५ ॥
सर्वदेवस्तुतः सौम्यो ब्रह्मण्यो मुनिसंस्तुतः ।
महायोगी महोदारः सुग्रीवेप्सितराज्यदः ॥ २६ ॥
सर्व पुण्याधिकफलस्तीर्थः सर्वाघनाशनः ।
आदिपुरुषो महापुरुषः परमः पुरुषस्तथा ॥ २७ ॥
पुण्योदयो दयासारः पुराण: पुरुषोत्तमः ।
स्मितवक्त्रो मिताभाषी पूर्णभाषी च राघवः ॥ २८ ॥
अनन्तगुणगम्भीरो धीरोदात्तगुणोत्तमः ।
मायामानुषचारित्रो महादेवाभिपूजितः ॥ २९ ॥
सेतुकृज्जितवारीशः सर्वतीर्थमयो हरिः ।
श्यामाङ्गः सुन्दरः शूरः पीतवासा धनुर्धरः ॥ ३० ॥
सर्वयज्ञाधिपो यज्वा जरामरणवर्जितः ।
शिवलिङ्गप्रतिष्ठाता सर्वाघगणवर्जितः ॥ ३१ ॥
परमात्मा परं ब्रह्म सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहः ।
परं ज्योतिः परं धाम पराकाष्ठा परात्परः ॥ ३२ ॥
परेशः पारगः पारः सर्वदेवात्मकः परः ।
इत्येतद्रामभद्रस्य नाम्नां अष्टोत्तरंशतं ॥ ३३ ॥
गुह्याद् गुह्यतरं देवी तव प्रीत्या प्रकीर्तितम् ।
यः पठेच्छ्रुणुयाद्वापि भक्तियुक्तेन चेतसा ।
स सर्व मुच्यते पापैः कल्पकोति शतोद्भवैः ॥ ३४ ॥
जलानि स्थलतां यान्ति शत्रवो यान्ति मित्रताम् ।
राजाओ दासतां यान्ति वह्नयो यान्ति सौम्यताम् ।। ३५ ।।
आनुकूलयञ्च भूतानि स्थैर्यं यान्ति चलां श्रीयः ।
अनुग्रहे ग्रहा यान्ति नाशमायान्त्युपद्र वाः ।। ३६ ।।
पठतो भक्तिभावेन जनस्य गिरिसंभवे ।
यः पठेत् परया भक्त्या तस्य वश्यं जगत्त्रयम् ।
यद्यत्कामयते चित्ते तत्तदाप्नोति कीर्तनात् ।। ३७ ।।
यह पठेद् रामचंद्रस्य नाम्नां अष्टोत्तरं शतम् ।
ज्ञानिनामपि च कुर्वाणो न स पापेन लिप्यते ।। ३८ ।।
सर्व वेदेषु तीर्थेषु दानेषु च तपःसु च ।
तत्फलं कोटिगुणितं स्तवेनानेन लभ्यते ।। ३९ ।।
पुण्यकालेषु सर्वेषु पठन्नानन्त्यमश्नुते ।
कल्पकोटि सहस्राणि कल्पकोटि शतानि च ।
वैकुण्ठे वासमाप्नोति दशपूर्वैर्दशापरैः ।। ४० ।।
रामं दूर्वादलश्यामं पद्माक्षं पीतवाससम् ।
स्तुवन्ति नामभिर्ददिव्यैर्न ते संसारिणो नरा: ।। ४१ ।।
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचन्द्राय वेधसे।
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीताया: पतये नमः ।। ४२ ।।
इमं मन्त्रं महेशानि जपेन्नैव दिवानिशम् ।
सर्व पापविनिर्मुक्तो विष्णु सायुज्यमाप्नुयात् ।। ४३ ।।
इत्येतद्रामचंद्रस्य माहात्म्यं वेद सम्मतम् ।
कथितं तव गांगेय यतस्त्वं वैष्णवोत्तमः ।। ४४ ।।
वंदामहे महेशानं हर कोदण्डखण्डनंम् ।
जानकीहृदयानंदचन्दनं रघुनंदनम् ।। ४५ ।।
इति श्रीरामचंद्र अष्टादषशत नाम स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।।
The stotra is very very divine and powerful. By reciting this stotra sadhak gets rid of all the sins that may be spread over 1 crore kalpas.
