Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Why the mantras or stotras are not showing you results

One of the biggest dilemmas new sadhaks have is, how to get results from mantras or stotras. 
Today, I will mention all the possible reasons that stop people from getting results from mantras and what to do instead. 

1. Diksha & Mantra Siddhi/Asiddhi - The first, biggest, and foremost reason why the mantra is not showing results is diksha. If you do not have diksha of the mantra, it will not give you results no matter how much you try. 
There is no reason in the world that will ever allow you to chant mantras without diksha - no matter what kind of difficulty you think you are in. For stotras, if they are common, like Hanuman Chalisa, Gajendra Moksha, Mahalakshmi Ashtak, Shiva Mahimna Stotra, Rudra Ashtak, etc. you can chant them without diksha. But you cannot chant advanced stotras; or stotras of advanced gods like Tara, Dhumavati, Kali, Bhairav,Kamala, Lalita,etc. without diksha. 

First-time sadhaks should start with stotras of easy-to-please gods first, such as Hanuman Chalisa, Lakshmi Ashtak, Saraswati Ashtak, Shiva Panchakshar Stotra, etc. Then, you will start getting mantras or stotras in dreams, or, you will find a guru. 

When you enter the sadhana world for the first time, you should chant the stotra of the god towards whom you feel the most inclination. If you don't feel inclined towards any god, look at the lord of your 9th house and worship the lord of the house, its adhi devta, or its pratyadhi devta. Then, you should choose any easy stotra of that god and chant it for the next 6,12, or 24 months as per your wish. In the initial days, you should only chant the stotra 9,11,12,21 times per day. You can increase the chant after a few months. Now, diksha is of 2 types - one given by a guru and one gotten in dreams. 

Diksha gotten in dreams - It can be chanted whenever you want. For them, you don't even have to look at shad-chakra or the 6 chakras to check the siddhi/asiddhi of the mantra. 

Diksha from guru - Normally it doesn't happen, but if your guru accidentally gives diksha of an ari-mantra or adev-mantra i.e. mantra that is not favorable or of someone who's not god, you can do visarjan of the mantra. You can do so by energizing a lota full of water mixed with yellow chandan and rice, energizing it with the ari mantra 108 times, and then pouring the water in a river or at a tree. 

Om, Shreem & Other Beej mantras, Gayatri Mantra - These mantras cannot be chanted by women and shudras. Women cannot chant Shreem because beej and Gayatri mantras because both of these mantras enhance the energy of that god within us. They are chanted by humans to attract the god or goddess' energy within them whereas women already have goddess lakshmi/gayatri residing within them. Chanting shreem will be like worshipping yourself. Om is not allowed for women because stri dharma is living the worldly life with their husband, whereas Om mantra creates vairagya and makes you detached. That is why, women as well as men who follow grihast dharma, cannot chant Om. You can still perform prayogs related to it, but you can't do purascharan of it. 

The reason why these 3 mantras cannot be chanted by shudras is that these mantras require lot of purity, cleanliness and discipline. In the older yugas, when people followed their own varna, the work of shudras included cleaning houses, washing dirty clothes, carrying people in paalkhi,etc. They also used to work as servants of kings and queens. All of this meant that they couldn't maintain the cleanliness, hygiene, and discipline necessary for these mantras. In today's yuga, shudra includes anybody who does cleanliness related work. If you are one of those, and if you can follow strict cleanliness, do trikaal sandhya, etc. you can still chant these mantras. 

Except when doing a certain prayog, Om shouldn't be chanted by any man or woman living a worldly life.

2. Lack of devotion and belief in oneself - The 2nd most important thing is faith in god. Many people, even after having a mantra in front of their eyes, doubt it. They look for other mantras for the same purpose and then sit and wonder about which mantra to chant. They make a feature list that how many wishes each of these mantras can fulfill, and try to find which one is the most powerful. 

Even though, it is normal for a person to look for mantras for a particular wish, comparing different mantras is wrong. Out of the 2,3 or 5 mantras in front of you, always choose the mantra of god you have the most belief or devotion in. Don't choose a mantra just because it sounds more powerful. 

Sometimes, people are confused between different mantras of the same god. In both the above-mentioned situations, the problem is that you have faith neither in yourself nor in god. You don't find yourself worthy of getting the results or blessings and that is why believe that a mantra will compel God to give you results. There is no devotion here. You're also more focused on results than devotion. 

It also means that instead of being concerned about your actions, you're being concerned about the result of your actions. You are in essence trying to control the direction of your life without having to do the work that will be required to give the right direction to your life. You are also trying to control the effect of the mantra, instead of letting God give the direction he wants to give to your life. In your head, the thoughts of fructification of the mantra are going on, not all-around growth in life. Your sadhana days are filled with anxiousness and constant worry that when will the mantra show results. 

If you want to get more customers, you're not thinking about how you can give the best quality product or service, but more concerned about how much money they'll give you. And laws of karma don't work that way. In order to get something, we must first give. 

Sadhaks, even a simple god can give you lacs of money if you are fair in your duty. This is because mantras only create opportunities. No god will ever come directly in front of you and rain 2000 rupee notes. They will only create yog for you to make that much money. This law applies to everything that is related to the material world - like love, getting a good house, etc. God will only create yog. To seize and sustain them will be dependent on your karmas. 

Devotion means to surrender to him and believing in his power. When you are devoted, you won't feel the need to even look for mantras to become rich like kuber and powerful like Hanuman. Simple, easy-working mantras like Gayatri will be enough for you. Getting blessings of god is of central importance during sadhana days, not the fructification of the wish. When the sun sets, the moon automatically rises. Nobody has to work to make the moon rise every day. Fulfillment of the wish is the byproduct of pleasing god and focus on work in the real world. 

Keep in mind that God listens to his devotees first, not to the person who is chanting the most powerful mantra.  

But what if you are a new sadhak and can't decide which mantra to chant or which god to worship? Or what if your devotion isn't deep-rooted? Here too sadhaks, faith in the power of god is important. Any god, no matter how small you may consider him, is far more powerful, far more capable than any human being or problem in your life. 

Once you properly understand and accept this, focus on any one mantra or stotra that you find easy to chant or if popular for that god. Don't search for multiple mantras and sit to compare. Blessings of God are important. Not mantras. 

Those who are stuck in the cycle of comparing multiple mantras and are not able to chant any mantra with stability for even 30 days, could try this solution: 

  • First, stop all mantra chanting for at least 21 days. During these days, only light diya and agarbatti at home. Every day, attend aarti of a local temple which has many gods. If you are going through some problem, do daan. But avoid any kind of mantra/stotra paath or vrat. After aarti, bow in front of every god and accept every god's blessings. 

  • During these days, read about the life stories of the gods. How were they born, what did they do, etc. Then, choose any 2-3 gods whose story inspires you the most and towards whom you feel the most inclination. 

  • Then, read about the significance of worshipping each of those gods. Out of them all, choose any one god you feel the most inclination towards. Choose the one you feel emotionally connected to and not the one you think is the more powerful one.

  • Choose any popular stotra of that god and recite it every day 5-11 times every day for at least 40 days. During these days, visit the temple every day and pray to god daily. Chant only one stotra and don't search for other gods or other mantras. This will remove the downward cycle of constantly comparing one god/mantra with another.

3. Dharma - The next important rule is following dharma. Now, shastras have mentioned different punishments for different sins. But it is not possible to track every action in the outside world. The only thing we can control in this Kaliyuga is our mind. 

That is why, the best way to be nishpaap or do the least number of sins is by following 5 yam & 5 niyam. 

The 5 yamas: 
  • Non-violence - Unnecessary violence, violence to show your power,etc. should be stopped. But non-violence doesn't mean to not stand up for yourself. 

  • Honesty and truthfulness - Honesty means to live an honest life, to live in accordance with the laws of nature. Don't think that you have some special ability to bend the laws of karma to your own accord. Be honest with yourself, be honest for yourself, be honest in your work and duty, be honest in love and with friends, and be honest even when nobody is watching. Give up the illogical belief shared by the previous generations that honesty will destroy you.

    The entire world, irrespective of religion, works on laws of karma. What you give out into the world, you will get it back. Like attracts like. If you start deceiving and manipulating people or even just think of manipulating people who are honest with you, within 2-3 months your life will be flipped and you will be surrounded by people who are just like you - dishonest and manipulative. Laws of Karma don't allow a person's bad actions to affect an honest person. If you are dishonest, god will bring you to people who are like you so that you both cancel out each other's bad karmas. But, there will be no peace of mind with these kinds of people. Truthfulness means to say the truth in every situation. But truthfulness can only be practiced by those who are living an honest life.

  • No stealing - materially or mentally - Don't steal or think of stealing something that is not yours. 

  • Brahmacharya - Following celibacy doesn't mean life-long celibacy. If celibacy was this important, God wouldn't have allowed grihastha dharma. But what it means is giving up on the habit of too much sex and uncontrolled sex. Celibacy will radically transform your health, intelligence, and strength. It revitalizes the aging organs; removes laziness, fear and gives intelligence, youthfulness, and courage.

  • Non-greed - Not having greed for money doesn't mean you shouldn't work to become rich, wealthy, or abundant. That is stupidity. But it means that you shouldn't hoard it or think that I will have all the money in the world and not let single rupee go out of my pocket. The money that has come from somewhere will go somewhere - this is the nature of money. You can't change it. 

