Monday, May 14, 2018

Krishna Stotra Prayogs For Adhik Maas

Karta, Bhokta & Adhishthata of adhik Maas - all these are Lord Krishna. 
Today, I am sharing a few prayogs here dedicated to Lord Krishna performing which one can remove all their sorrows & sufferings in the adhik maas.

The vidhi is very simple and the prayogs can be performed by anyone of any age.
The sadhak must wake up in brahma muhurat, have a bath, perform his daily sandhya and begin this prayog.
Other than this, all other basic rules like panch dev pujan, lighting dhoop, deep, performing panchopchar puja,etc. must be followed.

Aasan - Kush
Direction - East
Mala - Tulsi
Time - Sunrise

The Stotra is called as the Krishna chaturvinshati naam Stotra created by Lord Dharma.

By reciting this stotra, the sadhak gets rid of all his sins and he also gets freed from all paapacharan and all those who want to surround themselves with spirituality in their life  can get the same by reciting this stotra.
One must recite this stotra at least 324 times daily.

Other than this, following the vidhi mentioned above, one can also recite the Koti Janma Paap Nivaran Krishna Ashtak.

1 recitations takes 1 minute. Hence one can easily complete 324 recitations in just 2.5-3 hours.

Shri Krishna Chaturvinshati Naam Stotra(Dharma Krut):

श्रीधर्म उवाच ।

ॐ कृष्णं विष्णुं वासुदेवं परमात्मानमीश्वरम् ।
गोविन्दं पर्मानन्दमेकमक्षरमच्युतम् ॥ १॥

गोपेश्वरं च गोपीशं गोपं गोरक्षकं विभुम् ।
गवामीशं च गोष्ठस्थं गोवत्सपुच्छधारिण्म् ॥ २॥

गोगोपगोपीमध्यस्थं प्रधानं पुरुषोत्तमम् ।
वन्देऽनवद्धमनघं श्यामं शान्तं मनोहरम् ॥ ३॥

इत्युच्चार्य समुत्तिष्ठन् रत्नसिंहासने वरे ।
ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेशांस्तान्संभाष्य स उवास ह ॥ ४॥

चतुर्विशतिनामानि धर्मवक्त्रोद्गतानि च ।
यः पठेत्प्रातरुत्थाय स सुखी सर्वतो जयी ॥ ५॥

मृत्युकाले हरेनमि तस्य साध्यं भवेद्ध्रुवम् ।
स यात्यन्ते हरेः स्थानं हरिदास्यं भवेद्ध्रुवम् ॥ ६॥

नित्यं धर्मस्तं घटते नाधर्मे तद्रतिर्भवेत् ।
चतुर्वर्गफलं तस्य शश्वत्करगतं भवेत् ॥ ७॥

तं दृष्ट्वा सर्वपापानि पलायन्ते भयेन च ।
भयानि चैव दुःखानि वैनतेयमिवोरेगाः ॥ ८॥

इति ब्रह्मावैवर्ते धर्मकृतं श्रीकृष्णस्तोत्रम् ।

Readers, there is a lot of misconception among the general public regarding what can be done or not done in Adhik Maas.

In Adhik Maas, all kinds of dharmik Karya done with the expectation of fruits are forbidden.
Thus, Digging/building/starting wells, lake, garden; Starting any kind of vrat or doing its udyaapan, Doing gruha pravesh of newly married girls, Doing Daan of earth, tula, Hiranya,gau are also forbidden. Somayagya i.e. havan using milk or ghee, Ashtaka Shraadh, Havan using foodgrains,  Rishi Pujan, Ved vrat i.e. Starting reading vedas, Neelvrush Vivaah, Doing any of the 16 sanskars of a child, Dev Pratishtha, Diksha, Yagyopavit sanskar, Mundan, going to temples or tirths or seeing gods not seen before,  Taking sanyas, Establishing Agnihotra in the house, Meeting Kings i.e. meeting politicians, doing abhishek, Starting chaturmasya Vrat, Karna Vedhan Sanskar & Exams

All the above mentioned things are forbidden  in Adhik Maas, Kshaya Maas & on combustion of Brihaspati and Shukra and in their Sishutva and baalatva. i.e. 3 days before & after the asta & rise of the grahas.

