Friday, December 15, 2017

Extremely Rare Krishna Mantra Sadhana to remove great sins

Lord Krishna is one of the 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu.
The ever compassionate lord, the giver of pleasure to the depressed, the most humble of all the gods, Lord Krishna is giver of bhukti as well as mukti to all those who come under his lotus feet.
Just by surrendering oneself to him, a person gets rid of crores and crores at that instance itself.
In Kali Yuga, he alone is the giver of bhukti as well as mukti and also a giver of freedom from the dirt of Kali Yuga.
Today, an extremely extremely rare mantra is being shared by me here dedicated to Lord Krishna.
By just chanting this mantra, a sadhak gets the chance of serve the lotus feet of Lord Krishna and gain bhukti as well as mukti, with his grace.
There is niether a need a purushcharan, nor a need of performing nyaas.
Niether is there is a need to refer to the 6 chakra.
Niether is there a bar on the country or time.
This mantra can be recited any time any where.
It has been observed ever since the creation of this world, that many many great great sinners, many many krutaghna and chandaal have gained freedom from their sins and become pure with the grace of Lord Janardan.
From a brahmin to a person of other dharma, every person has the freedom to chant this mantra.
Women, Shudra, Jada buddhi, dumb,deaf, blind, crippled, crooked, pulinda, serious, egoistic, the yaavanas, and all such kind of people; sinners who are arrogant,  egoistic, snitchers, cow killers, cow eaters, brahma hatyari, gyaan-vairagyaheen, shravan-manan rahit ; and all the other sinful and lowly class of people are also allowed to chant this mantra.

However, people who do not have faith in God, or a person who is atheist must not chant this mantra. Niether should such mantra be revealed in front of him.
The person who does want to listen the glories of the Lord, or finds excuses when offered a chance for the same, or the person who doesn't have respect for his Guru; such sinners and fools cannot chant this mantra. 

Viniyog :
।। ॐ अस्य श्रीकृष्णचिंतामणि मंत्रस्य, शिव ऋषिः , वल्लवी वल्लभ श्रीकृष्णो देवता, श्रीकृष्ण दास्यभाव प्राप्तयर्थे जपे विनियोगः ।।

मंत्र -
।। ॐ गोपिजनवल्लभ चरणान् शरणं प्रपद्ये ।।

There isn't much procedure for this mantra.
Niether is there a need for purushcharan in this mantra. This is said by Lord Shiva himself.
On any auspicious day like ekadashi or purnima, one can start the mantra japa.

By reciting this mantra even 1 time, all that is desired by the sadhak starts being available to him via multiple opportunities.
All that is desired by the sadhak gradually starts being available to him.

One must atleast 1 round daily using tulsi mala to see quick results.
The mantra is extremely extremely rare and one of a kind.

Great great sins have been burnt and many many sinners have been turned pure, by chanting this mantra.
By chanting this mantra, one gets purified from the dirt of Kali Yuga.
He remains free from diseases, weakness, sorrow, pain, affliction, lust, pride, anger, arrogance and gets the grace of the ever merciful, Lord Krishna.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Very Powerful Lord Rama Stotra to increase devotion for him

Lord Rama, is the supreme among all Gods.
The paramatman, Shri Bhagvan, the creator and maintainer of all the worlds and the beings in it.
His one remembrance itself frees a sadhak from sins of millions and millions of births.

The kirtan of whose name is like nectar for the sick, dharma for the adharmi, wealth for the poor, happiness for the unhappy, peace for the agony, and the giver of light in darkness.
The one whose naam kirtan makes sins run away, the way a deer runs away at the sight of a hunter.

Today, one such very rare stotra is being shared by me here reciting which a sadhak develops great great bhakti for the Lord.
By reciting this stotra, the Vaishnav sees Lord everywhere and in everyone.
Such a person, stays very near to Lord Rama and Lord Rama stays very near to him.
And even if he may lost in fearful jungles at night, under the fear of lions and other ferocious animals, or if he may be under the fear of snakes, he will find Lord Rama free him from the same very very soon.
By the recitation of this stotra, There shall be peace everywhere with the transcendental grace of The Supreme Lord.
For him, Lord Rama alone with be him mother and he alone will be his father.
He alone will be his brother and his friend.
Lord Rama alone will be his lord and Rama alone will be his giver of wealth.
He will know about no body else except Lord Rama
The sadhak's sole service will be of help service of the supreme Lord.
He will salute Lord Rama alone and he will forever be in his thoughts and action.
He will always be full of the knowledge of the Supreme Lord and upon closing his eyes and looking, he will only find him.
Lord alone will be his dharma, his karma and the giver of the fruits of his karma.

