Monday, September 25, 2017

Mantra to remove lust

Lust can be one of the greatest badhak in a sadhak 's life.
Due to lust, a person forgets all his morality and discipline and starts doing all the immorality without any shame or fear about its side effects.

In the past, I have shared many remedies to remove lust,anger,etc.
Today, I am sharing yet another simple mantra prayog to remove lust and focus on the better things in life.

The prayog is very very simple and can be performed by anyone.
The procedure is also very simple.
After having bath and performing one's sandhya, the sadhak must chant this mantra 21 times daily for 21 days.
That is it.
If you want you can chant 1 mala also. But I do not believe that much may be needed.
Even chanting 21 times is enough.

Basic puja rules like lighting diya, incense sticks,etc. must be followed.
The japa must be done using rudraksh mala or sphatik mala.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman


  1. Thnks fr great post, can we chant this mantra whenever lust comes our mind. Coz lust troubled us anytime n anywhere. N if so then that tym how much tym we hv to recite. Kindly reply.

    1. The prayog in itself is to remove this lust. Once you perform this prayog, you won't be troubled by lust.

  2. Please share english version also

  3. Kindly share english version, wanna knw it is shuk or shukra. So plz english version ll help.

    1. Sanatkumaraha devarshihi Shukla bheeshma plavangamaha
      Panchaitani smarennityam kamastasyana badhate.
      This is the English version of mantra.Please correct Ashok sir if any mistake is there.

    2. It's Shuka not Shukla ,this was a typo error.

  4. Namaste sir,
    1. I am a little weak in hindi. Sirji can you please share the meaning of this mantra.
    2. For how long would the effect of this 21 days prayog remain
    3. To what extend would the mantra work. Would it only stop thoughts or make a person completely brahmachari?
    Please clarify sir.

    1. The mantra invokes santkumar, devrishi shuka, bheeshma and plavangamaha and requests them to remove lust.
      And as for other queries.
      You cannot determine the power of mantra in numbers.
      The kind of results you may get depends completely upon your faith.

  5. Kindly update english version sanjay did bt not sure it's shukla or shuka, kindly resolve doubt . I wanna start jaapa.

    1. Shuka is correct. One can refer to the english version shared by him
