Monday, March 23, 2020

Mahamari Stotra For Pandemics

As we all know, the onset of Coronavirus has caused fear in the entire world.
It is said in Sanatana Dharma, that when sins will be at its peak, from time to time, Gods will come to clear the sinners from the earth in millions.

For pandemic, which is also known as Mahamari in Sanskrit and Hindi, there is a goddess called Mahamari.
It is said in Mahamari Stotra that when there is a Mahamari, a person must run off to jungles and stay there and worship gods.
Now, this rule was made in satyuga when living in jungles was a practice. The same is not possible today.

It is said, that in Kali Yuga, when men and women will be stealers, having illicit affairs with wives and husbands of other people, Goddess Durga will come in the form of Mahamari and clear off the earth from thousands and millions of sinners.

The stotra that I am sharing ahead has a lot of rules for completing its sadhana. Even though they arent difficult, they are unfeasible to be followed by a grihasth.
However, it is said that the person who writes and keeps it in his home temple, does its puja and recites the stotra daily will never have the fear of a pandemic.

One must follow basic puja rules. The stotra must be recited daily early morning in front of goddess Durga idol or yantra.

॥ महामारीस्तोत्रम् ॥
 श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ 
देव्युवाच । 
पुरा ब्रह्मा तु मां सृष्ट्वा समाहूयाब्रवीद्वचः । 
श‍ृणु मे वचनं पुत्रि कुरुष्वाद्याथ सादरम् ॥ १॥
 कलौ जना दुराचारा राजानश्च तथाविधाः । 
अतो गत्वा भुवं देवि मृत्युरूपा भवाशु च ॥ २॥
परद्रव्यापहर्तारः परस्त्रीनिरताः सदा । 
देवस्वहरणे सक्ता ब्रह्मस्वहरणे नृप ॥ ३॥ 
तेषां दोषवशात्त्वं तु जनान् संहर नित्यशः । 
ब्रह्मणैवं समादिष्टा इन्द्राद्यैः सुरसत्तमैः ॥ ४॥ 
भुवं समागता तत्र जनाञ्ज्ञात्वाथ पापिनः । 
राज्ञो दोषान्पुरस्कृत्य ग्रामे ग्रामे वसाम्यहम् । 
तत्रापि पापिनो हत्वा पुनर्ग्रामान्तरं भजे ॥ ५॥ 
एवं देशानटित्वाऽहं सर्वान्संहृत्य वै जनान् । 
पुनर्गच्छामि सदनं ब्रह्मणः परमेष्ठिनः ॥ ६॥ 
एवं मदागमं ज्ञात्वा बुद्धिमान्पुण्यकृन्नरः । 
विचार्य शास्त्रतो नित्यं जागरूको भवेदलम् ॥ ७॥ 
पतन्ति मूषिका यत्र नृत्यन्ति विरमन्ति च । 
तद्गृहं तत्क्षणं त्यक्त्वा सकुटुम्बो वने विशेत् ॥ ८॥ 
तत्र शान्तिं प्रकुर्वीत महादेव्याः समीरिताम् । 
जपित्वा च महामन्त्रं पठित्वा स्तोत्रमुत्तमम् ॥ ९॥ 
वने जलाशयं गत्वा ऊर्ध्वबाहुरधोमुखः । 
वीरासने चोपविश्य जपेन्मन्त्रं सहस्रशः ॥ १०॥ 
संस्थाप्य प्रतिमां तत्र धूपदीपोपहारकैः । 
सम्पूज्य विधिवत्पश्चाज्जुहुयात्प्रत्यहं नरः ॥ ११॥ 
हरिद्राचूर्णमिश्रेण चित्रान्नेनैव संयुतः । 
समिद्भिः खदिरैर्भक्त्या ब्राह्मणैश्च समन्वितः ॥ १२॥ 
पत्नीपुत्रात्मभृत्यैश्च जुहुयादनुवासरम् । 
होमान्ते च पठेन्नित्यं स्तोत्रमेतज्जितेन्द्रियः ॥ १३॥ 
नमो देवि महादेवि सर्वशोकवशङ्करी । 
सर्वदा सर्वतो मह्यं कृपां कुरु कृपामयि ॥ १४॥ 
मेरौ कैलासशिखरे हेमाद्रौ गन्धमादने ।
 नित्यप्रियकृतावासे मद्यमांसबलिप्रिये ॥ १५॥ 
महासैन्यसमायुक्ते सर्वप्राणविहिंसके । 
सर्वाभिचारिके देवि सर्वं त्वं रक्ष सर्वदा ॥ १६॥ 
यत्र कुत्र स्थले वापि यस्मिन् कस्मिन् यदा तदा । 
रक्ष मां रक्ष मां देवि सपुत्रपशुभृत्यकम् ॥ १७॥ 
माङ्गल्यं मङ्गलं देहि महामङ्गलदायिनि । 
लोकानामभये सर्वमङ्गले मङ्गलप्रिये ॥ १८॥ 
इति स्तुत्वा महादेवीं भक्तिभावेन संयुतः । 
भुञ्जीत स्वजनैर्युक्तो देवीं तां मनसा स्मरन् ॥ १९॥
 यदा स्वगृहचैत्येषु ध्वाङ्क्षरावो भविष्यति । 
काकशान्तिं ततः कृत्वा गृहं गन्तुमुपक्रमेत् ॥ २०॥ 
सुमुहूर्ते सुनक्षत्रे स्वलङ्कृत्य ततो गृहम् । 
ब्राह्मणैर्बन्धुभिः सार्धं संविशेद्गृहमात्मनः ॥ २१॥ 
स्वस्तिवाचनविप्रेभ्यः शान्तिसूक्तोक्तिपूर्वकम् । 
दक्षिणां च हिरण्यादिं दद्याच्छाट्यविवर्जितः ॥ २२॥ 
ब्राह्मणान्भोजयित्वा च देवीं तां प्रार्थयेद्गृहे । 
गच्छ गच्छ महादेवि स्वस्थानं मङ्गलं कुरु ॥ २३॥ 
एवं कृत्यविधानेन मारिकाशान्तिरुत्तमा । 
जायते नात्र सन्देहः सत्यं सत्यं समीरितम् ॥ २४॥ 
इत्येतत्कथितं देव्या देवेभ्यः स्वात्मसम्भवम् । 
माहात्म्यं पठितं येन सोऽपि माङ्गल्यमाप्नुयात् ॥ २५॥ 
लिखितं पुस्तकं यस्य गृहे तिष्ठति सर्वदा । 
तस्य मारीभयं नास्ति सत्यं सत्यं मयोदितम् ॥ २६॥
 पुस्तकं पूजयेद्यस्तु श्रद्धया परया सदा । 
सोऽपि माङ्गल्यमाप्नोति इहामुत्र परां गतिम् ॥ २७॥ 
सर्वं त्यक्त्वा साधयेत देवीं यत्नैर्धनैरपि । 
स्तोष्यन्ति परया भक्त्या सर्वकामार्थसिद्धये ॥ २८॥ 
बिडाला यत्र नश्यन्ति यत्र नश्यन्ति मूषिकाः । 
स्थानं तच्च परित्यज्य स्थानं शून्यं च कारयेत् ॥ २९॥ 

इति श्रीदेवीपुराणे श्रीमहामारिकास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

``ॐ नमो भगवति महामारिके मृत्युरूपिणि सकुटुम्बं मां रक्षस्व स्वाहा ।'' 

The mantra must be written at the bottom of the page where you have written the stotra.
For those who are looking for a simple mantra for protection can chant Surya Gayatri Mantra 1 mala daily.  But if you are highly fearful and think you have a possibility of getting infected, you must follow the procedure mentioned previously. That will protect you from the virus.
Keep in mind that the stotra is for protection and its working depends on your faith in it. If you believe that mantras and god worship don't work in curing diseases, you can ignore this post.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Hanuman


  1. "By chanting The Great Maha Mantra of Hanuman (11 Akshari mantra), THERE IS NOTHING IN THIS WORLD AS WELL AS THE OTHER WORLDS THAT CANNOT BE ACHIEVED", said by Hanuman upaasak Ashok Mehta.
    Then why are the thousands of Hanuman upaasaks and Ashok Mehta unable to come up with a solution for this Corona disease. If they can conquer the three worlds with the help of the great maha mantra of Hanuman, creating a vaccine for corona disease is not at a tough task for them.


    1. With this kind of an attitude towards god, you cannot move far ahead.
      Every person is responsible for their own karmas.
      Everything that happens in your life is brought by you yourself. And for those things that are not, you still have the control to how you react to it.
      If you do not believe in Hanuman or any other god, why do you visit a religious blog like this. God doesn't need anybody. He hasn't asked you to come to him.

  2. Do not try to divert the Question cleverly by bringing KARMA into the topic.

    I am here because I do not want other people to be misguided by fraudulent Hindu pandits, astrologers like me.

    None of the our Ministers, MLAs, MPs, Collectors, Famous Scientists, Famous Engineers, Architects, Popular Music Directors, Researchers, Models, Doctors, Actors, Athelets, Sportsmen, IAS, IPS, Microsoftians, Googlers, Body builders, billionaires, millionaires are Hanuman Upaasakas or any others god's Upaasakas.

    You cannot get even a clerk post (which require pure luck and nothing else) in a government office by performing any god's upaasana.

    These Hindu pandits are very good at EXAGGERATION about gods' worship. They write articles about gods' worship, Mantras using heart-warming & exaggerating phrases and mislead others. So that people tend to believe these so called gods exist and starting believing in Hindu pandits & upaasakas.

    I just ask you one thing Mr.Ashok. What changes have you seen in your life by worship Gods for these 3 years ? None of us have seen you in any of the TV channel as a MLA, MP, or any equivalent Success in any other form. What great things have these Gods given to you ?

    I am NOT insulting you Mr. Ashok. I want you to realize the truth. You are MISGUIDED by fraudulent Hindu pandits. Please do not WASTE your precious Time by involving so called Gods' Worship. There are no gods, heaven, hell & chalisas. You please think about it make right decision.

    If chanting RAMA nama is a very holy thing then What did priests of shri rama temples gain from that ?

    If these Gods are really there , you would have seen enormous growth in your life Mr.Ashok .

    Posting articles by reading some untrustworthy Texts is not a great thing sir, first try to attempt atleast one sadhana from this blog. Then You will realize the truth behind these sadhanas and you won't be misguided anymore.

    1. Karma has been brought by me because you believe that a god's sadhana doesn't work.
      Karma doesn't mean Karma not only in worldly life but also in spiritual life.

      What do you think didnt bring you results? You must ask yourself this question.
      One thing to keep in mind that sadhanas will only work for what is your immediate need.
      If you do a sadhana for a want that is not necessity for you, you may get some results, but still, it wont be fulfilled completely.
      So you must ask yourself these questions:
      Was I asking for, my need or my want that wasn't really necessary?
      Did I follow all the rules that were necessary for making the god happy?
      When I was doing the sadhana, was I focusing on pleasing the god or thinking selfishly that I just want this amuk god to fulfill my wish as soon as possible and What is the least amount of effort that I can put, in pleasing this god so that he fulfills my wish??
      When I was chanting, did you chant it with faith and joy or considering just as a matter of course and repeating words like a parrot?
      What I helpful and kind towards others or had a fault finding attitude towards everybody?
      Was I respectful towards my parents, elders, brahmins, cows and humans in general?
      Whatever I was looking for, did I try to give it to others first?
      Were the wishes that I was asking for practical?
      Was I at the right stage in my life for asking those wishes?
      Was I asking the wish so that it fulfills my ego and makes me look great in others eyes or was I doing it for myself and with the thought the fulfillment is only going to bring me humbleness?
      Did I donate to the needy from time to time?
      Was I being honest in the pursuit of my goal without having ill intentions towards anybody else who may be part of that particular area of life?
      Did I have diksha of the stotra/mantra I chanted?
      Was it the right mantra/stotra for that wish?
      Did I chant multiple mantras/stotras of different gods or just one god for fulfillment of 1 wish, with the thought that any one of those gods/mantras among them will definitely fulfill the wish?
      Did I have full faith in the mantra I was chanting?

      Ask yourself these questions honestly. And most probably, you shall find an answer to why mantras/stotras didn't work for you.

      Just because what didn't work for you doesn't mean it hasn't for everybody.

    2. I have seen enormous growth in my life. In who I am as person, due to Hanuman Chalisa. That has built the pathway for becoming what I want in my life.
      Enormous growth may mean something else for something else for others.
      Whatever it may be, remember, sadhanas are only helpers.

      The human life is already destined with the start and end fixed. In between, you are given multiple options to choose from. You cannot choose anything that is outside of those options. Because they are not the best for you and could be a potential cause of sorrow too.
      If you try to choose those things that are not meant for you, you will be directionless and experience more sorrow, depression, failure and lose of sense.
      Mantras and stotras clear the negativity and only speed up the good things that already have the potential of getting fulfilled in the future.
      You cannot change your end destiny. The only way to get what is not written in your destiny is become like someone is meant to achieve that thing in life.

      If you are a engeneering student and you want to become a world reknowned designer or a painter, you cannot just chant mantras and expect getting a career in arts. Even simple courses wont help. You have to change your entire mindset, from somebody who understands only numbers and sees things from only black/only white attitude to someone who considers things as good, not bad attitude.

      Even if you are looking for success in the same industry you've studied, failure only means that there is something in your work skills that are missing, that are stopping you from achieving your goal.
      It has nothing to do with God. God will be supportive and provide you opportunities, but you have to be the one to take it.

    3. Hanuman is just an imaginary being. Stated by a certified scholar, Rami Sivan. Read this answer to know what he has claimed.

      The author of this answer is not a untrustworthy person like this blog's owner. Rami sivan (Sri Rama Ramanuja Achari) is certified Vedic scholar studied in highly respected centres of spiritual and Scriptural learning in Rishikesh, Varanasi, Tirupati and Chennai. He studied in the traditional gurukula system in highly respected centres. If You want can check his bio in official website of srimatham. I provided the link below to see his bio.

      Dear readers, Now decide yourselves whom to believe a certified Vedic scholar or untrustworthy upasaak. learn the truth atleast now.


  3. Millions of obeisance to you Sir for giving us this Spiritual Solution.

  4. Millions Of Obeissances Ashok Sir....

  5. in the above comments anonymous/siddu has stated a few things to discredit hinduism in a way.any way when it comes to the abuses done by the priestly class,truth is there and it has been going on for centuries.anyway anonymous must realize that this is a 10,000 years old religion,so there would certainly be many problems and abuses within i need to ask this to anonymous or others who often criticize u all dare to criticize the islamic religion even though many many faults and problems are there in islam and the answer is that you all wont have the guts to criticize islam for you all have this deep fear of being killed by muslims and so in order to prove your smartness,hinduism becomes your talking about hanuman and other gods..its simple they r there for people who beleive in them and i have seen such miracles and helps provided by the gods in hinduism that we pray to and if you dont beleive them then its your loss.talking about this person who is known as ramanuja or rani sivan as per anonymous,who claims that hanuman is an imaginary being..please dear readers,please know this,there are many who disguise themselves as hindus in order to discredit hinduism from within and all this has been going on for years and years.i really cant understand why everybody be it our own hindus,muslims and christians are always trying very hard to totally destroy hinduism.many damages has been done by all these people.infact among all the worlds oldest religions,only hinduism is still surviving.muslims and christians have totally destroyed all these older religions and these now only exist among few thousands of people in every country and people are trying to bring back their own former religions that was destroyed by islam and christianity.. and muslims and christians have been trying to destroy hinduism since they first came to bharat.severe damages are already there in hinduism due to these muslims and christians.these muslims and christians really do not know about the concept of time and what time or kala or kali can do.even 200 years of muslim rule is just like a snap of our finger for kala or fact the real thing that i want the readers of this site to know,is this,god is a universal being and no religion can say that god is there only in their religion and you would go to heaven only if you embrace christianity or islam.its bull shit,for god or nature is a universal being and unbiased.god can be felt and understood and appreciated even in a blade of grass and you dont need religions to tell us about god.what is important is that we preserve and aporeciate nature and all the beings in it and help out other humans.finally need to say this again..yes we have many problems and some severe ones within hinduism.but what makes me more pissed off is this,hindus themselves degrading hinduism.please know this,problems are a plenty in hinduism due to its vastness and its age.either one should try to correct it but not to discredit it.actually i dont follow hinduism or any other religions and yes i was born as a hindu but then i had realized some time back that u dont need religion to realize or understand god or nature and more then that hinduism was brought in by the aryans who appeared from afghanistan and so my own peoples religion is now lost due to aryan invasion.actually why should indian muslims and indian christians be over zealous about islam or christianity for these religions too came from far away places and was forced on us and we all are murdering and raping each other for these religions that was forced on all of us.what a pity and a shame.all pillaging and rapes and murders done in the name of religions and the next day they would preach about their particular gods.saying all these,however i would still prefer to die as a hindu for there is so much of freedom in hinduism and god can be seen or realized through many ways and hindus minds are not closed like the minds of muslims or the christians.i really do hope and pray that religions would never exist again.