श्री राम सर्वस्व स्तोत्रम् ।

ॐ रामो माता मत्पितारामचन्द्रो 
भ्रातारामो मत्सखा रामचन्द्रः ।
रामः स्वामी राम एवार्थदाता 
रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ १॥

रामः सेव्यो वन्दनीयोऽपि रामो
 रामोनित्यं मादृशैश्चितनीयः ।
रामो ज्ञानं ध्यानगम्योऽपि रामो 
रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ २॥

रामो भुक्तिर्मुक्तिदाता च
रामो रामोऽस्माकं राजते राजराजः ।
लोकेऽस्माभिर्लोक्यते रामचन्द्रो
 रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ३॥

रामोधर्मः कर्मरामो मदीयं 
रामोमह्यं कर्मसिद्धिप्रदाता ।
रामोऽजस्रः कर्मसिद्धिस्वरूपी
 रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ४॥

रामोऽस्माभिः पूजनीयोनितान्तं 
रामोऽस्माभिः प्रत्यहं कीर्तनीयः ।
रामोऽस्माभिर्गोपनीयो गुहान्ते
 रामदन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ५॥

रामोऽस्माकं दुःखहर्ता त्रिलोक्यां
 रामोऽस्माकं कर्मकर्ता सदैव ।
रामोऽस्माकं कर्मभूतो विभाति 
रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ६॥

रामोज्ञातिः ख्यातिरप्येव रामो 
रामः कीर्तिः पूर्तिरप्येव रामः ।
सर्वस्वं मे रामचन्द्रोऽवनीन्द्रो
 रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ७॥

ग्रामेरण्ये जागरे स्वप्नकाले 
मार्गे दुर्गे गच्छतोऽगच्छतो मे ।
शश्वल्लोके रक्षकस्त्वमेव रामो
 रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने॥ ८॥

ये वै त्रिसन्ध्यं प्रपठन्ति नित्यं
श्रीरामसर्वस्वमनन्य भक्त्या ।
श्रीरामरामेण कृतं कृतार्थास्तेऽप्यच्युतं
 रामपदं प्रयान्ति ॥ ९॥

इति श्रीराम सर्वस्व स्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ।

This stotra is for all those who want to do devotional service in the lotus feet of Lord Rama.
By reciting this stotra, the sadhak will develop great bhakti towards Lord Rama and become very near to him.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Extremely Powerful Yantra for success in love

Love is one of the most important factor which helps us create a whole new kind of life around us.
The positivity of love has the power to give us new hope and courage, in the times of distress.
Today, an extremely rare and powerful yantra is being shared by me here. 
By performing this yantra prayog, the heart of the beloved will melt, the way wax melts when it comes in contact of flame.

The procedure is very simple and does not involve any complicated steps.
The  sadhak must perform this prayog on a purnima or on shukla paksha Friday or a Monday at midnight.
The yantra that I am sharing here must be made on a bhojpatra or on a plain piece of paper using anar kalam and kesar as it's ink. Kesar ink must be made by mixing kesar with little water.

Normally, bhojpatra is suggested because in those yugas, paper didn't exist. In the previous yuga, bhojpatra was used as paper for writing.
A normal paper may work. But to be on a safer side and giving respect to the significance of bhojpatra in Sanatana Dharma, one must try to use bhojpatra only.
Once the yantra is made, it must be wrapped around a cotton wick.
This cotton wick must then be put in an earthen diya and one must fill the earthen diya with mustard oil or sarso ka tel.
Then, one must light this wick.
This way, sadhak must perform this prayog daily for 7 days.