Rudra japa i.e. Rudra ashtdhyayi japa for getting freedom from life threatening diseases, Using Kapil Shashthi & all such rare yogas for one's spiritual benefit, performance of sadhanas for  getting rain when suffering from drought or famine,  doing nishkaam havan of mantras except those involving     || वषट् ||,  Doing Shraadh during grahan, Daan, japa, Doing putra janma related krutya & pitru maran related shraadh, garbhaadhaan, punsavan and seemant.

All these activities can be done in Adhik Maas. All the spiritual activities like Japa, daan, havan, etc. can be done if done with nishkaam bhaav. However, if some rare yoga like kapil shashthi, akshay tritya,etc. come then the same can be utilised for sakaam sadhanas.
In this Adhik maas, there is a ravi pushya yoga on 20th which can be used for sakaam sadhanas.

The above mentioned rules also apply for Kshay Maas. Adhik Maas is a month which is extra and which comes every 4 years.
Similarly, there is Kshaya maas where is 1 month less in the year. Such a month first comes after 141 years, and then 19 years after the first kshaya maas. After the 2nd kshaya Maas, the 3rd again comes after 141 years & so on.

Other than the prayogs mentioned for adhik maas, I have also shared lot of Rama/Krishna/Vishnu sadhanas in the past for sin removal. One can chant whichever mantra they want as per their wish & as much as they can.

All the sadhanas, which would be best for adhik maas, have been shared by me. Hope all the readers make the best use of this month.
Wishing all readers a blissful and auspicious Adhik maas and may Lord Krishna/Rama/Vishnu give their blessings to you.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Hare Rama Hare Krishna Mantra Prayog for Adhik Maas

The Hare Rama Hare Krishna Mantra is the Mahamantra of Kaliyuga, chanting which a sadhak gets rid of the dirt of kaliyuga.
In very few days, the adhik maas is coming up. It is now the right time, that each sadhak, makes the best use of this auspicious period to remove all his sins.

All those, who have never ever performed any paap mukti sadhana in life can also attain freedom from all their sins forever by reciting the names of Lord Vishnu.
Today, a simple prayog is being shared by me here for the month of Adhik Maas.

There isn't much procedure for it.
Starting from adhik maas, the sadhak must wake up in Brahma Muhurat and begin this prayog.
He must have a bath and perform his daily sandhya.
Then, he must go to his puja room and start the japa.

Aasan - Kush
Direction - East
Clothes - White/Yellow
Time - Sunrise
Mala - Tulsi

Other than this, no other rules are to be followed.
Sadhaks, The Hare Rama Hare Krishna mantra is very very powerful and for the benefit of the people of Kaliyuga, Lord Brahma has made it such, that this mantra can be chanted in any place in any situation, clean or unclean.
However, we must still out of respect chantit after becoming clean only.
Keep in mind readers that surely adds up to the merit and the it is obvious to understand, that one who remains clean and performs the japa in a proper location  has a better chance of getting freedom from sins more easily than the one who doesn't maintain purity.
However, even then, one can still chant even if unclean, in case the sadhak becomes so due to work or any such reason.
At Least 25-41 malas must be chanted daily.
Those who cannot do so can also perform other prayogs shared by me in the past for the Adhik Maas.

Readers, I believe that all must use this period to best of use, for it is only due to one's bad karmas that he has to suffer. And once the sadhak is freed from sins, he gets freedom from dukh and there is nothing but peace and happiness left in his life.

And a dedicated sadhak, who wants to bring a change in his life and family, with effort, can also remove the sins of his entire kul in just these 30 days by chanting the name of Lord Vishnu/Rama/Krishna.