5 Niyam:
  • Cleanliness - Live clean physically and mentally. In Hinduism, sins done even in dreams are recorded by god. The reason is that our dreams are a representation of the thoughts in our subconscious mind. Even thoughts manifest in our life. If you think that you'll do so-and-so bad towards someone, the results of the wrong actions will manifest as if you had actually done those wrong actions. Physical cleanliness is also important. Lack of cleanliness creates lethargy, negative thoughts, and increases anger, lust, ego, etc. 
  • Santosh or Contentment - Don't build expectations. Expectations and attachment to outcome is the root of all suffering. When have attachment and expect people and events to behave or turn out a certain way, your whole life will fill with anguish, frustration, sorrow, anger, and sleepless nights. 
  • Tapa - Do penance - in work and in the spiritual world. Tapa is what will break the downward spiral, or stagnation in your life. Simply reacting to what is happening in life and implementing a temporary solution may remove the problem, but it will not stop the stagnation. To grow means to flourish completely and in a way that the old problems don't come back. For this, you need to do tapa. Sacrifice is necessary in the sadhana world and for growth in life. That is why, you have to sacrifice everything that is acting as an obstacle to your growth, including bad habits, impulsive behaviors, constantly complaining people, jealous people, laziness, etc. 

  • Study - Study good literature - spiritual as well as worldly. So that you become an overall good and skilled person for sadhana world as well as the material world. This will help you realize your values, morals, and give direction to your life purpose.

  • Ishwar Pranidhan - Surrender to the will of God. Accept the obstacles and difficulties as opportunities to learn. Accept that certain things had to happen the way it happened - so that you could learn from the pain. Don't be stubborn, that things should happen only in so-and-so way. Pray to God and let God lead you.

In my experience, all the sins, sorrow, difficulties, depression, poverty, diseases in the world come from not following these 5 yamas & niyams. Following them brings health, peace, abundance, prosperity, courage, and success in all tasks. 

4. Aasan - The next important thing is aasan. You can sit on either kush aasan or red velvet aasan. They are accepted by every god. However, when you do purascharan sadhanas, you should aasan of the color loved by the god. Like yellow for Narayan and Lakshmi, white for Shiva, etc. If you are a sadhak, you should do siddhi over your aasan so that you can sit for a long time. Click here to see the aasan siddhi sadhana vidhi

Yoga asana - You can sit in sukhasan, siddhasana or padmasan. If you are a beginner, start with sukhasana, then go for siddhasana and later padmasana. Padmasan is an advanced aasan so do not attempt it forcefully if you're unable to sit that way. Practice it first. 

5. Mudra - The next important thing is keeping mudras. For each god, there are certain mudras. Click here to download a book which has mudras of all the gods. 

6. Dhyaan - Dhyaan means to meditate on a certain form of god. Along with mudra, Dhyaan has a lot of importance for getting results from mantras. Without mudra, you will not be successful in dhyaan. Dhyaan portrays a certain form of god depending on the wish that you have. If you wish for money or anything materialistic, you'd meditate on a form of god that is calm. If your wish is the destruction of enemies, you'd meditate an angry form of god. Certain people have the habit of meditating on angry forms of god when their wish is not of that kind. It is wrong and the mantra will not show results. We must only meditate on the form of god that is specified for the mantra or stotra. If you are chanting a common stotra which doesn't have dhyaan, meditate on the most popular form of that god. 

7. Discipline - the next thing important is discipline in chanting all day every day. It means that when you have decided to chant at 7 pm, then chant at the same time every day. Decide a time when you are sure you'll be free and then chant at that time every day. A difference of ±20 minutes is okay, but not more than that. This discipline also applies to other things like aasan, diya, etc. If you were sitting on kush aasan on the first day, use it for all days. Dont use kushaasan on one day and red aasan on the other. Similarly, if you're using oil diya, use oil diya on all the days. Maintain consistency in your method of prayer. It also means to remain stable during japa. Many people complain that they are not able to sit longer than so-and-so minutes. The solution to it is that unless you sit for longer times, you will not be able to sit for longer times. The only reason you feel uncomfortable sitting for longer times is that you don't have the habit of it. When you start feeling uncomfortable, pause the japa and keep the mala aside for a few minutes. Next, keep your palms on your knees and sit with closed eyes. Observe your breath and the sounds around you. Without trying too hard, take deep breaths. Do this for 5-10 minutes and you will feel at ease again. 

8. Energised Yantra or Idol - Idol or yantra is important if you want to get results from your mantras/stotras. For the gods, the idol is significant. For the goddesses, yantra is significant. Still, yantra is supreme for both of them. Also, do not worship both the yantra and idol of a god simultaneously. Worship either one of them. 

9. Panchopchar Puja - The next and one of the most important things is panchopchar puja. For every god that you worship, there has to be some form of bhautik puja. Now some believe that Shiva, Surya, and certain other gods don't need puja. It may be true that they may not need panchopchar puja, yet you are worshipping them in some or the other material way. For Shiva, we do abhishek with water. For Surya, we give arghya. For Hanuman, we give chola. This way, for every god, some or the other material form of puja exists. Unless you are doing sadhanas for getting moksha, bhautik puja is necessary for all gods. For material desires, a panchopchar puja is compulsory. It is not to say that God won't bless if you don't do panchopchar puja, but the results will come after a very long time. 

10. Absence of distraction - After puja, lack of distraction is an important factor that affects the results from mantras. During japa, keep the phone away. Don't browse social media and chant mantras on the other side. Don't sit in a room where there is a lot of noise. If you have the habit of browsing the phone during japa, the best way is to keep the phone far away from reach before you start the japa. This way you won't feel the urge to get your phone when the japa starts. Also, try to do japa with closed eyes. Closed eyes bring far better results and spiritual experiences. 

11. Delayed results - Unless and until you have been a devotee of a god for many years, a mantra/stotra can't show you instant results. That is why patience is very necessary. When we chant the mantra of a god whom we've been worshipping for a long time, their mantras will show results when you reach 50% of the sadhana days. The reason is that each day's chant creates energy. When enough amount of energy is built, that is when it can act against all the negative vibrations within and around us. When you are worshipping a god for the first time, it takes at least 21-30 days to see results. It takes time for a new god's energy to grow within you. 

12. Aarti & Pradakshina - Attending aarti, listening to the sounds of ghanta, doing pradakshina of the god you're worshipping - all these have a lot of power. They burn your sins, clean your heart, and bring you to true devotion. 

13. Daan - The last and the most powerful thing is daan. Donation of any kind accrues an unbelievable amount of punya in Kali-yuga. Daan brings instant, leapfrog changes in life. 

14. Worship of the 9th lord - Worshipping the 9th house lord or the planets sitting in your 9th house helps you get quick and uplifting changes in your life. His worship will guide you towards true bhakti, increase your luck, and make your life auspicious. 

Jay Shri Rama

Saturday, October 03, 2020

How to know if you will get the lost thing back according to jyotish

Many times, we lose a mobile phone, electronics, gold, etc. We try a lot but we do not find it.

Although there are mantras that can bring lost items back, it is usually only when there is a yog for it.

If something is written to be lost, it may not come back unless you have great blessings and the support of god.

Today, I will share about the result of losing something in various nakshatras. 

I believe in the power of god over our difficulties. Yet, I have observed that the result of losing things in these respective nakshatras to be true.

Dhanishta, Pushya, Rohini, Purva Ashaadhaa, Vishaakhaa, Uttara Falguni, Revati - The items lost in these nakshatras are found quickly if you take the effort.

Hasta, Uttaraa Ashaadhaa, Anuradha, Shatbhisha, Ashlesha, Ashwini, Mrugashira - The things lost in this nakshatra are found but need lot of effort.

Aaardra, Maghaa, Purva Bhadrapada, Chitra, Jyeshthaa, Abhijit(consider Abhijit Muhurat), Bharani - You will get news or information about the things that are lost in this nakshatra. But you will not get them back.

Swati, Shravan, Kruttika, Uttara Bhadrapada, Moola, Purva Falguni - The items lost in this nakshatra are never gotten back.

These rules also apply to people if someone is lost, or if you are separated from someone.

Note: You should predict from the time of loss, not from the time of realisation.

For eg. if you are travelling by bus, and at night while you're sleeping, someone steals your phone and you don't realise this the whole night but next day in the morning, then you should consider the time of loss i.e. night.

The time period of one nakshatra is long enough for the realisation to happen within the same nakshatra. But, say, if it happens on the setting of one nakshatra and rise of another, it may be difficult to predict unless you know the exact time. There is no solution for this. One can only pray to god to find the lost item or person back.

Sadhaks, in my observation, the effects of losing something in these nakshatras has been absolutely true; and unless you have done special mantra prayog for it, the items or people lost in these nakshatras are never found again or have been very difficult to find.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Rare Rahu 8 names stotra for Rahu Dosha

Today, I will share a rare 8 name stotra of Rahu, chanting which one can get freed from Rahu's malefic effects.

There is no vidhi for this. Chanting it at least 12 times daily at midnight or early morning time.

राहुनामान्यो अथ वक्ष्ये राहु प्रीतिकराणि च   ।

पीयुषपायी मस्ताख्यो राहुर्भिन्नगतिस्तमः ।

उपरागग्रहः पुण्यचरित्रः पुष्पवद्मयः ॥

राहु नामाष्टकमिदं राहुप्रीतिकरं परम् ।

यः पठेत्छृणुयाद्वापि राहु दोषैर्न सो अन्वितः ॥

Rules for chanting Rahu & Ketu mantras or stotras:

1. Worship Rahu and Ketu between 11pm to 6am.

2. Use blue or black colored items in puja such as, blue chandan, blue flowers, blue or black aasan,etc.

3. Many images show Rahu as having a body and Ketu as having a lower body of fish, which is not correct. Rahu only has a head and no body. Ketu has a big head of a snake and lower body just like a normal human being. Rahu sits on a blue lion while ketu sits on a pigeon or fish.

Monday, September 07, 2020

Myths and Facts about Grahas and Jyotish

There are a lot of myths surrounding Jyotish and grahas.

Today I will clarify them all.

As we all know, multiple astrologers tell multiple things about the effect of planets, bhavas, aspects, nakshatras,Kundli Milan, etc. But only few turn out to be true. Or, the predictions by astrologers for some people turn true and false for some. 