 At the end of this prayog, no matter how sone hearted the woman may be, she will melt for you and fall in love with you.
The yantra is like the heart of your beloved girl and the flame is the fire that warms it up for you.
The power of this yantra has never failed. If you have tried all other mantras or remedies to get desired love and failed, you can try this yantra and get success in the same.
Every day,only one yantra must be burnt. Niether more, nor less.
The longer the yantra burns, the more powerful will its effects be.
The diya must be kept facing the house of your beloved.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Extremely Rare and Easy Totka for nullifying Shraapit Dosha

Among the Navgraha, Lord Shani, Rahu & Ketu are considered to be most malefic.

Out of these, Ketu is positive from spiritual standpoint and Rahu is positive from material standpoint.
However, it has been seen that both the planets give one thing but take away another thing.
In case of Ketu, If there is spiritual happiness, then there is no material happiness.
Or if there is material happiness, there is no peace in the family.
In case of Lord Rahu, if there is material happiness, then there is no bodily happiness. I.e. the sadhak suffers from diseases.
If there is health, then there is no money.
If there is spiritual growth, there is destruction of social and material life.

Among all the Navgrahas, Ketu is the most malefic followed by Rahu.
However, most of the times, the malefic effects of Ketu are not seen to be that much because it is a dormant planet most of the times.
It shows positive effects in more houses as compared to Lord Rahu.
However, it has been seen that Lord Ketu gives great great sorrow and pain when going through a malefic houses.

Their most malefic effects are seen when going through the 12th house or when positioned in 12th house in the janma kundli.

However, the effects of Lord Rahu and Ketu are dependent on Lord Shani & Brihaspati respectively.
If Lord Shani is beneficial in kundli, then Lord Rahu doesn't give malefic effects, or, it's malefic effects are reduced.
If Lord Brihaspati is positive and aspects Lord Ketu, then even Lord Ketu turns positive.
However, there are a few extremely malefic yogas in kundli which are  a sign of great suffering in this human birth.
Today, I am sharing a remedy regarding one such yoga, called as shraapit yoga.
This yoga is formed when Lord Rahu is in conjunction with Lord Shani.
Such a yoga, is a sign, that the sadhak has been a great great sinner in the previous birth.
Such a person is known to be cruel in his speech, saying harsh words all the time.
There are chances of divorce, death of the spouse, sickness in children, barrenness in spouse due to some accident, repeated miscarriages, repeated family fueds, obstruction in a person's educational and career growth, etc.
Such a person has suffered from multiple yama yatna in narak and even then not completely freed from his bad karmas.
Such a person, due to the malefic effects of Shraapit yoga, ends up wasting his whole human life without any particular achievements of any kind.
In case of extreme malefic effects, such a person even ends up changing his religion for mundane reasons.

It is very very necessary to nullify this dosha. 
Because the only reason such a person may have got a human birth is because of his left out punya. 
If he does not utilise this birth in getting rid of this dosha, the life after death of such a person will be very very painful.

Today, a very rare and very very effective remedy is being shared by me here, performing which, a person can get rid of the dosha forever.
One thing however to keep in mind before I share this totka is that readers, all the shrapit dosha is nothing but a result of our bad karmas.

By performing this totka, you will be able to get rid of the negative effects of shrapit dosha, but you won't be able to get rid of the bad karmas that caused this yoga.
Karmas are something that you will have to bear. No matter what remedy you do to avoid it. In order to completely remove the bad karmas, one needs to do devotional service of Lord Rama or Lord Shiva or Maa Gayatri. There is no other way out.
There is also a very wrong perception among majority of the people today that karma cannot be removed.

This perception is also obviously promoted by the self-proclaimed astrologers, because if people started doing remedies to nullify their karmas and got freed from malefic effects of planets, then the income and businesses of such astrologers will get shut, and how will the earn money then.
All this is nothing but fraud. 
If nullifying karma was not possible, then the concept of moksha wouldn't exist only. 
By reciting Lord Rama's names, by worshipping Lord Shiva or by worshipping Maa Shakti, one can rid of the cycle of birth and death.

However, performing remedies for bad planetary placements is also necessary, because if time is only not favourable, then one won't be able to improve his position in life.
On the other hand, by performing a mantra remedy or a totka, a sadhak can get rid of malefic effects of grahas and get more wealth and opportunities to do dharmik karmas and do donations,etc.

