For achieving divinity, it is necessary to surround oneself both within and without with divinity. When a sadhak is surrounded by divinity, all the negative qualities & all the negative aspects automatically start weakening up to a point when it renders meaningless.
And the best sadhan for achieving this divinity, is navdha bhakti, or the 9 ways of devotion.
These 9 ways of devotion are -
1. Shravan(Listening) - Listening to the lessons, stories, significance, powers, deeds, etc. of one's isht devta with complete devotion and pleasure.
2. Kirtan( Singing) - Singing or Spreading the great qualities of your isht, his character, his name, his valour,etc. with great happiness and enthusiasm.
3. Smaran( Remembrance) - Remembering one's isht devta and his powers and his greatness when walking or doing one's daily work and feeling as if everything happening is due to their blessings.
4. Padasevan(Doing service of God) - This includes cleaning the idols of your isht devta, doing tilak, cleaning the puja room with great devotion and love for god,etc. This also includes doing seva of cows, brahmins,etc. and helping members of the temple in things like cleaning temples, cleaning the temples idols if allowed,etc. without any shame or shyness and surrendering oneself to him.
5. Archan( Worship) - This includes worshipping him from mind, heart and chanting his mantras & stotras.
6. Vandan(Respecting) - One must consider cows, brahman deva, fire, water, banyan tree, sun, father, mother, sun, moon, guru, sadhaks who follow the same school as yours,etc. To be a swaroop of your isht devta and respect them and follow their orders the same way one would have followed, if there was one's isht in front of him.
7. Dasya(Servant like nature) - One must consider god to be our father and ourselves to be his servant and completely surrender oneself to him. Though dasya bhaav is only followed is Vishnu upasana, it can also be followed for devi upasana but if the sadhak is desirous of more things than just the 4 purusharth.
For shaiva and other schools, veer bhaav is only followed. Considering everybody, every thought, emotion and situation and every thing to be equal and remaining in your same calm state without getting affected by any of these I.e. remaining non-dual, doing japa as and when required, following yama- niyam, doing dhyaan all these are parts of veer bhav.
8. Sakhya(Friendliness) - You must consider god to be your friend and behave with your isht like he is your friend and trust him.
9. Atmanivedan(Surrender) - Giving up on the attachment of everything you have and considering whatever you may have to be of none but God's, this means Atma nivedan.
By practising the 9 ways of devotion, there is nothing that cannot be fulfilled.
By practising the 9 ways of devotion, great sorrows, great difficulties which may have been occurring due to one's sins or due to his vikaar, due to malefic gochar of planets especially of planets like Rahu & Ketu in 1st, 5th, 8th & 12th house, or for any other reason - the sadhak can get rid of all this.
The human birth is very very rare and comes due to one's great punya.
Hence, one must make the maximum use of this precious life and do as much penance as he can, including both spiritual penance & material worldly penance, if he desires.
Aasan siddhi is a very big necessity in Kali Yuga. Due to greater presence of ittar yoni around us and due to lack of knowledge and responsibility among those of our Dharma, it has become more and more difficult for people to get siddhi in any mantra or stotra.
If the sadhak performs the siddhi of his aasan, especially in this Kali yuga, he will be able to protect himself from many negative energies that reside below the surface of earth.
Today, I am going to share one such rare tantrik sadhana, performing which, a sadhak can get siddhi over his aasan.
After performing the sadhana, the sadhak can sit for long hours on his aasan with complete peace.
One thing to keep in sadhaks always is that brahmacharya is the basis of everything in sadhana world.
If you do not follow Brahmacharya even a flower offered by you is not accepted by god, even though it may be the dearest thing for God.
It is by development of Ojas in brain that a man achieves patience. And for building ojas, following brahmacharya is necessary.
The sadhana I am sharing ahead will help you in sitting for long hours and protect you from ittar yoni, but the results of this sadhana will only be existing if you follow brahmacharya with it.
If you perform this sadhana and get siddhi as well, but you are not following celibacy, even the siddhi will not be able to help you.
The vidhi I am sharing ahead can be performed for all kinds of aasan except kush aasan.
Kush aasan does not require siddhi. Just the normal pavitra karan works.
However, as some sadhana only require a certain kind of aasan, siddhi of those aasan is necessary.
Procedure -
1. Start this prayog from a Tuesday. If the sadhak wants, he can also start from krishna chaturdashi of shravan month.
2. Wake up in brahma muhurat, have bath and wear red clothes.
3. Go to your puja room and sit on a red aasan facing north.
4. Then, make 3 maithun chakra on the floor in front of you. Keep in mind that they must only be made on the floor only, not on a cloth/wood plank.
Chakra 1 & 3 should be small in size while the middle one should be large in size and must have a dot in the middle of it. The chakras must made using kumkum.