By reciting this stotra, fast currents of water become stable, enemies become friends, kings become like slaves, fire becomes gentle, all ghosts remain favourable and fickle lakshmi becomes stable, all the planets become favourable and all difficulties and dangers are destroyed.
The vaishnav sadhak who recites this stotra with devotion attracts all the 3 worlds.
Whatever he thinks of, in his heart, the same gets fulfilled by kirtan of this stotra.
By reciting stotra, even doing a sin doesnt incur it.
By reciting this stotra, whatever benefit one could achieve, by reciting all the vedas, going to all tirth and doing all kinds of tapa, 1 crore times more punya, is achieved by recitation of this stotra.
By reciting this stotra in various auspicious periods like sankranti, abhijit muhurat, akshay tritiya,etc. One gains unlimited punya from it and he gets to live for 1100 crore kalpas in vaikunth.
By reciting this stotra, sadhak gets the sayujya of Lord Rama.
He becomes invincible. Every body starts respecting him like an authoritive figure.
He becomes very very pleasing to look at.
He develops great politeness, kindness, manners, personality and starts becoming like Lord Rama in qualities.
Hope that all sadhaks make use of this precious moment and start doing rama upasna.
As mentioned by me, it may happen that you won't have any experiences, but you must keep going.
Because this is when lord rama is testing you to see if you have patience or not.
The major problem a lot of people have is that they want things to happen their way and at the time they want.
But sadhaks, I am saying this again and again, Lord Rama is one such god who can change a situation in a flash. You need to have faith that whatever god is doing, he is doing it for a reason.
Lord Rama upasana is only for those who believe in him.
Wishing all a very prosperous and blessed Rama Navami in advance.
Jay Shree Rama
Jay Hanuman
Now, Rama Navami is celebrated by Smarta on Saturday and by ISKCON on Sunday.
Here sadhaks, the one considered by ISKCON should be taken. This is because the navami that is obstructed by an ashtami is no auspicious, as it was last year.
Thus, we must consider Rama Navami on Sunday. Sadhaks, this year's chaitra month is very very auspicious. This is because it is a very rare month, where an Amavasya fell on a Friday, Navratri started on a Saturday.
Not only this, the same day that there is Rama Navami and in the same Muhurata of the birth of Lord Rama, there is also the maha-punyakaal of Mesha Sankranti, the time when Lord Surya enters his uccha sthaan.
Plus, there is a Ravi Pushya Yoga that day.
Then, later in the week, Chaitra Purnima is falling on a Friday.
Such a divine merger of so many great periods on a single day is extremely rare.
As far as I believe, such a divine merger is the first and last time a person would ever get to see in his life.
Hence sadhaks, one must not let this divine day go out of hands. Wasting such a divine day would be like wasting your whole human life.
Thus sadhaks, today, I will be sharing a very rare and powerful stotra of Lord Rama, which can fulfill all that there is, for a sadhak to desire.
Not before has stotra ever been shared on the internet.
On this very very great day, do not let this opportunity go out of hands. I have seen a lot of people making fun of Lord Rama thinking that Lord Rama upasana is just about moksha. Remember sadhaks that every sorrow a person is facing is due to his sins only. No god ever punishes a person who is punya, he only punishes those who commit sins.
Secondly, Lord Rama was a king. Thus, he can make you too like one, in health, wealth, power and kindness.
The upasna of Lord Rama is like using an arrow, it may take a little time for you to stabilize the arrow and bring it in the perfect position, but once it is shot, there is nothing that can stop it.
Sadhaks, Lord Rama is one such god where you will never ever get a no. No matter what you ask. Do not believe the fools who look down upon Rama/Krishna worship. They are better away. Lord Rama is Ajay. Nobody can interfere with the power and protection of Lord Rama.
After taking permission from Lord Rama, start the recitation of this stotra. Recite it at least 21 times daily. Do not chant anything else. There is no need for anything else.
Light a pure ghee diya, few incense sticks or dhoop, offer yellow flowers, gandh, naivedya of sweets and recite the stotra 21 times at dusk daily. If possible, wear yellow clothes as well.
Chant it atleast 21 times daily to see miracles happening.
