Saturday, December 28, 2024

Getting a Diksha without a Guru: Dakshinamurti Prayog

 One of the biggest problems we face in Kaliyug is lack of gurus or gurus that are not money-driven. That is why, I am sharing a special prayog to get diksha.

The prayog is dedicated to Lord Dakshinamurti. And it is said that the power of the diksha received through this method is even greater than getting a diksha from a human guru.

1. Do this prayog on a Shukla paksha Trayodashi at Nishakaal.

2. Sit on a red velvet aasan or a kushasan.

3. Light a diya and chant 1 mala of ganesh naam mantra.

4.Do namaskar of Lord Shiva in the shivling you have at home.

5. Write the mantra that you desire to get diksha of, on a bhojpatra or a piece of paper. The mantra should be written with yellow ink. At the store, you will get lekhani and ashtagandha. By adding a few drops of water you will be able to create yellow ink. If you dont get a large enough bhojpatra, tear a piece of an A4 paper. Ruled notebook page is not allowed because it has lines.

6. After this, chant 1 mala of Dakshinamurti gayatri and 1 mala gayatri mantra of the god you want a diksha of. Then, staring at the mantra itself while simultaneously meditating on Lord Dakshinamurti in the shivalinga, chant the mantra written on the bhojpatra for 108 times.

7. Then go to sleep. In your sleep if you see auspicious dreams, then it means that you have received the diksha. If you do not see any dreams or if you see inauspicious dreams then you wont get that mantra's diksha.

8. For sleeping, your head should be east side and you should sleep by turning on the right side. i.e. your eyes will be towards north direction.

That is it. Hope that using this one of a kind prayog, people get diksha of their desired mantra.

Some important points to consider:

  • Sadhaks, you will always only get diksha of mantras that god knows you're capable of doing a sadhana of.
  • Getting a diksha from a devta like Dakshinamurti doesn't relieve you of following procedures and rules necessary for your mantra.
  • The easiest mantras to get diksha of, are of navagrahas. At the same time, they are the ones who give the fastest results, the most stable results while getting pleased with the least amount of puja.
  • Only seek dikshas of mantra whose method you're capable of following.

Some recommended mantras for first time diksha:
  1. Gayatri Mantra - A mantra whose diksha is given to everyone in Sanatana Dharma in other yugas. It is a siddha mantra that gives 360' benefits. If you havent received Gayatri diksha yet, this is the 1st mantra you should ask for.
  2. Vishnu Ashtakshari Mantra - It is not a siddha mantra. The siddhi is achieved on 32 lakh chants. But it is a necessary sadhana for all vaishnavas.
  3. Shiva Panchakshari Mantra - Like the above, a compulsory mantra for Shaivas capable of fulfilling all desires. Siddhi is achieved on 24 lakh chants. 
  4. Navgraha Beej Mantras - They are the easiest to get a diksha of and you have the highest probability of getting a diksha of it. An energised yantra and panchopchar puja are mandatory without which the japa will not show results.
  5. Kuber Mantra - For copious money, prosperity and all other material forms of wealth.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Gayatri Mantras: The center-point of all gods

Every Sanatani knows about mool gayatri and how there is a gayatri of other gods. This article is going to talk about why there are so many gayatris, why each god has a different gayatri, and what is their purpose.

Gayatri mantra is among the first mantras that one gets a diksha of. Without mool gayatri, there is no road and there are no steps. Not just for vaidik sadhaks, but even for vamachari, kulachari, chinachari sadhaks - gayatri is irreplaceable. 

For each achar there are methods of worshipping gayatri, with minor differences. Mool gayatri is a mantra who sadhana is mandatory for every sadhak before he starts a purascharan of any god. First the sadhak has to do atleast 1 lakh japa of mool gayatri. Then, he has to keep on worshipping her for 3 months atleast and let her be the protector and nourisher of his/her life. 

Only when the sadhak has done this, does he get the permission from his guru to do purascharya of other gods. The significance of mool gayatri doesnt end here. It doesnt matter which god/goddess you are worshipping, you still need to do 10,000 japa of mool gayatri before starting the purascharan of any god. Keep in mind that in this phase, you need to do mool gayatri and that specific god's gayatri. 

This rule of 10,000 Mool gayatri japa is necessary even for yakshini/apsara sadhanas. Now imagine how important would it be for the main devtas. 

Now lets talk about what role Mool gayatri and the isht devta's gayatri play. Here, I am not going to talk about benefits but rather the effects they have.

Mool Gayatri Mantra benefits:
1. Prana Shakti jagaran
2. Kriya Shakti jagaran
3. Iccha Shakti jagaran
4. Indriya nigrah
5. Dharma nishtha-taa

Mool gayatri japa makes your praan, kriya and iccha shakti strong. Praan, Iccha & Kriya shakti are the 3 forms of energies in our bodies. 

Praan shakti refers to physical strength. Mool gayatri removes your diseases, physical pain, lethargy and gives you a calm mind, strong physique and a stable body. When praan shakti is absent, you become fidgety, anxious, lethargic. Your mind keeps on wandering and is not able to focus. Mool Gayatri helps you bring yourself back and rebuild these energies in you.

Iccha shakti is the sankalp shakti. This refers to will power and determination. When iccha shakti is absent, doubts creep in your mind about the mantra/stotra you're going to chant. You cave in and disrupt your sadhana because of even the smallest obstacles or disturbances. You start a lot of sadhanas but end them midway, which in turn incurs you durbhagya(bad luck). When the iccha shakti is strong, your faith in the mantra/stotra becomes deep and unshakeable. You believe in yourself, you believe in god, you feel worthy of getting whatever it is that you've asked for and you see yourself completing the sadhana as it is supposed to be.

Kriya Shakti is the shakti of action. A person with kriya shakti follows the rules and principles set for a particular mantra or stotra. He doesn't act lazy. He doesn't look for cheat codes. Pujas, havan,etc. dont seem laborious to him. And even if they are laborious, he does them with excitement of the blessings he's going to receive at the end of the sadhana.

Mool Gayatri blesses you with calm and controlled senses. It makes you follow the procedures mentioned for your acharan with stability, discipline.

Now, the god's gayatri:
As we know each god has its own gayatri. If mool gayatri is to be chanted 10,000 times before any sadhana, what role does the specific god's gayatri play? The answer is that it is for bhakti and mantra veerya.
The Mool Gayatri - be it chatushpaad, tripada or sri vidya gayatri - they all are to be chanted before because the give us the beforementioned benefits.
The isht gayatri on the other hand gives 2 very specific benefits - a)It gives devotion towards that god b)it makes the ishta mantra more potent. The isht gayatri only needs to be chanted 1 mala during the purascharya days at the end of the main mantra japa.

Sadhaks, it is my personal experience that there is a day and night difference between chanting just mantra, vs. chanting the mantra + 1 mala of isht gayatri. I recommend everyone doing mantra sadhana to incorporate chanting 1 mala of isht devta's gayatri to see more potent benefits.

For a paid jyotish consultation, you can reach out to me at