5. Fold the aasan you want to gain siddhi on and keep it on the middle chakra.
6. Now, make two 4 mukhi diyas, one of sesame oil and one of ghee. The diya vessel must be earthen. The sesame oil diya must be kept on the 1st chakra and cow's ghee diya must be kept on 3rd chakra.
Both of the diya must be chaumukhi. I.e. with 4 wicks.
Also light a few incense sticks.
7. Now do guru pujan and panch devta pujan. Then, do panchopchar puja of both the diyas.
For naivedya, offer any kind of seasonal fruit.
Mantra for deep devta -
|| ॐ दीप देवताभ्यो नमः ।।
8. Then, do panchopchar puja of the aasan.
Mantra for aasan -
|| ॐ शक्तये नमः ।।
9. Then, offer kumkum mixed rice 108-108 times to aasan. The vidhi for this is that, offer akshat chanting the first mantra, then offer akshat chanting the 2nd mantra, then offer akshat chanting the 3rd mantra, then again offer akshat chanting the 1st mantra and so on.
Thus, this way, offer akshat 108-108 times for each mantra.
Kumkum mixed rice must be made by mixing dry kumkum with rice. No need of water.
।। ऐं (AING) ज्ञान शक्ति स्थापयामि नमः ।।
।। ह्रीं (HREENG) इच्छाशक्ति स्थापयामि नमः ।।
।। क्लीं (KLEENG) क्रियाशक्ति स्थापयामि नमः ।।
।। ॐ पृथ्वी त्वया धृता लोका देवी त्वं विष्णुना धृता ।
त्वं च धारय माम देवी: पवित्रं कुरु च आसनं ।।
।। ॐ सिद्धासनाय नमः ।।
।। ॐ कमलासनाय नमः ।।
।। ॐ सिद्ध सिद्धासनाय नमः ।।
।। ॐ सिद्ध सिद्धासनाय नमः ।।
11. Offer rice mixed with flower petals 324 times to the aasan. One must use yellow/white flowers for this purpose. While offering, one must chant the following mantra and offer it to the aasan. In place of amuk, one must take the name of the person for whom this aasan is being siddh. Hence, if this aasan is being siddh for Lord Shiva, it will be - (saptlokam dhaatri Shivam aasane siddhim...).
||ॐ ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं श्रीं सप्तलोकं धात्रि अमुकं आसने सिद्धिं भू: देव्यै नमः ||
12. This completes the prayog for the day. This way, the prayog for more 2 days. i.e. it must be performed for a total of 3 days.
After completion of the prayog, the sadhak must give some dakshina and offer naivedya to a Bhu Devi/Durga Temple. He must also give a little dakshina to his guru, if he has one. If he doesn't have a guru, he can offer it to Lord Shiva also and take their blessings.
In all, the sadhana takes around 3.5-4 hours, however, it is of just 3 days & if the sadhak performs this prayog once in his life, he will see that after completion of the prayog, he will be able to sit for 2-3 hours at a stretch, and even more if has been following indriya nigraha and doing yoga,eating only healthy havishya anna,etc, and following celibacy, which is obvious for achieving anything in sadhana world.
There is no bar for anybody in performing this sadhana. It can be performed by any body of any age. It should be considered as a compulsory sadhana for all those who chant mantras/stotras and desire to be able to sit for long hours on aasan.
One first make sure that he has taken permission from bhu devi/durga maa for performing this prayog as no mantra or stotra recitation can be performed without asking for permission.
After completion of the sadhana, do the aasan pavitri karan using mantra mentioned in point 10.
Then hold little rice in your hand chant mantra in point 11 seven times and sprinkle the rice on the aasan.
One first make sure that he has taken permission from bhu devi/durga maa for performing this prayog as no mantra or stotra recitation can be performed without asking for permission.
After completion of the sadhana, do the aasan pavitri karan using mantra mentioned in point 10.
Then hold little rice in your hand chant mantra in point 11 seven times and sprinkle the rice on the aasan.
Other than this, all the rules regarding aasan such as not adjusting it with legs,not moving continuously while chanting,etc. must be followed.
Sadhaks, our human life is very very less to do a lot of sadhanas and become something than to die like any other non-religious human would. For this, it necessary for a sadhak to be able to sit for long hours on aasan so that he can complete more japa in lesser time and perform as many sadhanas as he can.
One more thing I would like to mention today for all those who are desiring to be a very advanced sadhak to perform the following prayogs once in their life and then go on for other sadhanas. These are Shanti prayogs, which I believe, if performed, will remove all the dosha and negativity of life. This includes naag dosh, pitru dosh, graha dosh, all kinds of diseases from all the members of the family, poverty, clashes in family and lack of wealth and prosperity, bad thoughts,vikaar,etc.
All the prayogs mentioned here do not require any kind of diksha. However, one must surely take permission from each god before starting their prayogs.
All the prayogs mentioned here do not require any kind of diksha. However, one must surely take permission from each god before starting their prayogs.