I will bust these myths and share some important and lesser-known facts about jyotish and planets.

1. Only some kootas necessary for some: When we do kundli milan, it is said that certain koota are not necessary for some varnas, like nadi koota is not necessary for kshatriya varna. However, this rule is not applicable in today's yuga. The koota/guna affect various parts of our lives. However, in today's yuga, all varnas are mixed up and everyone does everything. That is why all kootas are compulsory for guna Milan as the effects of these gunas will be surely be seen at some stage in the couple's lives.

2. Lal Kitab and KP astrology predictions: Lal kitab and KP astrology are very unreliable and most of the time their predictions don't have any reason or logic. Lal Kitab in general is meaningless and only a select few totkas of it work. Similarly, I have found KP astrology's predictions to miles away from the reality.

3. Planetary effects according to bhava: Another myth is that grahas show effect based on bhavas. Even though it is true that certain planets, when in favourable houses show good effects, but they effects are based more according to nakshatras than according to bhavas. For example, Shukra in Mesh is considered good but it in fact shows bad results. The 1st nakshatra in mesh is Ashwini nakshatra which is of ketu, and thus causes quarrels. Then, it shows good results when it moves through bharani. Then again when it moves through Krittika, the nakshatra of Sun, it causes quarrels as sun causes separation. It doesn't matter which bhava mesh may fall in for your zodiac sign, the effects will be similar. Planets show result according to nakshatras in lagna kundli as well during transit.

4. Planet & Bhava tattvas: Just like nakshatras, tattvas have a lot of importance. Tattvas of the rashi,nakshatra and planets in combination affect our mind and material life. I've observed that usually when a jal tatva planet like Shukra or Chandra enter an agni tattva sign, it makes the mind unstable and causes anger, lust,greed and such negative thoughts. During such a transit, the sadhak suffers lot of internal pain or negativity but the same wont appear on his face or demeanor.

When an agni tatva planet enters a water tattva sign, it causes pain in physical world. For eg, loss in business, fights, separation with family, wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. The pain becomes visible in your demeanor and usually, such transits cause short or long term depressions. If you or someone is going through depression, it is highly likely that it is because of these transits.

Also, In reality, the house number's significance is only 10%. The power all good or bad effects depends upon - 1) the house lord's friendliness with the planet that is transiting or placed so in lagna kundli, 2) The nakshatra the planet is in, 3) The tatva of the planet vs the tatva of the sign.

That is the reason why, mercury shows good result in 8th house for mesh rashi because it is a jal tatva sign wherein prithvi tatva mercury is sitting.

Thus, the planetary friendship and bhava tatva will decide the nature of the effect if it will be 'good' or 'bad'. In this bhava tatva will win over graha maitri, and tatva will be most important.

The house number will tell the area in which the good or bad effect will be.

However, this rule of bhava having only 10% importance is not applicable for Chandra, Surya and Brihaspati. Irrespective of the nakshatra or the tatva of the bhavas, they will be highly malefic in 4th, 8th and 12th house in lagna/gochar. If the nakshatra or bhava tattvas are good, like for Vrishabh lagna, whose 12th bhava is mesh of agni tattva, the malefic effects will be less.

5. Predictions by astrologers: The predictions of astrologers should not be taken literally as they are generalized predictions. Nakshatra placement, tatva, friendship with lord of the house, bhava bal and graha bal have to be considered.

7. Ketu is terrible, merciless malefic: It can destroy life. It is as not as auspicious and people consider it to be. The remedy for Ketu is knowledge and learning. Whatever area Ketu is affecting, learn more about it, and become an expert or best in it. Ketu's bad results will stop.

8. Gemstones: Some believe that wearing stones of malefic planets will enhance the malefic effects. But that is not true. It is true that wearing the gemstone of malefic will enhance the malefic effects for some time, but after that, the positive effects will start showing up. This is part of spiritual things. That is why when someone chants a mantra for getting intelligence, in the initial days, he may feel a a lot of dumbness or negativity, but that is happening because all that was deep-rooted in him, and it is now coming out. But it will soon leave the body.

9. Chanting mantras of malefic planets: You can chant mantra of all planets whether malefic or not. It is a myth that you cannot worship when planets are in malefic bhavas as said by some astrologers.

10. Shani upasana: Lord Shani is a justice-loving god and his sadhana must be done carefully. Do not do tratak in his eyes and only worship if you can follow all the rules of his worship.

Some Facts about planets:

11. Moon: All planets get strength from the moon. If the moon is malefic, all will show malefic results.

12. Venus: Except venus, all planets in 12 are malefic. This is only true if the 12th bhava's tattva is compatible with Shukra, like water or prithvi tattva. 

13. All planets except Mercury and Venus are bad in 8th. This too is only true if the 8th bhava's tattva is compatible with Shukra or Budh, like water or prithvi tattva. 

14. Aadhi and pratyadhi devta of Shukra are Indra and Indrani respectively, not Lakshmi. But Lakshmi can be worshipped too.

15. A well-placed 9th lord is necessary for being a tapasvi sadhak.

16. Rahu creates illusion whereas Ketu removes everything that is not going to be permanent related to the bhava it is in. If Rahu is in 5th bhava, you will think that you have achieved a lot of knowledge in life, but in reality, you haven't.

17. Mangal in Brihaspati's house, conjunction or aspect doesn't cancel mangalik dosha. It enhances it - As compared to popular perception, Mangal and Brihaspati's aspect or conjunctions with each other aren't auspicious with regards to Manglik dosha.

18. Rahu's yuti and aspect on moon or lagna lord causes addiction.

19. Shani is a satvik deity. He is not tamsik.

20. Shadbala will control the rate of impact of planets. Weak planets and weak bhavas will show fewer effects. 

21. Shani and Ketu first take and then give. Rahu will give, but in the end, take all from you, unless you learn from your mistakes.

22. Rahu and Ketu are purely karmik planets. They have come here to give you fruits of your past life. 

23. Surya, Brihaspati, Chandra in 4th, and in 8th and 12th have come to cleanse sins of kalpas - whether during gochar or in lagna. No matter how many years of sadhana you may have done or how tapasvi you are, when these planets are in these bhavas, you will bear the fruits of your sins. Even if you may have removed crores of sins, you will still bear the effect of the 1 sin that is left. During this gochar, worship them religiously and do daan. From a normal person to a tapasvi sadhak or brahmin, these transits cause trouble and are fearful for all.

24. Ketu is a mass cleanser. Whichever bhava it will be in and whichever graha it will be with - it enhances their positive or negative effects. That is why, the recent gochar of Ketu when combined with guru the lord of dharma and shani the lord of justice, in the bhava of dharma i.e. dhanu; it is cleansing earth from millions of sinners and re-establishing dharma. When it will be with Brihaspati in 11th house, it will give great benefits when the person takes support of god in everything.

25. All planets only show positive results in 11th bhava is untrue. Nobody can prove it and I have never seen it be true for anyone. If it is, then it is due to the house' lord being a friend of the planets in that house.

26. Uccha & Neecha - When a planet is uccha, whether it has good or bad effects, they will be maximised. Similarly, when a planet is neecha, all good or bad effects will be nullified. A planet being uccha is good only if the planet is benefic, otherwise it is harmful. A neecha planet is a very good thing. Because, when a planet is neecha or asta either in transit or in lagna, it gives you an absolutely obstacle-free, free-hand on the houses that the planets owns or placed in. Then you can do whatever you want to achieve in those areas as the malefic kundli yogas of that planet's houses will not interfere. Then, those areas of life show instant effect. 

27. The following are the real adhi and pratyadhi devtas of each planet:

Surya - Adhi devta is Agni, Pratyadhi devta is Shiva.

Chandra - Gauri, Varuna.

Mangal - Skanda, Prithvi

Budh - Narayan, Vishnu

Brihaspati - Indra, Brahma

Shukra - Indra, Shachi/Indrani

Shani - Prajapati, Yama

Rahu - Pitru, Goddess Nirriti; or Brahma, Sarpa

Ketu - Brahma, Chitragupta; or Sarpa, Chitragupta

For Rahu & Ketu, vedas have different devtas than tantras. You can worship either and still get the same results.

The grahas works on the outside world to make things better. The Adhi devta represents the mental state on it. Whereas the pratyadhi devta represents and helps in - the growth in that area.

For Example, if your 7th lord is Venus, worship Lord Venus is you are going through some problems in love life and haven't been able to solve the problems even after trying multiple attempts to reconcile. Adhi devta is to be worshipped when you are filled with negativity and want to develop a love-filled thinking. Pratyadhi devta is to be worshipped to maintain love and happiness after being in a relationship or getting married.

Similarly, if your 6th house lord is Mercury, and if you are unable to have good health even after eating and living healthily, worship Budha. If have unhealthy eating habits and want to quit it all and live a fit life, worship Adhi devata Narayan. If you have diseases, worship Pratyadhi deva Vishnu.

The difference between Narayan and Vishnu is same as the difference between Shiva and Rudra.

Vishnu and Shiva stay above the cycle of birth and destruction of the world. Whereas Narayan and Rudra manage the maintenance and destruction of the world. But their names are used interchangeably.

Narayan has 4 hands but is standing, whereas Vishnu is sitting on sheshnaag in ksheersagar.

Now, its true that you can worship other gods instead of adhi and pratyadhi devta, but if the adhi and pratyadhi devtas are worshipped, you will see faster results.

28. Rahu & Ketu's aspects on each other: Another myth is that Rahu Ketu aspect each other. However, this is not possible as then, both the planets will constantly restrict each other's effects. It is not logical.

29. Rahu & Ketu's forms and their vehicles: Many images show Rahu as having a body and Ketu as having a lower body of fish, which is not correct. Rahu only has a head and no body. Ketu has a head of 3 snakes and lower body just like a normal human being. Rahu sits on a blue lion while ketu sits on a pigeon or fish.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rare Shukra Stotra for Dharma, becoming Poet and How to Worship Lord Shukra

Lord Shukra is the karak of love, happiness, comforts, beauty, calmness, marriage. 