One more thing I must mention today readers is about a misconception regarding the rule of "infinite benefits".
A lot of people have the misconception that just because some place or times gives unlimited benefits, it means that the number of japa will automatically become unlimited.
Readers, when it is said that a particular place or time gives unlimited benefits, it does not mean that the number of japa will become unlimited.
It means that the amount of results or the punya becomes unlimited.
Thus, if you think that just by doing 1 single japa your 1 japa will become unlimited japa then that is not possible.
Keep in mind readers that the rule of infinite benefits or punya only shows results when the sadhak is chanting the mantra with devotion.
If you think,  that in adhik maas, you will chant just 1-1 mala of each mantra and this way, chant all the mantras of Lord Rama or Vishnu and then gain unlimited benefits then you wont get it.

The effects of Adhik Maas or any auspicious time or location is only understood by those who have aastha in it.
If you visit a crore tirths but you don't have any faith or understanding of the significance of the tirth then you wont get any results no matter how many baths you take there.
There is no meaning of having achieved 'unlimited chants' if you didnt have faith in it. Even unlimited chants without faith are meaningless.

In adhik maas, it is the japa that gives 'akshay fal' i.e. unlimited punya.
However, the same cannot be achieved if you just chant 1-1 mantra 1-1 mala, as you haven't even achieved that much devotion. 
Devotion for a god is not achieved this way.

Devotion for a god is achieved, when a sadhak does constant repetition of his mantras or stotras, surrendering oneself in his feet, taking his blessings for wherever we go and whatever we do and does his seva.

In the adhik maas, the sadhak must focus on just 1 mantra and not a 1000 different mantras or stotras.
It is by chanting this 1 mantra/stotra constantly, that the sadhak will develop devotion towards Lord Rama and once the sadhak gets devotion, he will automatically get akshay fal of this adhik maas and freed himself from all his sins.

One must try, and put effort to chant more and more malas, so that not just him, but his entire kul gets freedom from their sins and attain a very great stage in the spiritual world.
Those who are mumukshu can also chant the mantras/stotra with the same purpose and get moksha in this adhik maas.

|| हरे राम हरे राम राम हरे हरे 
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण  हरे हरे || 

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Vishnu Shat Naam Stotra Prayog for Adhik Maas

Very soon, the very holy and auspicious month of Adhik Maas, which is a month dedicated to Lord Vishnu, is coming.
It is said, that all kinds of nishkaam mantra japa and daan give unlimited benefits.

As a part of the series of mantras and prayoga being shared by me for adhik maas, today, I am sharing one more prayog, dedicated to Lord Vishnu.

This is the Vishnu Shat Naam Stotra or the Stotra of 100 names of Lord Vishnu.
As we all are well aware  about the power of naam japa in upasana of Lord Vishnu, this is one more prayog, which involves chanting the 100 divine names of Lord Vishnu for getting freedom from all kinds of karmas.

There isnt much procedure in the recitation of this stotra and any body can recite this stotra for getting freedom from one's bad karmas.

1. Start this prayog from 1st day of Adhik Maas.
2. Wake up in brahma muhurat and have a bath and perform the daily sandhya.
3. Then,  sit on a kush aasan facing  east wearing white or yellow clothes.
4. Light a pure ghee diya and dhoop.
5. Worship your guru, ganesh, surya, shiv, lakshmi maa and Lord Vishnu.
6. Take a sankalp that you are doing the recitation with nishkaam bhaav and for getting freedom from one's sins.
Those who are mumukshu can also take sankalp of recitation for purpose of getting moksha.
7. Recite this stotra 108 times daily in the entire adhik maas.

1 recitation takes 1 minute. Hence, one can easily complete 108 recitals in 1.5 hours.
Those who want can recite more also.
The more you recite, the more beneficial it will be for the sadhak and his kul.

Keep in mind readers that one must maintain complete purity, dharmik aacharan in Vishnu upasana.
Tamsik bhojan, maas madira paan,etc. Must be avoided.