A lot of people nowadays want stotras and mantras to show results from 1st day itself. Sadhaks, only the mantras of bhoot, pret and pisach show effects from the first day, not of Gods.
Even Hanuman Chalisa takes 2 weeks to show its results.
Everything requires effort. It takes time to cut our bad karmas and improve your positive aura. Mantras and stotras are not magic neither will they ever be. Success only comes to those who work hard and are patient.
For those who will just be starting Rama Upasana, they need to keep this in mind.
At first sadhaks, you may not anything at all. Seeing mental images of God in a meditative state, seeing him smiling - all these are the things that are experienced the most once the mantra energy starts getting instilled in you.
But in Rama upasna, it may happen that you may feel absolutely nothing at all. There may be no joyous feelings, no internal change at all. Especially if you are reciting 21 times daily.
If you recite 54-108 times, you may start getting experiences a lot quickly than others.
As I said, you may not experience absolutely anything at all. But if say that you are reciting this stotra for 30 days, then, for the first 20 days nothing will happen. You will feel as if you are repeating mantras like a parrot. From the 21st day, you will start seeing images and Lord Rama smiling.
But even that won't be a lot.
However, on the 28th day, huge miracles will start happening.
Very very soon and very very quickly and in very huge quantities, those changes will start happening which you never ever imagined.
In just 3 days, you will achieve all the things, that you desired since the past 27 days.
And after that, there will be no looking back.
Sadhaks, whatever I have mentioned above is from sadhaks who had honest experiences like these.
Lord Rama is upasna is far far greater than you can imagine.
And as for waiting, if you want quick results, you can take the aashray of ittar yonis for quick results.
It is true that Lord Rama upasna takes more time, but once you start getting results, there is no stopping.
I said this before and I am saying it again, in Rama upasna, there is no such thing as a No. It is impossible that you could ever get a No from him for anything, especially if its a worldly desire.
He automatically builds great politeness, honesty, kindness, pleasing nature, fearlessness, strength, and such great qualities.
He starts to become like Lord Rama himself.
The vidhi is simple and has been shared by me previously. Sit facing North on a Kush aasan, do guru and panchdev pujan, Hanuman and Rama family pujan and start the recitation of the stotra after taking a sankalp.
The stotra is Shri Rama Ashtadash-shat naam stotra, or the 118 names stotra of Lord Rama.
वेदव्यास उवाच ।
शृणु गाङ्गेय वक्ष्यामि रामस्याद्भुद्कर्मणः