What many do not know that Lord Shukra is also the karak of tapa.

The person who has a very positive Shukra, in his own house, in the houses of dharma i.e. 1, 5, 9; or in the house of Brihaspati make a sadhak extremely learnt and tapasvi. Every person who is a tapasvi sadhak, chances are that his shukra is very good.

Shukra makes a person a proper sadhak. Proper sadhak means that, he wont have arrogance or talk big things about his sadhanas. He wont look down upon people who are smaller sadhaks than him or those don't do sadhanas. 

Shukra makes you a humble and kind sadhak. It is Shukra, Brihaspati and Chandra who make someone a divya sadhak with all the good qualities.

Shukra is the karak of:

Love, beauty, harmony, peace, joy, happiness,, delight, fortune, good luck, virtue, amiability, purity, sincerity, honesty, gentleness, affection, kindness, refinement, style, elegance, charm, sensitivity, female qualities, womanliness, curly hair, attraction, lustre, splendor, vanity, glamour, cosmetics, fashion, flowers, scents, perfumes, silk, art, dance, music, singing, drama, theatre, cinema, poetry, literature, painting, wealth, comforts, luxuries, gems, jewelry, conveyances, horses, elephants, friendship, co-operation, romance, partnership, devotion, lover, wife, marriage, sexual pleasures, seduction, potency, procreation, hedonism, beauty shop, hotel, bedroom.

Lord Shukra, other than being a graha, is the lord of extraordinary lifespan, virility in men, and management and strategy powers.

Today, I am sharing a rare Shukra stotra which has never been shared before on the internet.

By reciting this stotra, one gets freed of all the malefic effects of Shukra, gets good health and nourishment, becomes a poet, and gets auspicious intelligence about dharma and sadhanas.
Here, dharma doesn't mean just religion, but all kinds of dharma or action - like right action in business, right behaviour when talking to someone,etc.

By reciting this stotra 100 times, one becomes a poet.
Now sadhaks, it is obviously not possible to become a poet overnight by reciting it 100 times in a day. What it means is that the poetic qualities will start building in you. But to become a great poet, you should do multiple anushthaan of this stotra.

It is a 27 names stotra of Lord Shukra.

Shukra Saptavinshati naam Stotra:

शृणुष्व द्विजशार्दूल शुक्रनामानि सम्प्रति । शिवावताररुपस्य दैत्याचार्यस्य धीमतः  ॥

शुक्रो दैत्यगुरुः श्रीमान् कविः काव्यश्च भार्गवः । सितः शुक्लः शुचिर्विप्रो महात्मा शङ्करः प्रभुः ||

उशना उत्तमौजाश्च  उदयी उज्ज्वलप्रभः । ऊर्जस्वी वृषराशीशस्तुलारश्यधिपस्तथा ॥

मृतसञ्जीवको ज्ञाता विद्याविनयपण्डितः । सद्ग्रहः साधुशीलश्च ययातिश्वशुरो वशी ॥

एतानि कविनामानि  प्रोक्तानि सप्तविंशतिः | पठश्च शृणु जाबाले पाठये श्रावयेपि च ||

शुक्राचर्यस्स्तवं यस्तु पठेत् शुक्रदिनेषु च । तस्य शुक्र भवेत् प्रीतः श्वेतपुष्पैश्च पूजितः ॥

शतावृत्तिं पठनादास्य कविर्भवती नान्यथा । प्रत्यहं भक्तिभावेन यः पठेत् सुसमाहितः ॥

तस्य धर्मे शुभा बुद्धिर्भवत्येव न संशयः ।

How to Worship Lord Shukra:

Shukra upasana, like for each graha is unique from others.

1. Without energised Shukra yantra, white flowers, white chandan and akshat, do not start a shukra sadhana. Getting siddhi over his stotras or mantras will be extremely difficult.

2. Keep Vyaakhyaan mudra when chanting his mantra/stotra. The mudra which Lord Buddha keeps near his chest is vyaakhyaan mudra.

3. Do his worship between 4am-9am or 12am to 3am. Not at other times.

4. Always do a white chandan tilak before starting the recitation.

5. If you can, wear white clothes and sit on white aasan. That will please lord Shukra even more quickly.

6. Follow strict brahmacharya. Lord Shukra is the god of semen. That is why, do not waste it. Without following brahmacharya, you will fail in Shukra sadhana and getting blessings of Shukra will be a distant dream. 

7. Do not look at other women with lust. Do not show arrogance or badmouth women.

8. Worship Lord Shiva too during the sadhana days. Worshipping Lord Shiva is very important if you want to please Shukra.

9. During the sadhana days, do not worship other grahas.

10. Feed cows during the sadhana days.

11. Dont use cruel words. Be calm, kind and peaceful with yourself and everybody.

12. Wear nice, clean clothes. Don't wear dirty, torn clothes or clothes that make you feel unhappy. 

13. Dont keep your hair, face or body unclean or dirty. Overall, maintain cleanliness.

14. Meditation forms of Lord Shukra:

Dhyaan or meditation on a certain form of the god is one of the most important things when doing mantra or stotra japa, without which it goes waste. Depending upon the wish one should meditate on different forms of god.

When you want wealth:

Lord Shukra is sitting on a white lotus in a market. He has 2 hands. His left hand is on his left thigh and he's holding bright colorful clothes, moti, manikya and other gems and gold coins in it. In his right hand he is holding a vyaakhyaan mudra. Lord Shukra is very happy and lord of Daityas Bali has folded hands and is praying to him.

For becoming a poet/getting dharma or love:

He has 4 hands. Starting from his left hand, in the back hands, he is holding a white lotus, a rudraksha mala. In his front hands starting from left, he is holding a varad mudra and vyaakhyaan mudra.

For getting freedom from graha dosha good health, knowledge and management skills :

In his 4 hands starting from the left hand in the back, he is holding a stick, rudraksha mala, kamandal, and vyaakhyaan mudra.

In all his forms, imagine him sitting on a white lotus, wearing white clothes and a gold necklace, and has a soft, soothing, moon-like radiance. He is happy, smiling; has a sweet, flowing voice; and is extremely calm and gentle.

Lord Shukra is a very benevolent god who gives whatever you ask for, whether money, love, business success or health. But you have to follow certain rules very strictly. His worship is very different from others. You need to follow a lot of discipline. Time of worship, the presence of his yantra, white flowers,chandan, etc. following brahmacharya, worshipping Lord Shiva on the side - without following these things expecting blessings of Lord Shukra will be a daydream. But if you follow these simple things, you will have beautiful changes in your life.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Karma or Bhagya: What is more powerful?

One of the biggest dilemnas that many humans have is the doubt of what is bigger - luck or hard work.

Today I want to talk about the same.

The truth is that karma itself gives birth to good or bad luck. If you are living a good life since birth, it means your bhagya is good. But the bhagya only formed when you did the appropriate karma in your previous life.

There is popular saying that when luck is not in favor nothing will happen no matter how much you try. But it is a partial truth. This is because even though it is true that our bad luck will create obstacles and make success look almost impossible. But it is not true that it actually becomes impossible.

If our present bhagya itself is created because of our karmas, then how can attempting any new karma be useless. We as humans are given free will by god. We can get every single thing that we want, be what we want, and do what we want. We can achieve even those things that are not in our luck. 

The only reason why we don't get success in every task and get every desired thing is lack of knowledge. That alone is the only determinant factor that stops you from getting what you want.

Bhagya are of 2 types: Bhagya and Saubhagya.

Bhagya means luck and is nothing but the fruit of our karma. It can be good or bad. It is said that it is already written - and this belief is true.

Whereas, saubhagya is divine. saubhagya doesn't mean luck. Saubhagya is what is given by god themselves. It is a pure, godly energy. 

Bhagya means having a good house, happy family, money, etc. from your birth.

But saubhagya is only received by the blessings of god. Things happening the way one wants things to be, the state of feeling mentally and emotionally abundant, getting things in the same way as you had wanted them to be, presence of intense spiritual energy in the body, the spiritual energy that is developed during purascharan days, tapabal, the development of prana shakti, love, auspicious events - all of these are parts/subparts of saubhagya. It is not the same as luck or fortune.

In other words, bhagya is born from our karmas. Saubhagya is born from divya kripa.

Now, it is true that bhagya is already written and our bad and good events are already written. But that doesn't mean that your karma doesn't have importance. As I said before, bhagya is born from our karmas. If we want more sadbhagya, we only need to do more good karmas.

We as humans are born with a certain set of bhagya. It is because of our bhagya that we are born in a poor or rich family. It is bhagya that causes incurable diseases to some and gives a healthy body and long life to others. When going out for work, it is what gives the comfort of a car to some and the pain of walking on feet to some. While walking if your shoes get torn and you have to walk with that uncomfortableness, that is your bhagya. Whether you live in a naturally good place with clean air or in house that is in an industrial area or next to gutter full of polluted air, that is also bhagya. It is bhagya which controls what kind of husband/wife - whether good or bad that you will marry. It is bhagya which decides whether you will sleep on a clean, well-built bed, or sleep on a shabby, half-broken, having torn bedsheets and unleveled mattress causing back pain to you. It is bhagya, which either gives all the comforts to someone even after having less money. At the other end, it is bhagya, which, even though you may have a lot of money, but will still not let you live a life with any kind of comforts. 

Thus, bhagya is indeed very powerful. But it is also true that it is not impossible to remove durbhagya. In fact, it is very easy. The only way to cut through all the bad luck is getting knowledge and doing work.

Many people who were born in extreme poverty got freed from it, only because they were constantly learning and cutting through their difficulties by doing the right work.

