Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Which God to Worship For Which Desire

Sanatana Dharma has 33 crore gods. Hence, it is necessary to know which god to worship for what kind of desire.Even though every god is capable of giving everything you ask for. But, when we worship a God who has any one tatva as supreme, we can get quicker fulfillment of that particular wish from him/her.

I have tried to mention Gods for as many types of desires as possible.

For Tej - Worship Lord Agni.
For Kaanti and beauty - Worship Lord Chandra or Shiva
For Medha - Worship Goddess Saraswati
For Brahma Tej[The tej that we see in a tapasvi] - Worship Brihaspati or Lord Ganesha
For Money & the increase in sales of goods/retail business - Worship Lord Kuber
For success and growth of the business - Worship Lord Indra or Maa Lakshmi
For hindrance free completion of all tasks - Worship Ganesha
For getting Gyaan, Satya Bodh & freedom from addictions - Worship Shiva
For learning all kinds of vidyas - Worship Brahma
For melodious voice and conversational skills - Worship Saraswati
For freedom from fear of snakebites - worship Nagdevta
For good health and strength - Worship Lord Surya
For Strength - Worship Pitru devtas, Bhu Devi or Vayu Dev
For protection of wealth and protection from thieves - Worship Pitru Devtas or Lord Ganesha
For freedom for all kinds of dangers, personal or on the entire planet - Worship Maa Gayatri or Navgrahas
For Prataap - Worship Surya
For Shaurya - Worship Lord Rama
For success in war - worship Goddess Durga
For destruction of enemies - Worship Maa Kali or Bhairav
For freedom from diseases - Worship Lord Surya, Shiva or Yama
For victory everywhere and ability to roam fearlessly - Worship Lord Narayan
For Sammohan and getting the desired girl - Worship Kamadev/Shiva
For getting desired boy - Worship Maa Gauri/Rati/Goddess Shachi
For increasing love between a couple - Worship Maa Gauri/Kamadeva/Goddess Shachi
For getting son - Worship Lord Shiva or Pitru Devtas
For getting Aishwarya & becoming the greatest among all in Sheel, Vinay, politeness, kindness and other great qualities & manners - Worship Maa Lakshmi
For getting land/house - Worship Bhu Devi
For great and neverending supply of food - Worship Annapurna or Maa Gayatri
For freedom from debts - Worship Lord Angaraka or Lord Varuna
For getting Aishwarya that will never be destroyed and getting lordship over the entire earth and being loved by all - Worship Lord Chandra
For freedom from sins - Worship Lord Surya or Narayan
For increase in Dharmik karma - Worship Lord Narayan
For becoming purusharthi and getting freedom from laziness - Worship Maa Saraswati, Maa Lakshmi or Lord Narayan
For getting all kinds of siddhis - Worship Lord Hanuman, Lord Bhairav or any of the tri-devis
For freedom from anger and becoming loving towards all - Worship Lord Krishna or Maa Lakshmi
For Bhoot-Pret badha - Worship Lord Hanuman, Yama, Maa Gayatri or Bhairav
For freedom from Apamrityu - Worship Lord Shiva
For getting beautiful clothes - Worship Lord Shukra
For getting long life - Worship Lord Shiva
For saving money - Worship Lord Varuna
For freedom from clashes and arguments at home - Worship Lakshmi Narayan or Shiv Parvati
For success in dance - Worship Gandharvas or Maa Parvati
For becoming good in all other kinds of arts like painting, playing instruments, etc. - Worship Lord Chandra
For becoming Dharma Parayan - Worship Lord Dharmraja
For fulfillment of absolutely any kind of desire - Worship Goddess Surabhi

For those who want to worship Navgrahas for all the above-mentioned desires, I have mentioned the overlord graha for the same here - 

Good health, Tej, Strength, freedom from sins and Valour - Lord Surya
Beauty, Kaanti, Indestructible wealth, food - Lord Chandra
Long life - Brihaspati
Brahma tej - Brihaspati
Debt removal  and land/house - Lord Angaraka
Good clothes, Aishwarya, food, Money, success in love, attraction - Lord Shukra
Shaanti of natural disasters - Lord Budha or Ketu
Sharpness and Wit in speech - Lord Brihaspati
Success in business - Lord Shani & Surya
Freedom from fear of poison, dangers, enemies - Lord Rahu
Freedom from poverty and family feuds - Lord Ketu
Happiness and peace in life - Lord Chandra
For freedom from apamrityu - Lord Shani
Increase in dharma karma - Lord Surya or Rahu
Success in all tasks/war - Lord Surya
For protection of your land/house - Worship Kshetrapal

Navgrahas have the adhipatya of getting kingdom and destruction of the same, getting good health and getting diseases, getting freedom from natural disasters. Hence, they must always be worshipped. No matter which god you may be worshipping for a particular desire, by worshipping Lord Ganesha and Navgrahas before doing that god's sadhana, you will get very quick results in the same.
This is especially true when we are doing sadhanas for success in business, love or any such big desire.

Other than this, by worshipping Lord Rudra alone, one can achieve all of the above, in their maximum capacity.

One more thing a sadhak must keep in mind that there is no wish in this world that God will ever say no for. The only thing he will say no for are the specifics. If you ask for love, you need to be 100% in the assurance that he definitely will give you love that will be appropriate for you and bring out the best in you. If you ask for a person, if he/she is meant for you, he will give him/her to you. But if he doesn't give, then you must understand that you wouldn't be happy with that someone, or, something wrong in the future would have probably happened had he fulfilled your wish.

When talking about a career, when you do not get a particular job or a client, understand that god already is seeing what you cannot see. Thus, even though you may have really wanted that particular job or client or particular business development, it didn't happen because God could see in the future the kind of pain and difficulty it would have brought you. Hence, you must understand, that always ask the outcome, not a person, place or a thing.

If you want love in your life, ask for love and specify the person too if it would be appropriate. But never force god for success in love with a particular person. God will give you whatever you want, but never something that is wrong or that which will be harmful to you in any way.

The person who is kind, polite, considerate of others, a follower of dharma, Jitendriya, Brahmachari, and purusharthi - for him all the navgrahas remain favorable.

Gau, Grahas, Brahman, and Guru - the person who regularly worships them and follows the qualities mentioned above, remains free from all kinds of obstacles and harms in life and keeps on progressing in life with each passing day.

Hence, do not ask for getting a particular job at a particular place. Tell god the kind of job you want and why you want it with that particular set of benefits and leave it in god's hands. He shall either give it at that place you want or any other.
Same way, ask God for getting the person you love, do sadhana for getting him/her but don't force it. Leave things in his hands and you will start seeing signs of whether its meant to happen or no. 

Remember, that what is meant for you is already written the day you first became aware about it. The only thing mantras do is remove the obstacles or delays and fast track the fulfillment of that particular desire.

If something is not meant to be, whether job, business or love - you will see it from the signs he shows you. It won't be moving anywhere. Even if you move ahead a little bit, it will come at the cost of great efforts; and then after some days, things will be back to the same place it always was.

Do sadhanas and leave things in his hands, while simultaneously, look for signs.One more thing which must be understood that if even simple things in life take a huge effort, you must worship Navgrahas for an adequate amount of time.

Navgraha Upasana will remove the graha dosha, difficulties and obstacles. It will remove the darkness and show you new paths in life. It will make life easier and smoother.One can do simple sadhanas like reciting Navgraha Peeda Hara stotra, puranic stotra,etc. and get amazing changes in their lives.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Hanuman