Most of people have the complain that they are not able to get success in any mantra/stotra prayog or purashcharan sadhana.
There are number of factors such as discipline, faith, adhering to rules of the sadhana that decide whether one can get success in a sadhana or not.
Today, I will be sharing a few of the factors which if followed, will give you success in the desired mantra prayog or sadhana.
1. Many people have the habit of adjusting an aasan by their legs. This must be avoided at all costs.
An aasan is divine and siddh by energising it with Bhu Devi.
By touching the aasan with your feet, you are disrespecting it.
An aasan must always and always be adjusted only by hands and not by legs.
2. Many people also have the habit of chanting mala without keeping it in gaumukhi. Keep in mind readers that this way, that even if you perform 1 crore japa, even then you will not get even 1% result.
Because all the divinity and purity of the mala is gone, once it is left in open for everyone to see. And everyone means not just humans, but also all the other souls like bhoot, pret, pisaach,etc.
A mala must always be kept in gomukhi and away from sight of anybody.
3. Another thing to remember regarding use of mala is that, unless and until it is not specified in a sadhana or by one's guru, you must never use the same mala for wearing after the japa.
4. Always always maintain Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya is utmost necessary for all kinds of sadhanas and mantras.
No matter what kind of sadhana it may be.
Even if a sadhak is performing a kamadev sadhana, even then he has to maintain Brahmacharya.
It is only and only due to one's great great punya, that a soul gets the body of a man.
For it is a man and man alone, who is a putra I.e. a giver of freedom from narak for its forefathers.
It is a man and man alone, who has the power to generate the divine nectar Ojas within himself, drinking which, he gets a divine body that glows like the blazing fire.
This Ojas can only be generated when a person stops getting attached with sexual desires and realises that all sexual activities are nothing but destruction of his life and soul and starts maintaining Brahmacharya.
Drinking this Ojas, which is generated in a man, by maintaining Brahmacharya, makes him divine, great and eligible to become a siddha.
Hence, all men must maintain Brahmacharya.
Now, as for the married men, even they maintain Brahmacharya and attain this divine stage.
All kind of sexual relations, that are built for the purpose of having a son, and not for the purpose of satisfying one's lust, are allowed.
5. Many people, in today's generation, do not worship their pitru and Kul devta.
The person who forgets their kul devta and their pitru can never please any other god.
One must worship one's pitru and Kul devta wholeheartedly.
They care for you and your entire kul and want to make it peaceful and pleasant.
6. Maas, madira paan - Drinking alcohol, eating non-veg, onions, garlic,etc. All are destroyers of one's tapobal and givers of sin.
By eating these, a sadhak starts burning away all his tapobal the same way as a fire burns dry wood.
Not only this, he also incurs the maha paap of drinking alcohol.
Eating meat, onions, garlic,etc. Give the same amount of sin.
Hence, one must give up on them all together.
7. Before starting any sadhana, one must always take blessings of one's guru, mata-pita, gau mata, surya, chandra,shiv, and a brahmin.
By doing so, he will get success.
8. Yantra and mala - One must always always use energised mala and yantra.
Using non energised mala brings destruction of our decision making skills and intelligence.
Using non energised yantra attracts negative energies into it.
Hence, one must always use energised mala and yantra.
Energising a mala/yantra in itself is a very big punyamayi thing to do.
Readers, when I say that one can use any kind of mala in a particular post, it has to be understood that I am talking about an energised mala and not a non energised one.
By following all these things, a sadhak can definitely get great great results from his sadhanas and achieve whatever he wants in life.
Jay Shri Rama