नामाष्टशतकं पुण्यं महापातकनाशनम्
नातः परतरं गुह्यं त्रिषु लोकेषु विद्यते ॥ १ ॥
कैलाशशिखरे रम्ये नानारत्नविभूषिते
एकाग्रो प्रयतो भूत्वा विष्णुमाराध्य भक्तितः ॥ २ ॥
उपविष्टस्ततो भोक्तुं पार्वतीं शङ्करो अब्रवीत्
पार्वत्येहि मया सार्द्धं भोक्तुं भुवनवन्दिते ॥ ३ ॥
तमाह पार्वति देवी जप्त्वा नाम सहस्रकम्
ततो भोक्ष्याम्यहम् देवी भुज्यतां भवता प्रभो ॥ ४ ॥
ततस्तां पार्वति प्राह प्रहसन् परमेश्वरः
धन्यासि कृतपुण्यासि विष्णु भक्तासि पार्वति || ५ ||
दुलभ् वैशन्वि भक्तिर्भागधेयं विनेश्वरी |
रकारादिनि नामानि शृण्वतो मम पार्वति । ६
मनः प्रसन्नतामेति रामनामाभिशङ्कया
रमन्ते योगिनो अनन्ते सत्यानन्दे चिदात्मनि ।
इति रामपदे नासौ परम् ब्रह्माभिधीयते ॥ ७ ॥
राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहस्रनाममध्ये तु राम नाम वरानने ।
रामेत्युक्त्वा महादेवि भुंक्ष्व सार्द्धं मयाधुना ॥८ ॥
ततो रामेति नामोक्त्वा सः भुक्त्वा च पार्वति ।
ततो भुक्त्वा महादेवि पतिना सह संस्थिता ॥ ९ ॥
प्रच्छ श्रीमहादेवं प्रीतिप्रवण मानसा ।
सहस्रनामभिस्तुल्यम् राम नाम त्वयोदितं ॥ १० ॥
तस्यान्यान्यापि नामानि सन्ति चेद् रावणद्विषः ।
कथ्यतां मम देवेश तत्र मे प्रीतिरुत्तमा ॥ ११ ॥
श्री शङ्कर उवाच ।
शृणु नामानि वक्ष्यामि रामचन्द्रस्य पार्वति ।
लौकिका वैदिकाः शब्दा ये केचित्सन्ति चाधिकम् ।
तेषु च अत्यन्तमुख्यं हि नाम्नां अष्टोत्तरंशतं ॥ १३ ॥
विष्णोरेकैक नामानि सर्व वेदाधिकं फलं ।
ताद्रुङ्ग्नाम सहस्रेषु राम नाम परम् मतं ॥१४ ॥
जपतः सर्ववेदांश्च सर्व मन्त्रान्श्च पार्वति ।
तस्मात् कोटिगुणं पुण्यं रामनाम्नैव लभ्यते ॥ १५ ॥
ॐ अस्य श्री रामाष्टोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्रस्य, ईश्वर ऋषिः , अनुष्टुप् छन्दः
श्रीरामचन्द्रो देवता, श्रीराम प्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ॥
ॐ श्रीरामो रामभद्रश्च रामचन्द्रश्च शाश्वतः ।
राजीवलोचनः श्रीमान् राजेन्द्रो रघुपुङ्गवः ॥ 16॥
जानकीवल्लभो जैत्रो जितामित्रो जनार्दनः ।
विश्वामित्रप्रियो दान्तः शरणत्राणतत्परः ॥ १७ ॥
वालिप्रमथनो वाग्मी सत्यवाक् सत्यविक्रमः ।
सत्यव्रतो व्रतधरः सदा हनुमदाश्रयः ॥ १८ ॥
कौशलेयः खरध्वंसी विराधवधपण्डितः ।
विभीषणपरित्राता दशग्रीवशिरोहरः ॥ १९ ॥
सप्ततालप्रभेत्ता च हरकोदण्डखण्डनः ।
जामदग्न्यमहादर्पदलनस्ताडकान्तकः ॥ २० ॥
वेदान्तसारो अमेयात्मा भववैद्यश्च भेषजः ।
दूषणत्रिशिरो हन्ता त्रिमूर्तिस्त्रिगुणस्त्रयी ॥ २१ ॥
त्रिविक्रमस्त्रिलोकात्मा पुण्यचारिती कीर्तनः ।
त्रिलोकरक्षको धन्वी दण्डकारण्यपुण्यकृत् ॥ २२ ॥
अहल्या पावनश्चैव पितृभक्तो वरप्रदः ।
जितेन्द्रियो जितक्रोधो जितलाभो जगद्गुरुः ॥ २३ ॥
ऋक्षवानरसंघाती चित्रकूटसमाश्रयः ।
जयन्तत्राणवरदः सुमित्रापुत्रसेवितः ॥ २४ ॥
सर्वदेवादिदेवश्च मृतबालकजीवनः ।
मायामारीचहन्ता च महाभोगो महाभुजः ॥ २५ ॥
सर्वदेवस्तुतः सौम्यो ब्रह्मण्यो मुनिसंस्तुतः ।
महायोगी महोदारः सुग्रीवेप्सितराज्यदः ॥ २६ ॥
सर्व पुण्याधिकफलस्तीर्थः सर्वाघनाशनः ।
आदिपुरुषो महापुरुषः परमः पुरुषस्तथा ॥ २७ ॥
पुण्योदयो दयासारः पुराण: पुरुषोत्तमः ।
स्मितवक्त्रो मिताभाषी पूर्णभाषी च राघवः ॥ २८ ॥
अनन्तगुणगम्भीरो धीरोदात्तगुणोत्तमः ।
मायामानुषचारित्रो महादेवाभिपूजितः ॥ २९ ॥
सेतुकृज्जितवारीशः सर्वतीर्थमयो हरिः ।
श्यामाङ्गः सुन्दरः शूरः पीतवासा धनुर्धरः ॥ ३० ॥
सर्वयज्ञाधिपो यज्वा जरामरणवर्जितः ।
शिवलिङ्गप्रतिष्ठाता सर्वाघगणवर्जितः ॥ ३१ ॥
परमात्मा परं ब्रह्म सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहः ।
परं ज्योतिः परं धाम पराकाष्ठा परात्परः ॥ ३२ ॥
परेशः पारगः पारः सर्वदेवात्मकः परः ।
इत्येतद्रामभद्रस्य नाम्नां अष्टोत्तरंशतं ॥ ३३ ॥
गुह्याद् गुह्यतरं देवी तव प्रीत्या प्रकीर्तितम् ।
यः पठेच्छ्रुणुयाद्वापि भक्तियुक्तेन चेतसा ।
स सर्व मुच्यते पापैः कल्पकोति शतोद्भवैः ॥ ३४ ॥
जलानि स्थलतां यान्ति शत्रवो यान्ति मित्रताम् ।
राजाओ दासतां यान्ति वह्नयो यान्ति सौम्यताम् ।। ३५ ।।
आनुकूलयञ्च भूतानि स्थैर्यं यान्ति चलां श्रीयः ।
अनुग्रहे ग्रहा यान्ति नाशमायान्त्युपद्र वाः ।। ३६ ।।
पठतो भक्तिभावेन जनस्य गिरिसंभवे ।
यः पठेत् परया भक्त्या तस्य वश्यं जगत्त्रयम् ।
यद्यत्कामयते चित्ते तत्तदाप्नोति कीर्तनात् ।। ३७ ।।
यह पठेद् रामचंद्रस्य नाम्नां अष्टोत्तरं शतम् ।
ज्ञानिनामपि च कुर्वाणो न स पापेन लिप्यते ।। ३८ ।।
सर्व वेदेषु तीर्थेषु दानेषु च तपःसु च ।
तत्फलं कोटिगुणितं स्तवेनानेन लभ्यते ।। ३९ ।।
पुण्यकालेषु सर्वेषु पठन्नानन्त्यमश्नुते ।
कल्पकोटि सहस्राणि कल्पकोटि शतानि च ।
वैकुण्ठे वासमाप्नोति दशपूर्वैर्दशापरैः ।। ४० ।।
रामं दूर्वादलश्यामं पद्माक्षं पीतवाससम् ।
स्तुवन्ति नामभिर्ददिव्यैर्न ते संसारिणो नरा: ।। ४१ ।।
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचन्द्राय वेधसे।
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीताया: पतये नमः ।। ४२ ।।
इमं मन्त्रं महेशानि जपेन्नैव दिवानिशम् ।
सर्व पापविनिर्मुक्तो विष्णु सायुज्यमाप्नुयात् ।। ४३ ।।
इत्येतद्रामचंद्रस्य माहात्म्यं वेद सम्मतम् ।
कथितं तव गांगेय यतस्त्वं वैष्णवोत्तमः ।। ४४ ।।
वंदामहे महेशानं हर कोदण्डखण्डनंम् ।
जानकीहृदयानंदचन्दनं रघुनंदनम् ।। ४५ ।।
इति श्रीरामचंद्र अष्टादषशत नाम स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।।
The stotra is very very divine and powerful. By reciting this stotra sadhak gets rid of all the sins that may be spread over 1 crore kalpas.
By reciting this stotra, fast currents of water become stable, enemies become friends, kings become like slaves, fire becomes gentle, all ghosts remain favourable and fickle lakshmi becomes stable, all the planets become favourable and all difficulties and dangers are destroyed.
The vaishnav sadhak who recites this stotra with devotion attracts all the 3 worlds.
Whatever he thinks of, in his heart, the same gets fulfilled by kirtan of this stotra.
By reciting stotra, even doing a sin doesnt incur it.
By reciting this stotra, whatever benefit one could achieve, by reciting all the vedas, going to all tirth and doing all kinds of tapa, 1 crore times more punya, is achieved by recitation of this stotra.
By reciting this stotra in various auspicious periods like sankranti, abhijit muhurat, akshay tritiya,etc. One gains unlimited punya from it and he gets to live for 1100 crore kalpas in vaikunth.
By reciting this stotra, sadhak gets the sayujya of Lord Rama.