One more thing I must mention readers, is that any totka or tantrik remedy, must only be performed after careful observation and understanding.
Doing any totka, without thinking about why and how it happens will be like digging one's own grave.
I have seen many totkas where, just by keeping 2-3 amuk things somewhere, a person will achieve this and that and while coming back home, one must not look behind.
All this is nonsense and all this is dangerous.
For example, There are few totkas which involve using lemons, cloves, etc. And keeping them under amuk tree at midnight to get instant money and health and destruction of enemy and all such things.
Keep in mind readers that few pieces of lemons, 4-5 pieces of cloves and all such nonsense and silly things cannot give wealth or health.
When we take such things and keep it under a peepal tree or any such tree and come back home, we are actually offering it to the pret that resides on such trees and expecting them to do the desired task.
All this is very very dangerous.
When we offer such things and come back home, and even though they may do our desired task, they are pret by nature.
Hence, once you give them something and do a task via them, they will expect you to give them these things on a regular basis.
Also, many times, if the pret is powerful, or if there was a pisaach on the tree, they will sit on your back and come back along with you to your home and make it their permanent residence.
In many many books it has been written and said by gods, that the amount of period a person worships a particular god, that much he has to do his seva after death in their lokas.
These totkas is like taking service of pret.
And after death, you will have to do their seva, in their lokas.

Again readers,, not every totka invokes ghosts. 
Hence, one must always observe and see how a totka works and only then perform it.

Today, a very simple and very powerful totka is being shared by me here, through which one will get rid of Shrapit dosha forever. I always share remedies that do not involve any such kind of ghosts or pret or demons,etc.
Similarly,This totka also is very safe and effective and does invoke any kind of ghosts.
The totka I am sharing here must be performed daily for 43 days.
The only thing the sadhak has  to do, is give a tobacco filled paan to his  house 's sweeper or his office's labourer to eat.
Every day, the sadhak must give one paan to the sweeper or the labourer to eat. And it must be given daily till 43 days.
Thousands of sadhaks have performed this totka and got rid of Shraapit yoga and even you can rid of the same very easily and without spending lacs of rupees.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman

Powerful Bhairav Mantra to remove enemies

Today, a very rare and tested mantra is being shared here by a reader, Romin Bajracharya, using which, a person can successfully remove all the enemies from his life.
By Romin,
Today i am sharing with you an amazingly
powerful and tested Bhairava Mantra Experiment to get complete victory
over enemies in a very short period of time.Bhairava means "frightful"
and so he is considered to be a fierce and terrible form of none other
than Lord Shiva.
There are 64 Bhairavas and these 64 bhairavas are grouped under 8
categories and each category is controlled or headed by One
Bhairava.The major eight bhairavas are called as Astanga Bhairavas.

Hence,the eight manifestations of Bhairava OR Ashta Bhairava Are:-

1)Astanga Bhairava
2)Ruru Bhairava
3)Chanda Bhairava
4)Krodha Bhairava
5)Unmattha Bhairava
6)Kapaala Bhairava
7)Bheeshana Bhairava
8)Samhaara Bhairava

                 There is a very wrong conception that Bhairava being
an ugra swaroop of Lord Shiva should not be worshipped.It creates
turbulences in life and according to vastu shastra too,one should not
keep picture or idol of Bhairava at home in one's puja place.But,that
is totally fact,Bhairava means that who destroys fear or
who is beyond fear.Therefore,Bhairava is the THAT ONE who protects
from the most powerful,deadliest and the most grave of the
enemies,diseases,misfortunes and dangers.
                   Presented here by me is a sure shot and unfailing
experiment of Lord Bhairava through which one will be able to
destroy,control,remove and conquer one's enemies in no time.This
prayog is usually for those who are always harrased and troubled by
enemies in one way or the other.The mantra prayog and procedure is
also very very simple and can be tried very easily by anyone.