One thing which you as sadhak should know is that your bad karma is a result of you doing something bad to someone in previous lives. That is why, if someone comes and creates obstacles in opening your first business, then it means that in your past life you too had obstructed someone from starting it. 

When you stop being dependent on luck and work hard, life will become harder. Because you are trying to cut through all the bad karmas in one go and recreate a new life. But the more you face these difficulties, the sooner you are going to nullify every bad deed. 

Even though a lot of people try to do it, they fail in it. The reason is, that hard work alone cannot do anything. Knowledge and hard work both are important. That is why, you must continually work hard, while constantly gaining knowledge side-by-side.

Every area of our life has something to be learned about and something to work hard on. You just have to find it.

If you are unable to focus on studies, you should study and analyze what are the things that are acting as distractions, and then work on removing them and start focusing.

You as a sadhak, should never be afraid of obstacles. In fact, you should be welcoming obstacles. Because as I mentioned in my previous article, every obstacle comes in our life to teach something. 

Observe and recall every difficult situation in your life. It happened, either because of a lack of knowledge about something or because of not doing the right karma/work. 

In other words, every single obstacle brings with it a window of opportunity to grow and learn. 

So, the more you work hard, the more in the face of bad karmas you will come, the more these bad karmas come in your life, the more you will face obstacles. The more obstacles you face, the more you will get opportunities to grow and learn. 

The size of the difficulty will determine the proportionate growth in your knowledge. Small difficulties will bring smaller, incremental growth in you. Whereas bigger difficulties will bigger scale improvements in you.

And with every single learning, you will develop awareness and next time, those problems will stop bothering you because you'd already know a solution.

Unfortunately, the knowledge of something is not engrained unless one experiences pain for it. Even though you can prepare for certain things in advance, but the knowledge will not be engrained until you experience pain or do some struggle for it.

Sin removal mantras can remove sins or bad karmas, but that will not remove the upcoming difficulties caused due to lack of knowledge. Even a child can do sin removal sadhana and burn all his sins, but when he starts his business and he faces difficulties, it is not caused due to his sins. Sin removal sadhanas will remove your sins, but the responsibility of getting vidya is still yours.

Getting freed from sins v/s getting what is lacking - these are 2 different things.

But surely do sin removal sadhanas. Otherwise, we as humans carry so many sins that they will become badhak in your spiritual and worldly progress and you will never be able to get freed from this cycle of birth and death. Doing sin removal sadhanas will remove the sins and the intense pain caused due to those karmas. After that, whatever difficulty you face will be fixed as soon as accept the learning from it and do the right work. The difficulties will be very short-lived.

You are born with a fixed bhagya fal. But it is not permanent. It can be changed.

In terms of worldly life, the best way to get what you want is to first give.

One of the biggest rules of Lakshmi upasna is that whatever a sadhak wants, he must first give it, either fully or some part of it. Otherwise, he cannot get that thing in return.

Making money is not a sin. But being greedy for it is a sin. It doesn't matter what the thing is, one of the fastest ways to get it is to give it to someone 'needy' first. If you are needy for money, give some to another person who is needy for money. And that way, it will come to you speedily.

If you are needing help, give your help to someone else in life and help will come to you.

For the bigger things in life, god has ruled the items for donation.

For example, to get long health, donate medicines or black sesame seeds. To get a good wife, donate a bed. To get a house, donate a cow or feed brahmins.

Nothing is more powerful than daan. In Kali yuga, Daan is param dharma. Darshan is more powerful than being nastik, doing aarti is more powerful than just darshan, playing ghanta is more powerful than just aarti, offering flowers is more powerful than playing ghanta and lighting diyas, doing pradakshina is more powerful than offering flowers, chanting mantras/stotras is more powerful than pradakshina, vrat is more powerful than mantras or stotras, feeding cows as powerful as doing vrat, but daan is more powerful than even feeding cows.

Donating even 1.25kg of rice gives more punya than what would have been achieved by months of japa. With an intense speed, daan burns every sign of poverty, every sin, every negative thought, and fills your life with abundance.

If you want something instantly or in the least amount of time, it is through daan.

Sometimes, even what mantras or vrat cannot give, can be gained with daan. And it doesn't apply to just what is mentioned in shastras. 

Even by giving other things, you can get what you want. Because daan works on law of karma.

If you want a job and haven't been able to find one, give a job another needy person first, and you will see that in very less time you will get the job of your dreams. If you want love, spread your internal love and kindness and give it to every single person you meet. And you will soon find the love that your heart is looking for.

Even though mantras and stotras do have power, the speed and stability achieved by giving is unsurpassable because it is based on law of karma.

Whatever you want, give it first and it will come to you.

Monday, July 13, 2020

When will the pandemic end according to Hindu dharma

As we all know, the pandemic has been on a rise and the number of cases are increasing with each passing day.
There is also a myth that is being spread by jyotishis.
A lot of jyotish have been predicting that so-and-so yuti has caused pandemic, so-and-so yuti stops pandemic,etc.

However, this is only a partial truth.
It's true that pandemics start on certain conjunctions. But it's not true that they will end too on certain conjunctions.
Planets control all the good and bad events in our life.
The law of Sanatana Dharma is that the benefit of every positive act stays as long as the punya is not exhausted. Thus, to keep on staying happy and fulfilled, you must keep on doing good deeds.
But, the effects of bad karmas, once received as a difficulty or calamity, will not go unless we take the learning from it or it fulfills the task it has come for. 
In other words, you will keep on experiencing good events till the punya of it is exhausted.
Whereas, because bad karmas are bad, the planets will cause some difficulty in your life, but they won't freed you from it when their transit ends. This is because every bad event is caused because of some bad or wrong actions by us.
In order to stop us from doing the bad action ever again, the problem will stay in our lives till we don't learn from it.
For example, if you've stolen someone's land or money, you may get caught and punished by the course of law. You will not freedom from this difficulty until you dont give up on your ego, greed and take a pledge of living a truthful life. No planetary transit will free you from it.
Till you do not learn, you will face what you are destined to be i.e. jail and suffering.
But, if during those times you realise your mistakes, make a choice to live and earn honestly, and take the refuge of God, you won't have to face these sufferings and your life will change.
If your crime was very big, your jail stay may not be cancelled, but it may get reduced. Even in jail, you won't have to suffer or fear from anything and live happily. God will be there to protect you.

The same way, the pandemic has come to punish the sinners and clear the earth off thousands and millions.
A lot of people, who were good and not done bad in life also got affected by it and probably died too.
The reason for this is, that may a times it is our past karmas.

It can also be that they may have gone to some place that was corona hotspot.

As mentioned in one of my previous articles, mahamari is a goddess.
She has been given the blessing by Lord Brahma, that whenever there is rise in sins, Goddess Mahamari should go on earth and clean the earth from millions of sinners.
She has been given the blessing to cause death for anybody who comes in front of her. Anybody means anybody.

If you go in a corona hotspot with an attitude that nothing will happen to you, your immune system is strong,etc. then even if you are a sadhak, you will for sure get infected and maybe die too.

But, if you are a sadhak, and because of some unavoidable reason go in a covid hotspot, Goddess Mahamari won't infect you.

If you challenge her, you will for sure be infected.
She has been given the blessing for removal of sinners and to go back when her task is done.
That is why, she will only leave when her task is done. Not when a transit will end.

The only thing everybody should do is stay at home, do sadhanas and pray for speedy end of the pandemic.
Nothing else will work.

That is why, saying that so-and-so transit will bring an end to pandemic is not true.
Planets bring difficulties to give us a lesson. And the pain or the difficulty will stay in your life till the day you don't do an analysis of the situation and understand where you were wrong and what it is trying to teach you.

Using this kind of an attitude, many people who were facing great problems in their life recovered in just few days and turned their entire life around.

That is why shaastras say - the person who is dharmik, who is jitendriya and celibate, who does the seva of Brahmins and cows - these people never face effects of grahas in life.

The shloka is not mere philosophy, It has a very deep meaning which, I'm explaining here: 

Being dharmik - dharmik doesn't mean just being religious. It means doing your duty honestly and completely.
The duty of a student is to study a fixed number of hours every day keeping all distractions away.
The duty of a businessman is to do honest business and focus on ways to  expand it at all times.
The duty of a son is to understand and take care of their family members' needs.

The same way, for every aspect of our life, we have a duty. That duty should be done in all honesty, giving your 100% and doing all the things that need to be done for completing the task or goal. If you are lacking knowledge about a certain aspect of business, then gaining knowledge is also your dharma. If you don't learn, you will surely face difficulty in life some time ahead when that aspect will come to test.
When you will follow dharma, you won't face losses in business, because you had the complete knowledge to take right actions.

Being jitendriya - being jitendriya means to be unattached to the outcome of life. It is to understand that life doesn't happen to us, life happens for us. Whatever bad is happening in our life, has come to give you a learning. You must delve into it and try to find what it is trying to teach you.
Surely, it's not easy to become unattached to the outcome and still enjoy lives, because we are never taught that there can be a balance between both, that one can enjoy life but still be unattached to happy times. It is to take happiness and sadness alike, fear and courage alike, hate and love alike and not be attached to either of them. To take the negative events as a source of learning, and to appreciate the positive events as the sweet fruit of our good actions.

To those who want to be jitendriya can do so by meditation, dhyaan and doing medha praapti sadhanas. The power of medha is to give balance. Other than this, by reciting Hanuman Gayatri you can become jitendriya.
When you be jitendriya, life's sorrows won't affect you and happiness won't make you attached.

Brahmachari - following brahmacharya is more than of just religious importance. Brahmcharya is what gives us health, nourishment, clean blood, strong bones, develop nose and taste buds, better eyesight,vigour, etc. In other words, it is what protects your always decaying body.
When you follow brahmacharya, you won't have to suffer from health problems in life caused by any graha.
Other than mantras, drinking lots of water and milk, meditating are a very effective way of controlling senses and following brahmacharya.

Brahman bhojan and gau seva - both of these things increase our punya and burn our sins. This will ensure happiness and prosperity in your life.

By doing medha prapti sadhana, one will develop the ability to determine what is their dharma and understand all the things in life with complete understanding.
Unfortunately, because of lack of clarity, we are given knowledge, but we are also given wrong stigmas about it.

For example, in gita lord Krishna says that one not be influenced by happiness and sadness alike, lover and enemy,etc. But we humans attach this quality to that of an aesthetic. I.e. achieving these qualities automatically mean becoming a sanyasi.
But that is not the truth. One can be a worldy person and still follow these mindsets.
The skill lies in knowing the balance between both ends - a power which medha shakti gives you.

When we think of doing purascharan, we automatically assume that it means becoming a sadhu, which is wrong too.
Inability to fully understand something from all its aspects is one of the biggest doshas in today's time.
That is why, one must do medha prapti sadhnas so that he develops comprehension, understanding and god-like intelligence through medha shakti.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Rama Gayatri Mantra to get back husband or exboyfriend

Today, I will share a very simple and effective mantra using which, many women have met their husband or ex-boyfriend back.
By performing just this simple remedy and not looking for any kind of vashikaran or such sadhanas, you will get your love back.
This mantra is specifically for women to get their love back.

1. Start this prayog from a shukla paksha wednesday at sunrise.
2. Sit facing east on a yellow or white or kush aasan.
3. Worship Guru, panchdev and rama-parivar, especially goddess Sita.
4. Light a pure ghee diya and few incense sticks. Offer a naivedya of sweets.
5. Do white chandan tilak on forehead and take sankalp for your wish of getting your husband back.
6. Chant 1 mala of this mantra daily for 40 days, or 10 mala for 4 days. 
7. During all the prayog days, eat satvik food. If you can't avoid oily, at least don't eat meat, onion garlic or don't consume alcohol.

This prayog is very effective, simple to perform and many women have got great results from this mantra.
1.It will remove all the misunderstandings between you and your husband or boyfriend.
2. If you are on the verge of getting divorced or separated, the mantra stop the divorce and plant the feelings of love in your husband's or boyfriend's heart.
3. It will nourish your relationship and fill it feelings of love, understanding, communication and care and give you a fulfilled married life.

The mantra is a sureshot remedy for the prior mentioned problems and has worked every time for the girl or woman who wants to stop the separation with their loved one.

Normally, on the internet, there will be lots of sadhanas for it, mostly of vashikaran purpose. However, vashikaran sadhnanas are not easy to perform no matter how simple the procedure may be. 
Instead, by performing sadhanas like this and worshipping divine couples or any one of them, like Rama, Narayan,S  Lakshmi, Parvati, etc., one can have a satisfied married life filled with pure, divine love.

Rama Gayatri Mantra:
।। ॐ दाशरथाय विद्महे सीतावल्लभाय धीमहि तन्नो रामः प्रचोदयात् ।।

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Hansa Gayatri Mantra Prayog For Medha

Sadhaks, in one of my previous posts, I had talked about the significance of Medha shakti, one of the various types of intellectual strengths.
The post can be seen here.

The power of Medha shakti is very divine, magical, and pure. By going on the path of getting medha, you will have experiences and changes in life like no other.
There are very few mantras and stotras made specifically for medha shakti. 
Today, I will share one such mantra's prayog, which will make you very medhavi.

Bad thoughts of any kind, addictions, inability to make decisions, lack of sync between one's thoughts, words, and actions; forgetting anything said to you, anger - all of it is removed and replaced by positive thoughts, words, and actions.
By pursuing medha and becoming medhavi, you will feel that your soul has been cleansed the same way as you feel after bathing. All the negative tendencies will be removed. 

Becoming very hardworking, having a clear thought process, ability to understand a topic or situation by analyzing it from all angles and understanding all pros and cons without getting attached or influenced by any of the aspects, having the ability to decide between right and wrong, having a long life, becoming healthy, becoming an extremely sweet-spoken person, ability to remember everything heard or read, ability to love without being attached, ability to help and support others without being abused for it, ability to know what to say when and where, enhanced ears for better listening, enhanced eyes for seeing better and calmly and not seeing someone objectively or hatefully, enhanced speech for speaking sweet words yet saying all the things that may be in your heart without fear, enhanced tongue for better tasting ability, enhanced nose and sense of smell, enhanced skin that looks clear, enhanced heart to feel things more purely, enhanced sleep, peace of mind, perfect balance between calmness, confidence, yet an extremely valorous nature - all of these abilities and much more are received from Medha shakti. It is one of the few energies which enhance your soul.

By following this prayog, you will get all the above-mentioned benefits. Other than this, the changes that one experiences in his soul, in his brain are even greater and more magical than these. I am not mentioning them here so you can experience it yourself when you perform the prayog.
This prayog should be treated as a compulsory sadhana for all the sadhaks, because the miraculous effects of this shakti, by performing this prayog even one time, will change your life forever. The way you see the world, the way you talk and think will change forever.

Being a sadhak for many years, I have seen many sadhanas for buddhi, Vidya, etc. but there is no other intellectual strength like this.
I can go on about the power of medha, but it is better to experience them yourself.

Medha shakti prapti mantra vidhi:

1. Start this prayog from a Shukla trayodhasi. 
2. Keep a Saraswati yantra in front of you.
3. Do guru puja, panchdev puja, and Brahma dev puja. Then take a sankalp for getting medha, freedom from disease especially those of the minds, becoming sweet-spoken, ability to remember everything heard or read, and to get all other benefits possible to get from chanting this mantra.
4. Chant । ॐ  सच्चिदेकं ब्रह्म । 11-108 times meditating on Brahma dev. Then, take his blessings for success in this sadhana.
5. Chant 1 mala of Saraswati mantra | ॐ ऐं सरस्वत्यै नमः |
6. Chant 12 mala of this Gayatri mantra using a rudraksha mala. Meditate on the divine swan of Goddess Saraswati.
7. Then chant 1 mala of Saraswati mantra again.

Hans Gayatri Mantra - 
| ॐ हंस हंसाय विद्महे परमहंसाय धीमहि तन्नो हंसः प्रचोदयात् |
| Om hansa hansaaya vidmahe, param-hansaaya dheemahi, tanno hansaha prachodayaat |

If you cannot do 12 malas at first, start with 4 malas. However, my suggestion is that you can start with 12 malas even if you don't have the habit. Because Gayatri mantras are so powerful when chanted 12 malas daily that you will start feeling comfortable in just 3-4 days. In the end, the lesser number of malas you chant, the longer it will take you to experience the magic of medha shakti. If you want to chant more, it should be an even number of malas i.e. 4,8,12,24,36,54,66,72,108, etc.

Note: All the sadhaks who do this sadhana could share their experiences in the comments to inspire other readers as well for performing this prayog.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Hanuman

Friday, May 29, 2020

Lord Chandra Pratyaksh Darshan Mantra Sadhana

Today, I will be sharing a one-of-a-kind Chandra mantra sadhana for getting the pratyaksh darshan of Lord Chandra. Those who are devotees of lord chandra can perform this sadhana to get his pratyaksh darshan.

1. For this, Bring a silver idol of Lord chandra. Or get a silver idol of Lord Chandra made. In his one hand he has shankh, lotus in 2nd, garland of flowers in 3rd & a kalash in 4th. He is sitting on a white rabbit. This should be how the idol should look like. The size is not important. It can be 1 or 2 thumb size big.
Then, do pran pratishtha of the idol.
2. When a soma purnima comes, start the sadhana from that day at moonrise time.
3. Sit on a white aasan wearing white clothes. 
4. Keep a chowki in front of you and spread a white cloth on it.
5. Keep a silver plate on it and keep the idol on it.
6. Everyday eat only 1 time and only milk, rice or other white color based foods. Also, keep a white rabbit as a pet. First feed the rabbit and then have food yourself.
7. Then do puja of guru, ganesh, bhairav, surya, lakshmi narayan and shiv-parvati.
8. Then, using a moti mala, chant 7 malas of this mantra daily for 6 months. No more, no less.

During sadhana days, follow all other puruscharan and pratyakshikaran rules. Have controlled sleep and eating habits, speak the truth, and live an honest life. Take care of plants. Respect brahmins and help them if you can.
By doing so, at the end of 6 months, Lord Chandra will give you pratyaksh darshan.
You will get great fame and respect in the country, become favorite of all, and attain wealth and prosperity that never gets destroyed.


|| ॐ श्री चन्द्रमूर्तये नमः ॐ ऐं श्रीं क्लीं क्रों क्रों कलङ्करहिताय सर्वजनवल्लभाय क्षीरवर्णाय 
ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं चन्द्रमूर्तये नमः ||

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Gayatri Mantra Sadhana for getting stable results from mantras

One of the biggest problems sadhaks face is that they are not able to get stable results in whatever sadhana they do.
Sadhaks, one thing you must keep in mind is that havan is of utmost importance if you want to get stable result in purascharan sadhanas.
When a sadhak recites a mantra, god transfers the mantra energy to his body and he starts attracting positive energies related to fulfillment of his wish.
The energy stays as long as the sadhak is chanting the mantra. That is why, in order to keep the energy permanently in you, the sadhak must do homa, so that the god leaves the energy from their control and be able to generate new energy from the aahuti that you have offered. Then, tarpan is offered so that the god's blessings remain forever with you and marjan so that you absorb the mantra energy.

Other than this, one more important mantra to be chanted before start of any sadhana is gayatri mantra of the respective god.
It is said that the person who doesnt recite gayatri mantra, for him, the mantra energy comes and goes like a wind's blow and the results gained from it are very short lived.

The vidhi is that before starting any purascharan sadhana or stotra sadhana, recite the gayatri mantra of the god with 3 vyahritis for 10,000 times with the sankalp of getting stable results in the upcoming sadhana.
Vyahritis are bhur, bhuvah & svaha.

Thus, if I am doing Narayan sadhana, the gayatri mantra will be:

|| ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः नारायणाय विद्महे वासुदेवाय धीमहि, तन्नो नारायणः प्रचोदयात् |

One must complete 100 malas within a fixed number of days, chanting it at same time same place every day.
Note:- This rule of chanting gayatri mantra is optional for shaiva & vaishnav upasana. But is compulsory for devi upasana. It will be better if one still does it irrespective of who they are worshipping.

Other than this, it has been observed by me that even otherwise, the regular chanting of gayatri mantra of gods with 3 vyahritis gives miraculous changes in lives.
By chanting the gayatri mantra, the core energy of the god develops within oneself.
Thus, by chanting gayatri mantra of Rudra, one would develop peace of mind, health & kaanti.
By saraswati gayatri, intelligence, sharpness of mind & speech,etc. and so on for other gods.

When chanting gayatri mantra with vyahritis, it should always be mental or upanshu japa i.e. in mind or as whisper, and never aloud.

It is without a doubt one of the most powerful yet simple remedy for getting great blessings of any god and increasing their tatva in your body.
One must do pachopchar puja of the god & then chant at least 12 malas of the mantra daily.
Within just 3 or 4 days, you will experience great miracles in your life.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Medha Prapti Mantras and the difference in various intelligence powers

Today, I want to talk about a mostly unknown but important topic. Intelligence is called as buddhi, pragya, medha, dhaarna, dhruti, smruti, gyaan, vaakpatutaa and vidya, and it is perceived that they are nothing but the same.
But that's not the truth.
Today I will talk about the difference between all of these shaktis and the supremacy of Medha above all others.

First is, Buddhi -  Buddhi is one of the popular meanings of intelligence. Buddhi means a person's ability to judge what to do in a particular situation, what would be the right way of doing something.

Dhaarna - Dhaarna means ability to hold something in memory. The greater the power, the easier it is for someone to remember vast amounts of information.

Dhruti - Means stability and patience.

Smruti - Means the ability to remember. It is closely similar to dhaarna and means more or less the same.

Vidya - It means knowledge about a particular topic.

Gyaan - One big misconception people have, and a belief which is followed even in written language, is that gyaan means knowledge. However, spiritually, Gyaan is nowhere close to Vidya. In fact, they are completely different things. The word gyaan itself means Satya. Thus, to get gyaan means to find the truth. If you are in attachment, greed, addictions, getting gyaan means to be freed from these falsities and realizing what is truth, what is pure.

Pragya - It means to become learned in some skills. This is quite closely similar to Vidya, and it means to become an expert in something not just by knowledge but in practice.

Medha - Medha is the shakti which is supreme among all. There are very few mantras specifically for Medha, but this shakti encompasses all the other shaktis above.
Medha means the ability to look at a particular situation from all the angles, analyzing all the pros and cons, and being able to do what is necessary to be done. It is the ability to maintain a balance in whatever you and not get engrossed excessively into something. It is the power which allows us to identify, that love is positive but attachment or moha is not, that seeking money is correct but being greedy for it is not, that being kind and polite is correct but weak is not, being caring towards others is correct but it doesn't have to come at the cost of sacrificing your own self, that being strong is correct but rude towards others because of being in power is not, that being proud of one's achievement is correct but being arrogant and belittling others because of it is not, being humble is correct but timid is not, that being dharmik is correct, but lacking love for the world is not.

It is by this power, that one develops buddhi and be able to decide what would be the right thing to do. From Medha, comes vaakpatutaa or witty speech. It is the shakti which enhances our dhaarna, dhruti, smruti and pragya. Every medhavi person is buddhiman, gyaani and praagyi. But every buddhiman,gyaani,etc. is not medhavi.
This is because Medha is a divine shakti. It does not come through just eating medicines for it. It is the energy that only God can give.

By chanting the Mool Gayatri Mantra, Hans Gayatri Mantra or Hans Mantra, one becomes greatly Medhavi.
With time and regular chanting, the sadhak develops unsurpassable intuition powers and is able to have flashes of the future.
With years of chanting, he develops the ability to look into the future fully and becomes fearless even if in front of the whole world.

When the sadhak starts developing medha, he will gain all the qualities mentioned above. Without medha, one cannot go very far in worldly or spiritual life. That is why every person should chant Gayatri or Hansa mantras.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Mahamari Stotra For Pandemics

As we all know, the onset of Coronavirus has caused fear in the entire world.
It is said in Sanatana Dharma, that when sins will be at its peak, from time to time, Gods will come to clear the sinners from the earth in millions.

For pandemic, which is also known as Mahamari in Sanskrit and Hindi, there is a goddess called Mahamari.
It is said in Mahamari Stotra that when there is a Mahamari, a person must run off to jungles and stay there and worship gods.
Now, this rule was made in satyuga when living in jungles was a practice. The same is not possible today.

It is said, that in Kali Yuga, when men and women will be stealers, having illicit affairs with wives and husbands of other people, Goddess Durga will come in the form of Mahamari and clear off the earth from thousands and millions of sinners.

The stotra that I am sharing ahead has a lot of rules for completing its sadhana. Even though they arent difficult, they are unfeasible to be followed by a grihasth.
However, it is said that the person who writes and keeps it in his home temple, does its puja and recites the stotra daily will never have the fear of a pandemic.

One must follow basic puja rules. The stotra must be recited daily early morning in front of goddess Durga idol or yantra.

॥ महामारीस्तोत्रम् ॥
 श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ 
देव्युवाच । 
पुरा ब्रह्मा तु मां सृष्ट्वा समाहूयाब्रवीद्वचः । 
श‍ृणु मे वचनं पुत्रि कुरुष्वाद्याथ सादरम् ॥ १॥
 कलौ जना दुराचारा राजानश्च तथाविधाः । 
अतो गत्वा भुवं देवि मृत्युरूपा भवाशु च ॥ २॥
परद्रव्यापहर्तारः परस्त्रीनिरताः सदा । 
देवस्वहरणे सक्ता ब्रह्मस्वहरणे नृप ॥ ३॥ 
तेषां दोषवशात्त्वं तु जनान् संहर नित्यशः । 
ब्रह्मणैवं समादिष्टा इन्द्राद्यैः सुरसत्तमैः ॥ ४॥ 
भुवं समागता तत्र जनाञ्ज्ञात्वाथ पापिनः । 
राज्ञो दोषान्पुरस्कृत्य ग्रामे ग्रामे वसाम्यहम् । 
तत्रापि पापिनो हत्वा पुनर्ग्रामान्तरं भजे ॥ ५॥ 
एवं देशानटित्वाऽहं सर्वान्संहृत्य वै जनान् । 
पुनर्गच्छामि सदनं ब्रह्मणः परमेष्ठिनः ॥ ६॥ 
एवं मदागमं ज्ञात्वा बुद्धिमान्पुण्यकृन्नरः । 
विचार्य शास्त्रतो नित्यं जागरूको भवेदलम् ॥ ७॥ 
पतन्ति मूषिका यत्र नृत्यन्ति विरमन्ति च । 
तद्गृहं तत्क्षणं त्यक्त्वा सकुटुम्बो वने विशेत् ॥ ८॥ 
तत्र शान्तिं प्रकुर्वीत महादेव्याः समीरिताम् । 
जपित्वा च महामन्त्रं पठित्वा स्तोत्रमुत्तमम् ॥ ९॥ 
वने जलाशयं गत्वा ऊर्ध्वबाहुरधोमुखः । 
वीरासने चोपविश्य जपेन्मन्त्रं सहस्रशः ॥ १०॥ 
संस्थाप्य प्रतिमां तत्र धूपदीपोपहारकैः । 
सम्पूज्य विधिवत्पश्चाज्जुहुयात्प्रत्यहं नरः ॥ ११॥ 
हरिद्राचूर्णमिश्रेण चित्रान्नेनैव संयुतः । 
समिद्भिः खदिरैर्भक्त्या ब्राह्मणैश्च समन्वितः ॥ १२॥ 
पत्नीपुत्रात्मभृत्यैश्च जुहुयादनुवासरम् । 
होमान्ते च पठेन्नित्यं स्तोत्रमेतज्जितेन्द्रियः ॥ १३॥ 
नमो देवि महादेवि सर्वशोकवशङ्करी । 
सर्वदा सर्वतो मह्यं कृपां कुरु कृपामयि ॥ १४॥ 
मेरौ कैलासशिखरे हेमाद्रौ गन्धमादने ।
 नित्यप्रियकृतावासे मद्यमांसबलिप्रिये ॥ १५॥ 
महासैन्यसमायुक्ते सर्वप्राणविहिंसके । 
सर्वाभिचारिके देवि सर्वं त्वं रक्ष सर्वदा ॥ १६॥ 
यत्र कुत्र स्थले वापि यस्मिन् कस्मिन् यदा तदा । 
रक्ष मां रक्ष मां देवि सपुत्रपशुभृत्यकम् ॥ १७॥ 
माङ्गल्यं मङ्गलं देहि महामङ्गलदायिनि । 
लोकानामभये सर्वमङ्गले मङ्गलप्रिये ॥ १८॥ 
इति स्तुत्वा महादेवीं भक्तिभावेन संयुतः । 
भुञ्जीत स्वजनैर्युक्तो देवीं तां मनसा स्मरन् ॥ १९॥
 यदा स्वगृहचैत्येषु ध्वाङ्क्षरावो भविष्यति । 
काकशान्तिं ततः कृत्वा गृहं गन्तुमुपक्रमेत् ॥ २०॥ 
सुमुहूर्ते सुनक्षत्रे स्वलङ्कृत्य ततो गृहम् । 
ब्राह्मणैर्बन्धुभिः सार्धं संविशेद्गृहमात्मनः ॥ २१॥ 
स्वस्तिवाचनविप्रेभ्यः शान्तिसूक्तोक्तिपूर्वकम् । 
दक्षिणां च हिरण्यादिं दद्याच्छाट्यविवर्जितः ॥ २२॥ 
ब्राह्मणान्भोजयित्वा च देवीं तां प्रार्थयेद्गृहे । 
गच्छ गच्छ महादेवि स्वस्थानं मङ्गलं कुरु ॥ २३॥ 
एवं कृत्यविधानेन मारिकाशान्तिरुत्तमा । 
जायते नात्र सन्देहः सत्यं सत्यं समीरितम् ॥ २४॥ 
इत्येतत्कथितं देव्या देवेभ्यः स्वात्मसम्भवम् । 
माहात्म्यं पठितं येन सोऽपि माङ्गल्यमाप्नुयात् ॥ २५॥ 
लिखितं पुस्तकं यस्य गृहे तिष्ठति सर्वदा । 
तस्य मारीभयं नास्ति सत्यं सत्यं मयोदितम् ॥ २६॥
 पुस्तकं पूजयेद्यस्तु श्रद्धया परया सदा । 
सोऽपि माङ्गल्यमाप्नोति इहामुत्र परां गतिम् ॥ २७॥ 
सर्वं त्यक्त्वा साधयेत देवीं यत्नैर्धनैरपि । 
स्तोष्यन्ति परया भक्त्या सर्वकामार्थसिद्धये ॥ २८॥ 
बिडाला यत्र नश्यन्ति यत्र नश्यन्ति मूषिकाः । 
स्थानं तच्च परित्यज्य स्थानं शून्यं च कारयेत् ॥ २९॥ 

इति श्रीदेवीपुराणे श्रीमहामारिकास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

``ॐ नमो भगवति महामारिके मृत्युरूपिणि सकुटुम्बं मां रक्षस्व स्वाहा ।'' 

The mantra must be written at the bottom of the page where you have written the stotra.
For those who are looking for a simple mantra for protection can chant Surya Gayatri Mantra 1 mala daily.  But if you are highly fearful and think you have a possibility of getting infected, you must follow the procedure mentioned previously. That will protect you from the virus.
Keep in mind that the stotra is for protection and its working depends on your faith in it. If you believe that mantras and god worship don't work in curing diseases, you can ignore this post.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Hanuman

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Which God to Worship For Which Desire

Sanatana Dharma has 33 crore gods. Hence, it is necessary to know which god to worship for what kind of desire.Even though every god is capable of giving everything you ask for. But, when we worship a God who has any one tatva as supreme, we can get quicker fulfillment of that particular wish from him/her.

I have tried to mention Gods for as many types of desires as possible.

For Tej - Worship Lord Agni.
For Kaanti and beauty - Worship Lord Chandra or Shiva
For Medha - Worship Goddess Saraswati
For Brahma Tej[The tej that we see in a tapasvi] - Worship Brihaspati or Lord Ganesha
For Money & the increase in sales of goods/retail business - Worship Lord Kuber
For success and growth of the business - Worship Lord Indra or Maa Lakshmi
For hindrance free completion of all tasks - Worship Ganesha
For getting Gyaan, Satya Bodh & freedom from addictions - Worship Shiva
For learning all kinds of vidyas - Worship Brahma
For melodious voice and conversational skills - Worship Saraswati
For freedom from fear of snakebites - worship Nagdevta
For good health and strength - Worship Lord Surya
For Strength - Worship Pitru devtas, Bhu Devi or Vayu Dev
For protection of wealth and protection from thieves - Worship Pitru Devtas or Lord Ganesha
For freedom for all kinds of dangers, personal or on the entire planet - Worship Maa Gayatri or Navgrahas
For Prataap - Worship Surya
For Shaurya - Worship Lord Rama
For success in war - worship Goddess Durga
For destruction of enemies - Worship Maa Kali or Bhairav
For freedom from diseases - Worship Lord Surya, Shiva or Yama
For victory everywhere and ability to roam fearlessly - Worship Lord Narayan
For Sammohan and getting the desired girl - Worship Kamadev/Shiva
For getting desired boy - Worship Maa Gauri/Rati/Goddess Shachi
For increasing love between a couple - Worship Maa Gauri/Kamadeva/Goddess Shachi
For getting son - Worship Lord Shiva or Pitru Devtas
For getting Aishwarya & becoming the greatest among all in Sheel, Vinay, politeness, kindness and other great qualities & manners - Worship Maa Lakshmi
For getting land/house - Worship Bhu Devi
For great and neverending supply of food - Worship Annapurna or Maa Gayatri
For freedom from debts - Worship Lord Angaraka or Lord Varuna
For getting Aishwarya that will never be destroyed and getting lordship over the entire earth and being loved by all - Worship Lord Chandra
For freedom from sins - Worship Lord Surya or Narayan
For increase in Dharmik karma - Worship Lord Narayan
For becoming purusharthi and getting freedom from laziness - Worship Maa Saraswati, Maa Lakshmi or Lord Narayan
For getting all kinds of siddhis - Worship Lord Hanuman, Lord Bhairav or any of the tri-devis
For freedom from anger and becoming loving towards all - Worship Lord Krishna or Maa Lakshmi
For Bhoot-Pret badha - Worship Lord Hanuman, Yama, Maa Gayatri or Bhairav
For freedom from Apamrityu - Worship Lord Shiva
For getting beautiful clothes - Worship Lord Shukra
For getting long life - Worship Lord Shiva
For saving money - Worship Lord Varuna
For freedom from clashes and arguments at home - Worship Lakshmi Narayan or Shiv Parvati
For success in dance - Worship Gandharvas or Maa Parvati
For becoming good in all other kinds of arts like painting, playing instruments, etc. - Worship Lord Chandra
For becoming Dharma Parayan - Worship Lord Dharmraja
For fulfillment of absolutely any kind of desire - Worship Goddess Surabhi

For those who want to worship Navgrahas for all the above-mentioned desires, I have mentioned the overlord graha for the same here - 

Good health, Tej, Strength, freedom from sins and Valour - Lord Surya
Beauty, Kaanti, Indestructible wealth, food - Lord Chandra
Long life - Brihaspati
Brahma tej - Brihaspati
Debt removal  and land/house - Lord Angaraka
Good clothes, Aishwarya, food, Money, success in love, attraction - Lord Shukra
Shaanti of natural disasters - Lord Budha or Ketu
Sharpness and Wit in speech - Lord Brihaspati
Success in business - Lord Shani & Surya
Freedom from fear of poison, dangers, enemies - Lord Rahu
Freedom from poverty and family feuds - Lord Ketu
Happiness and peace in life - Lord Chandra
For freedom from apamrityu - Lord Shani
Increase in dharma karma - Lord Surya or Rahu
Success in all tasks/war - Lord Surya
For protection of your land/house - Worship Kshetrapal

Navgrahas have the adhipatya of getting kingdom and destruction of the same, getting good health and getting diseases, getting freedom from natural disasters. Hence, they must always be worshipped. No matter which god you may be worshipping for a particular desire, by worshipping Lord Ganesha and Navgrahas before doing that god's sadhana, you will get very quick results in the same.
This is especially true when we are doing sadhanas for success in business, love or any such big desire.

Other than this, by worshipping Lord Rudra alone, one can achieve all of the above, in their maximum capacity.

One more thing a sadhak must keep in mind that there is no wish in this world that God will ever say no for. The only thing he will say no for are the specifics. If you ask for love, you need to be 100% in the assurance that he definitely will give you love that will be appropriate for you and bring out the best in you. If you ask for a person, if he/she is meant for you, he will give him/her to you. But if he doesn't give, then you must understand that you wouldn't be happy with that someone, or, something wrong in the future would have probably happened had he fulfilled your wish.

When talking about a career, when you do not get a particular job or a client, understand that god already is seeing what you cannot see. Thus, even though you may have really wanted that particular job or client or particular business development, it didn't happen because God could see in the future the kind of pain and difficulty it would have brought you. Hence, you must understand, that always ask the outcome, not a person, place or a thing.

If you want love in your life, ask for love and specify the person too if it would be appropriate. But never force god for success in love with a particular person. God will give you whatever you want, but never something that is wrong or that which will be harmful to you in any way.

The person who is kind, polite, considerate of others, a follower of dharma, Jitendriya, Brahmachari, and purusharthi - for him all the navgrahas remain favorable.

Gau, Grahas, Brahman, and Guru - the person who regularly worships them and follows the qualities mentioned above, remains free from all kinds of obstacles and harms in life and keeps on progressing in life with each passing day.

Hence, do not ask for getting a particular job at a particular place. Tell god the kind of job you want and why you want it with that particular set of benefits and leave it in god's hands. He shall either give it at that place you want or any other.
Same way, ask God for getting the person you love, do sadhana for getting him/her but don't force it. Leave things in his hands and you will start seeing signs of whether its meant to happen or no. 

Remember, that what is meant for you is already written the day you first became aware about it. The only thing mantras do is remove the obstacles or delays and fast track the fulfillment of that particular desire.

If something is not meant to be, whether job, business or love - you will see it from the signs he shows you. It won't be moving anywhere. Even if you move ahead a little bit, it will come at the cost of great efforts; and then after some days, things will be back to the same place it always was.

Do sadhanas and leave things in his hands, while simultaneously, look for signs.One more thing which must be understood that if even simple things in life take a huge effort, you must worship Navgrahas for an adequate amount of time.

Navgraha Upasana will remove the graha dosha, difficulties and obstacles. It will remove the darkness and show you new paths in life. It will make life easier and smoother.One can do simple sadhanas like reciting Navgraha Peeda Hara stotra, puranic stotra,etc. and get amazing changes in their lives.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Hanuman