He becomes invincible. Every body starts respecting him like an authoritive figure.
He becomes very very pleasing to look at.
He develops great politeness, kindness, manners, personality and starts becoming like Lord Rama in qualities.
Hope that all sadhaks make use of this precious moment and start doing rama upasna.
As mentioned by me, it may happen that you won't have any experiences, but you must keep going.
Because this is when lord rama is testing you to see if you have patience or not.
The major problem a lot of people have is that they want things to happen their way and at the time they want.
But sadhaks, I am saying this again and again, Lord Rama is one such god who can change a situation in a flash. You need to have faith that whatever god is doing, he is doing it for a reason.
Lord Rama upasana is only for those who believe in him.
Wishing all a very prosperous and blessed Rama Navami in advance.
Jay Shree Rama
Jay Hanuman
Great great article
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for beautiful post.. to know more how should i do Panchadevta puja? Please help
ReplyDeleteThanks again
For Rama upasana, First guru pujan then ganesh, surya, Shiv-Parvati, Lakshmi Narayan.
DeleteThen pujan of the Lord Rama's family.
Respected Guru ji,
ReplyDeletePlease show me the right way that how may I do Lord Rama Family pujan? Any single mantra or stotra for Lord Rama's family or is there any different mantra or stotras for all?
And this pujan should I do daily before reciting this Stotra?
Thank you
Hanuman, bharat, shatrughna, lakshman, sita. Do mansik puja in this order.
DeletePlease help me to get above stotra in English or Bengali Language ....If any link in internet please share and kndly help me
ReplyDeleteThank you
Namaste Guru ji,
ReplyDeleteWhat is the meaning when you mentioned that "you can take the aashray of ittar yonis for quick results"?
please guide.
Ittar yoni means bhoot, pret, pishach,etc.
DeleteDear sir,
ReplyDelete1. as I could not start the sadhna today, you please suggest another day to start with.
2. Should we take sankalp?
3. Some words are really difficult to pronounce.I also request you to please provide translation of those words please.
1. Hanuman Jayanti
Delete2. Yes
3. Will try
Sir,,,Please provide this stotra in English or Bengali Language.I am from Bangladesh.
ReplyDeleteGuruji mujhe ek girlfriend chahiye,mujhe plz koi sadhana bataiye,jo shat pratishat kaam kare hi,kamdev sadhana kar chuka hoon 3 baar kuch nahi hua,please please aap kuch kripa kiniye.
ReplyDeleteChant ॐ गं गणपतये सर्वकार्य सिद्धि कुरु कुरु स्वाहा 3 malas and then do the kamdev sadhana. You will get success.
DeleteGuru ji,
ReplyDeleteIf I chant 108 names of Lord Rama 21 times or more then will effects same?
Please also show light on Lord Rama 108 names. Because I do chant this.
Thank you
Great sir......
ReplyDeleteLord Rama will bless you for this.....
We are waiting for anathor great mantra for upcoming hanuman jayanty
Sir plzz hanuman jayanti k lye artical post kre plzz
ReplyDeleteKindly post sadhana about manas sunderkand for hanuman jayanthy
ReplyDeleteSir one more question after viniyog, stotra starts from 16th, so if I can't it 21 times, should it be started from bigining again and again? Or one time full stotra and after that 20 times from 16th?
ReplyDeleteFor the first time, you must recite the entire stotra. From the 2nd time, only from after the viniyog.
DeleteSir one more question after viniyog, stotra starts from 16th, so if I can't it 21 times, should it be started from bigining again and again? Or one time full stotra and after that 20 times from 16th?
ReplyDeleteYes coz viniyog is spoken only one tym when we start the first tym wud be full stotra n thn frm 16th.,for the next 20 tyms.
ReplyDeleteGuruji Pranam,
ReplyDeleteCan we start this puja from Saturday. Since not possible to do puja in dusk. Can do it in morning.
You can do it in morning starting from a shukla paksha sunday or navami
DeleteCan I do this sadhna without Sankalp?
ReplyDeleteSir, would you please check, the para no.12 is missing. Is it not mentiond or some line is missing please check.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the mention. The stotra is complete. There was only mistake in numbering
Deleteplease give english translation guruji
ReplyDeleteSir please give English translation
ReplyDeleteSir please give English translation