1)On any Shukla Paksha Monday,sadhak should get up and finish his
daily chores and take a bath.
2)He should establish a photo of Lord Bhairava in front of him.
3)He/she should then light few incense sticks and do simple pujan of Bhairava.
4)Before Bhairav Puja,one can do very short and simple puja of
Guru,Ganesh,Saraswati,Hanuman and Shiva to get success in the "Shatru
Nashak" Experiment.
5)He should light a diya of sesame oil.
6)The practitioner should then take a sankalpa by stating that he/she
is doing this prayog to completely remove enemies from his/her life.
7)Before starting the mantra jaap,he/she should bring a handful of
"Rayo" and Sarso" and keep it at the same place until the mantra jaap
is finished.The amount of "Rayo" and "Sarso" will go on increasing day
by day.
8)This procedure and prayog should be done continuously for 1 month(30 days).
9)Mantra jaap should only be done with a Rudraksh Mala(If the Rudraksh
Rosary is not consecrated,then also no problem).
10)Mantra should be chanted 1 mala in the morning and 1 mala in the
evening OR NIGHT.
After completion of 30 days mantra jaap,sadhak/sadhika should collect
all those "Rayo" and "Sarso" and go out of the house and it should be
scattered in all the 10 directions.

मंत्र -
।। ॐ भ्रं ह्रीं क्लीं शत्रुहन्तायै भैरवाय फट् ॐ ।।

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman

Friday, December 01, 2017

Extremely Rare Lord Rama Ashtak to fullfill all wishes

Lord Rama is the supreme among all atman. Who is there in this world who doesn't understand the glory of Lord Rama?
What is there in this world that cannot be earned by a bhakt of Lord Rama?
Even a 1000 paged book is short when trying to explain  the the divine grace of Lord Rama.
Neither in this world, nor in the upper worlds and neither in the lower worlds is there any kind of fear for the person who is under the lotus feet of Lord Rama.
Today, a very very rare and very very powerful stotra is being shared by me here, reciting which, a person can fulfill all his 4 purusharth very easily.

The reader as well as the listener of this stotra experiences an increase in his punya, by the day and night by recitation of this stotra.

There is gain of intelligence, wealth, prosperity, unlimited pleasures, unlimited fame and at the end of this human body,  gets moksha.

The Ashtak must be recited 11 times daily during dusk time.
There is no time limit for recitation of this stotra.
The stotra brings overall fulfillment of all the 4 purusharth simultaneously.
Hence, the sadhak will automatically get all that is wished for.

This ashtak gives bhukti as well as mukti.

। श्रीरामाष्टकम् ।

ॐ भजे विशेषसुन्दरं समस्तपापखण्डनम् ।
स्वभक्तचित्तरञ्जनं सदैव राममद्वयम् ॥ १॥

 जटाकलापशोभितं समस्तपापनाशकम् ।
स्वभक्तभीतिभङ्जनं भजेऽहं राममद्वयम् ॥ २ ।।

निजस्वरूपबोधकं कृपाकरं भवापहम् ।
समं शिवं निरञ्जनं भजेऽहं राममद्वयम् ॥ ३॥

सहप्रपञ्चकल्पितं ह्यनामरूपवास्तवम् ।
निराकृतिं निरामयं भजेऽहं राममद्वयम् ॥ ४॥

निष्प्रपञ्चनिर्विकल्पनिर्मलं निरामयम् 
चिदेकरूपसन्ततं भजेऽहं राममद्वयम् ॥ ५॥

भवाब्धिपोतरूपकं ह्यशेषदेहकल्पितम् ।
गुणाकरं कृपाकरं भजेऽहं राममद्वयम् ॥ ६॥
महावाक्यबोधकैर्विराजमनवाक्पदैः ।
परब्रह्म व्यापकं भजेऽहं राममद्वयम् ॥ ७॥

शिवप्रदं सुखप्रदं भवच्छिदं भ्रमापहम् ।
विराजमानदैशिकं भजेऽहं राममद्वयम् ॥ ८॥

रामाष्टकं पठति यः सुकरं सुपुण्यं ।
       व्यासेन भाषितमिदं शृणुते मनुष्यः ।
विद्यां श्रियं विपुलसौख्यमनन्तकीर्तिं ।
      सम्प्राप्य देहविलये लभते च मोक्षम् ।। ९ ।।

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman