Purusha Sukta is one of the most well-known suktas in Sanatana Dharma, dedicated to the Kaal Purusha i.e. Lord Vishnu.
Purusha Sukta is a very very powerful stotra. The person who worships Lord narayana, Maa Lakshmi resides in his house. One of the most powerful ways of doing that is by doing ashtadashopchar puja i.e. 18 upchar puja using the verses of Purusha sukta. This is said by Maa Lakshmi to Lord Indra himself.
Now, on a lot of sites, a Purusha sukta of only 16 verses are shared. However, it is incomplete. The complete Purusha sukta is of 18 verses.
Other than this, Purush Sukta is one of the most effective stotra for child-related wishes.
Today, I will be sharing prayog related to Purush Sukta with regards to fulfillment of a child-related wish.
This prayog is only for women.
1. Start from a Shukla Paksha Dwadashi in the morning.
2. After having a bath and complete the cleansing of gods, sit on a kush aasan facing east. Light a pure ghee diya and few incense sticks.
3. Keep a chowki in front of you and keep a Narayan Idol on it. It must be of his 4 armed form. Women are not allowed worship of Shaligram. So they cant be used here.
4. Worship your Guru & panchdev and do panchopchar puja of Lord Narayana.
5. Take a sankalp for your desired wishes.
6. Recite the Purush Sukta the number of times as per your specified wish.
By reciting it once or twice, the mother begets a child.
By reciting it 3 or 4 times, she gets freedom from dosha of barrenness.
By reciting 5 or 6 times, her child gains longevity and good health.
By reciting it 7 or 8 times, the womb of the woman becomes stable and she doesn't have miscarriages.
By reciting it 9 times, the mother has a trouble-free delivery.
By reciting it 10, 11 or 12 times, the mother gives birth to healthy and disease-free child.
By reciting it 14 or more times, the mother gives birth to lots of children and all the doshas related to childbirth are gone without any doubt.
अथ पुरुषसूक्तम् ॥
ॐ तच्छं॒ योरावृ॑णीमहे । गा॒तुं य॒ज्ञाय॑ । गा॒तुं य॒ज्ञप॑तये । दैवी᳚ स्व॒स्तिर॑स्तु नः ।
स्व॒स्तिर्मानु॑षेभ्यः । ऊ॒र्ध्वं जि॑गातु भेष॒जम् । शन्नो॑ अस्तु द्वि॒पदे᳚ । शं चतु॑ष्पदे ।
स्व॒स्तिर्मानु॑षेभ्यः । ऊ॒र्ध्वं जि॑गातु भेष॒जम् । शन्नो॑ अस्तु द्वि॒पदे᳚ । शं चतु॑ष्पदे ।
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ।
हरिः ॐ ।
ॐ स॒हस्र॑शीर्षा॒ पुरु॑षः । स॒ह॒स्रा॒क्षः स॒हस्र॑पात् ।
स भूमिं॑ वि॒श्वतो॑ वृ॒त्वा । अत्य॑तिष्ठद्दशाङ्गु॒लम् । १ ||
पुरु॑ष ए॒वेदꣳ सर्वम्᳚ । यद्भू॒तं यच्च॒ भव्यम्᳚।
उ॒तामृ॑त॒त्वस्येशा॑नः । यदन्ने॑नाति॒रोह॑ति । २ ||
ए॒तावा॑नस्य महि॒मा । अतो॒ ज्यायाꣳ॑श्च॒ पूरु॑षः ।
पादो᳚ऽस्य॒ विश्वा॑ भू॒तानि॑ । त्रि॒पाद॑स्या॒मृतं॑ दि॒वि । ३ ||
त्रि॒पादू॒र्ध्व उदै॒त्पुरु॑षः । पादो᳚ऽस्ये॒हाऽऽभ॑वा॒त्पुनः॑ ।
ततो॒ विश्व॒ङ्व्य॑क्रामत् । सा॒श॒ना॒न॒श॒ने अ॒भि । ४ ||
तस्मा᳚द्वि॒राड॑जायत । वि॒राजो॒ अधि॒ पूरु॑षः ।
स जा॒तो अत्य॑रिच्यत । प॒श्चाद्भूमि॒मथो॑ पु॒रः । ५ ||
यत्पुरु॑षेण ह॒विषा᳚ । दे॒वा य॒ज्ञमत॑न्वत ।
व॒स॒न्तो अ॑स्यासी॒दाज्यम्᳚ । ग्री॒ष्म इ॒ध्मः श॒रद्ध॒विः । ६ ||
स॒प्तास्या॑सन्परि॒धयः॑ । त्रिः स॒प्त स॒मिधः॑ कृ॒ताः ।
दे॒वा यद्य॒ज्ञं त॑न्वा॒नाः । अब॑ध्न॒न्पु॑रुषं प॒शुम् । ७ ||
तं य॒ज्ञं ब॒र्हिषि॒ प्रौक्षन्॑ । पुरु॑षं जा॒तम॑ग्र॒तः ।
तेन॑ दे॒वा अय॑जन्त । सा॒ध्या ऋष॑यश्च॒ ये । ८ ||
तस्मा᳚द्य॒ज्ञात्स॑र्व॒हुतः॑ । संभृ॑तं पृषदा॒ज्यम् ।
प॒शूꣳस्ताꣳश्च॑क्रे वाय॒व्यान्॑ । आ॒र॒ण्यान्ग्रा॒म्याश्च॒ ये । ९ ||
तस्मा᳚द्य॒ज्ञात्स॑र्व॒हुतः॑ । ऋचः॒ सामा॑नि जज्ञिरे ।
छन्दाꣳ॑सि जज्ञिरे॒ तस्मा᳚त् । यजु॒स्तस्मा॑दजायत । १० ||
तस्मा॒दश्वा॑ अजायन्त । ये के चो॑भ॒याद॑तः ।
गावो॑ ह जज्ञिरे॒ तस्मा᳚त् । तस्मा᳚ज्जा॒ता अ॑जा॒वयः॑ । ११ ||
यत्पुरु॑षं॒ व्य॑दधुः । क॒ति॒धा व्य॑कल्पयन् ।
मुखं॒ किम॑स्य॒ कौ बा॒हू । कावू॒रू पादा॑वुच्येते । १२ ||
ब्रा॒ह्म॒णो᳚ऽस्य॒ मुख॑मासीत् । बा॒हू रा॑ज॒न्यः॑ कृ॒तः ।
ऊ॒रू तद॑स्य॒ यद्वैश्यः॑ । प॒द्भ्याꣳ शू॒द्रो अ॑जायत । १३ ||
च॒न्द्रमा॒ मन॑सो जा॒तः । चक्षोः॒ सूर्यो॑ अजायत ।
मुखा॒दिन्द्र॑श्चा॒ग्निश्च॑ । प्रा॒णाद्वा॒युर॑जायत । १४ ||
नाभ्या॑ आसीद॒न्तरि॑क्षम् । शी॒र्ष्णो द्यौः सम॑वर्तत ।
प॒द्भ्यां भूमि॒र्दिशः॒ श्रोत्रा᳚त् । तथा॑ लो॒काꣳ अ॑कल्पयन् । १५ ||
वेदा॒हमे॒तं पुरु॑षं म॒हान्तम्᳚ । आ॒दि॒त्यव॑र्णं॒ तम॑सस्तु॒ पा॒रे ।
सर्वा॑णि रू॒पाणि॑ वि॒चित्य॒ धीरः॑ । नामा॑नि कृ॒त्वाऽभि॒वद॒न् यदास्ते᳚ । १६ ||
धा॒ता पु॒रस्ता॒द्यमु॑दाज॒हार॑ । श॒क्रः प्रवि॒द्वान्प्र॒दिश॒श्चत॑स्रः ।
तमे॒वं वि॒द्वान॒मृत॑ इ॒ह भ॑वति । नान्यः पन्था॒ अय॑नाय विद्यते । १७ ||
य॒ज्ञेन॑ य॒ज्ञम॑यजन्त दे॒वाः । तानि॒ धर्मा॑णि प्रथ॒मान्या॑सन् ।
ते ह॒ नाकं॑ महि॒मानः॑ सचन्ते । यत्र॒ पूर्वे॑ सा॒ध्याः सन्ति॑ दे॒वाः । १८ ||
The stotra must be recited from the start until the child is born every single day. The sadhana should not be stopped in between, except for under uncontrollable circumstances.
A lot of people have been saying that there is no such thing as man and woman and these bifurcations have been created by religious scammers in the name of god.
Sadhaks, one thing we must understand that when we are born, men and women us both are given certain abilities, which are not present in the other. This is because we are here to fulfill a certain task which only we can do.
Only women can give birth because they are the ones who are blessed with an immense amount of emotional understanding which is extremely necessary when growing children.
Out of all the sadhanas on earth, the greatest sadhana is Brahma sadhana of the mantra Shivoham, which gives the male sadhak become one with parabrahma. But for achieving that, along with the mantra, it is necessary for the male sadhak to follow brahmacharya so that by semen retention, the same thus gets converted into Ojas and reaches our Sahasrara chakra where Lord Shiva, is his most supreme form, is residing in our bodies.
However, that does not mean that there is partiality or discrimination being done with women. Women are the pratyaksh forms of Shakti. After doing Shakti sadhana, we always call kanyas for kanya bhojan because Shakti always resides in them in sookshma form.
That is the same reason why Shreem Mantra and Gayatri Mantra is forbidden to be chanted by women. This is because when a person chants the mantra of a god or goddess, they become like him or her. But women can't do that since they are already a form of Shakti.
This rule is more stringently followed in upasana of Brahmachari Gods like Lord Hanuman.
There is a well-known story regarding this in which a young girl had attempted to do a mantra sadhana of Lord Hanuman in order to fulfill a particular wish she had.
Even after family members repeatedly saying no, she would, again and again, go to a local Hanuman temple which was located some distance away from her home, at an open ground.
At first, she started experiencing a lot of pain in her head. But even after that, she didn't stop it. She kept on doing the sadhana.
One day, she went to the temple for doing the sadhana as she was usually doing.
But soon, after she must have sat there, the people playing in the ground nearby heard a very loud scream. When they came to the temple, they found the girl unconscious. The boys called the temple's pandit who tried to wake her up by sprinkling water in her eyes but she still didn't wake up.
The pandit and the boys carried the girl to her house and left her there. Then, when she woke up after some time, she became mentally unstable.
After this, the family of the girl did Tula daan and asked for forgiveness for the mistake of the child. It was after this that the child slowly started getting mentally stable.
A lot of people have been saying to mention where is it mention in shastras that Hanuman Upasana is forbidden for women.
Sadhaks, it is not that women are completely forbidden from doing any kind of Hanuman Upasana. Women can always recite Hanuman Chalisa. That itself is extremely effective, fast-working stotra and fulfills an uncountable number of wishes too.
However sadhaks, women should not go for advanced sadhana of Lord Hanuman.
And this is not just for women, but for men as well. The form of Hanuman we worship when we are reciting Hanuman Chalisa itself requires good amount of discipline and certain rules to be followed.
But the full-fledged upasna is extremely extremely advanced and requires great amounts of discipline which is difficult for even for men to follow.
And mistakes have no place in his sadhanas.
Even the basic mantra sadhanas require a great amount of single-minded devotion, discipline, strict adherence to rules and tapobal.
Even an advanced sadhak faces severe amounts of headache and fever when doing Hanuman sadhanas because his energy is so much that it stirs up the human soul which is not used to so much divya urjaa.
Lord Hanuman is an extremely tejasvi and pratapi devta. His sadhana must be done with great care and discipline.
Lord Hanuman is an extremely tejasvi and pratapi devta. His sadhana must be done with great care and discipline.
A lot of the rules that have been created by God may seem like an injustice to us sometimes, but you must understand that whatever he has created, is for our welfare.
A lot of people also ask what if we don't follow what is mentioned by you. Well sadhaks, my work is always to inform the sadhak about every aspect of sadhana and the do's and don'ts.
In the end sadhaks, it is all about a matter of faith. If you believe that the said rule doesn't apply to you, a sadhak always has the freedom to follow rules as per own say. He/She can surely come back here and share with us their experiences about the same.
Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman
Jay Veer Hanuman
Dear Ashok Sir,
ReplyDeleteThank you for giving us such a rare stotra. You said dat Lord Shiva resides in our Sahaskara chakra. So I just wanted to ask i which body part/chakra does Lord Hanuman reside?
Shiva here refers to parabrahman. Not lord shiva in kailasa