॥ श्रीविष्णोः शतनामस्तोत्रम् ॥
श्री गणेशाय नमः ।

नारद उवाच ।

ॐ वासुदेवं हृषीकेशं वामनं जलशायिनम् ।
जनार्दनं हरि कृष्णं श्रीवक्षं गरुडध्वजम् ॥ १॥
वाराहं पुण्डरीकाक्षं नृसिंहं नरकान्तकम् ।
अव्यक्तं शाश्वतं विष्णुमनन्तमजमव्ययम् ॥ २॥
नारायणं गदाध्यक्षं गोविन्दं कीर्तिभाजनम् ।
गोवर्धनोद्धरं देवं भूधरं भुवनेश्वरम् ॥ ३॥
वेत्तारं यज्ञपुरुषं यज्ञेशं यज्ञवाहकम् ।
चक्रपाणिं गदापाणिं शङ्खपाणिं नरोत्तमम् ॥ ४॥
वैकुण्ठं दुष्टदमनं भूगर्भं पीतवाससम् ।
त्रिविक्रमं त्रिकालज्ञं त्रिमूर्तिं नन्दिकेश्वरम् ॥ ५॥
रामं रामं हयग्रीवं भीमं रौद्रं भवोद्भवम् ।
श्रीपतिं श्रीधरं श्रीशं मङ्गलं मङ्गलायुधम् ॥ ६॥
दामोदरं दमोपेतं केशवं केशिसूदनम् ।
वरेण्यं वरदं विष्णुमानन्दं वसुदेवजम् ॥ ७॥
हिरण्यरेतसं दीप्तं पुराणं पुरुषोत्तमम् ।
सकलं निष्कलं शुद्धं निर्गुणं गुणशाश्वतम् ॥ ८॥हिरण्यतनुसङ्काशं सूर्यायुतसमप्रभम् ।
मेघश्यामं चतुर्बाहुं कुशलं कमलेक्षणम् ॥ ९॥ज्योतीरूपमरूपं च स्वरूपं रूपसंस्थितम् ।
सर्वज्ञं सर्वरूपस्थं सर्वेशं सर्वतोमुखम् ॥ १०॥
ज्ञानं कूटस्थमचलं ज्ञानदं परमं प्रभुम् ।
योगीशं योगनिष्णातं योगिनं योगरूपिणम् ॥ ११॥
ईश्वरं सर्वभूतानां वन्दे भूतमयं प्रभुम् ।
इति नामशतं दिव्यं वैष्णवं खलु पापापहम् ॥ १२॥
व्यासेन कथितं पूर्वं सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ।
यः पठेत्प्रातरुत्थाय स भवेद्वैष्णवो नरः ॥ १३॥सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा विष्णुसायुज्यमाप्नुयात् ।चान्द्रायणसहस्राणि कन्यादानशतानि च ॥ १४॥
गवां लक्षसहस्राणि मुक्तिभागी भवेन्नरः ।
अश्वमेधायुतं पुण्यं फलं प्राप्नोति मानवः ॥ १५॥

इति श्री विष्णोर्शतनामस्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ।।

By reciting this stotra, all the sins of the sadhak are burnt away and all kinds of punya are gained.

Jay Shri Rama

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Lord Shani Remedy to get a New House

Today, a very easy to perform totka is being shared by me here for fulfilling one's wish of getting a new house.

The totka is dedicated to Lord Shani and brings his blessings to the family.
All those who are desirous to get a new house must definitely perform this remedy.

1. Start this prayog from a shukla paksha Saturday at night. Take blessings of Gurudev and panch devta and Lord Shani before starting the prayog.
2. Use an iron diya and fill it with sesame oil or mustard oil. Use black thread as the wick and make a chaumukhi diya. I.e. a diya with flame on 4 sides.
If one cannot find iron diya, he can use a simple copper diya also.

3. The chaumukhi diya one prepared, must be kept in front of a shami plant and lit.
4. After lighting the diya show it the shami plant and rotate it in front of the plant a few times.

5. Then, this diya must be left in a flowing river. The must be burning when we leave it in the river. Hence, one must make sure that enough amount of oil is added to it.

6. This way, the totka must be performed every Saturday for total 27 Saturdays.

By performing this totka, the sadhak surely gets a new house.

If sadhak wants to get more better results, he can also recite Shani 108 names stotra or his beej mantra 11 malas every Saturday.

The totka involves use of Shami Plant which must be bought beforehand from a plant nursery.
The totka must only be performed with one's own shami plant and one cannot use someone else's plant.

Jay Shri Rama