They must be performed in the order I am sharing ahead -
1. Hanuman Chalisa - 10,000 times
2. Rama Naam - 1000 malas
3. Pitru Gayatri Mantra - 100 malas
4.Narayan Nag Bali - If there is naag dosh or if somebody in your family has died suddenly.
Hanuman Chalisa will remove - diseases, bad thoughts, vikaar, weak mind, family quarrels. It will also give peace of mind and patience to the sadhaks who desire so. After completion, it must be chanted 1 time daily.
Rama Naam will remove - all sins of all the trillion births, graha dosh, poverty, lack of wealth and prosperity. It will give sadhaks lots of wealth and fill the sadhak's life with everything that a grihasth will need to live his life. By chanting it 1 lac times, all those who have the desire of getting married or getting someone's love will also be successful in the same without the need of any vashikaran or aakarshan mantra. After completion, one must chant it 11 times daily.
Pitru Gayatri Mantra will remove - all kinds of pitru dosh from the family and stop akal mrityu and diseases in the family members. This will also bring blessings and protection from the pitrus and the family will give birth to great, valorous, powerful and dharmik sons. After completing 100 malas, one must chant the mantra every saturday 11 times.
Narayan Nag Bali will remove all kinds of naag dosha and give mukti to all the pitrus stuck in pret yoni or sarpa yoni. It is said that one must do naag bali every year for 3 years. However, so far, I haven't found any reason or explanation for it. However, if the sadhak wants, for safety, he can do it every year for 3 years. If the sadhak wants, he can chant 1-3 malas of naag gayatri mantra & narayan gayatri mantra every shukla panchami, which occurs once every month.
Sadhaks, all the chanting which I have talked about to be performed after the main prayog, the decision of it relies on the sadhak. If the sadhak is happy with his grihasth life and doesn't want to advance in the sadhana world, just these 4 prayogs are enough.
I have been receiving requests of posting sadhanas for bad thoughts since a long time. Sadhaks, the best and most effective sadhana for bad thoughts and bad addictions is Hanuman Chalisa. This is because, the kind of god we worship, that kind of person we become. Hence, when a sadhak worships a brahmachari god, he automatically gets freedom from lust, anger and all such vikaar. And as Lord Hanuman is very big devotee, even the sadhak develops such qualities and becomes a very dedicated devotee of his isht devta.
Hopefully, everyone has made the judicious and best use of the auspicious shravan maas.
Jay Shri Rama
sir what is noramal pavitra karan of kush it 10 no.
Deleteand one more thing if we increase metal strength.can we sit on asan for 5or 6 hours
ReplyDeletePlease answer my questions about Nav Khand Hanuman...
ReplyDeleteSir should b do hanuman chalisa 10k tyms or 1000 mala of ram naam to get rid of sins thn recite hanuman chalisa, plz do guide.
ReplyDeleteFirst recite Hanuman chalisa and then rama naam
DeleteOne more thng is it 1000 mala of raam naam or raam mantra shri raam jai raam jai jai raam , kindly guide.
ReplyDeleteRama naam is also a mantra. It is up to you on which mantra you want to chant.
DeleteIt will be better to chant Shri Rama Jay Rama Mantra
Amazing article and much needed for all,
ReplyDeleteone query sir.
you told we must offer that akshata 108-108 times after chanting mantra,
will the 3 mantras chanted together comprises 1 chant,
ऐं (AING) ज्ञान शक्ति स्थापयामि नमः ।।
।। ह्रीं (HREENG) इच्छाशक्ति स्थापयामि नमः ।।
।। क्लीं (KLEENG) क्रियाशक्ति स्थापयामि नमः
is the above 3 mantras combined to a single chant,kindly clarify. Thank you
Each mantra is to be recited 108 times.
DeleteYes, the 3 mantras combined should be consider as 1 chant.
This way, you will have to complete 108 chants.
Thanks for your valuable post and information. Request to you please publish details of proper Hanuman Chalisa recitation procedure
ReplyDeleteu can check it here
namaste sir,
ReplyDelete"Sadhaks, all the chanting which I have talked about to be performed after the main prayog, the decision of it relies on the sadhak. If the sadhak is happy with his grihasth life and doesn't want to advance in the sadhana world, just these 4 prayogs are enough."
dint get this above point,did u mean we must go for the above 4 shanti prayogas mentioned only after the asana keelan sadhana?? kindly brief
2)in point 11 you mentioned amuk must be replaced by the name of the person and in the example you have mentioned as lord shiva, please tell whether should we replace the amuk by our name or gods name,because i have found sim ilar sadhana somewhere where it is mentioned to replace the name of the sadhak,kindly clarify
1. If you perform aasan siddhi first then better.
Delete2. You must replace it with the name of the sadhak for whom it is being siddh. Shiva's name is just for example
sir ,,in Ram nam sadhana what we chant "shri Ram" or only "Ram"
ReplyDeleteOnly Rama or Shri Rama both are the same