Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Navgraha Shanti Mantra Sadhana

Today, I will share a very powerful and effective Mantra sadhana dedicated to the navgrahas.
The Mantra invokes Lord Brahma, Krishna and Lord Shiva to protect you from Navgraha peeda.

Performing just this one sadhana, one can pacify all the navgrahas together.

Day - Start from Purnima
Direction - North East
Aasan - Kush
Mala - Rudraksh
Clothes - White
Time- Brahma Muhurta

1.On any purnima, the sadhak must wake up in brahma muhurta and have a bath. If possible, the sadhak must have bath with water taken from  a well.
If not, the sadhak can add 1 teaspoonful of gangajal to the water and then bath with this water.
2. After Having Bath, the sadhak must perform his sandhya.
3. Then, he must wear white clothes and sit on a kush aasan facing North East.
4. Then keep  a chowki in front of you and keep a copper plate in it.
5. Keep a Navgraha Beesa Yantra in plate.
6. Then, Light a pure ghee diya and a sesame oil diya in front of you.
7. Worship your guru, Lord Ganesh, Brahma, Krishna, Rudra/Shiva. Surya, Chandra and then all the other navgrahas.
8. Make a white chandan tilak on yourself.
9. Take a sankalp that you are doing this mantra sadhana to please the navgrahas and to get their blessings and care.
10. Chant 5 mala of this mantra daily for 160 days.

This mantra will provide sadhak will all kinds of wealth, peace and family bliss, Those who are desirous of wealth will also get wealth.

After performing this mantra sadhana, every day after bath, the mantra must be chanted just 5 times and this will ensure that you will get success in all walks of life throughout the day.

Mantra : || ॐ  ब्रह्मा मुरारी त्रिपुरान्तकारी भानु शशि भूमि सुतो बुधश्च
गुरुश्च शुक्रः शनि राहु केतवः सर्वे ग्रहाः शान्ति करा भवन्तु ||

||Om Brahma Murari Tripurantakaari Bhaanu Shashi bhumisuto Budhashch
gurushch shukraha shani rahu ketavah sarve grahaah shaanti karaa bhavantu ||


  1. Namaste sir,I'm very very curious that in Hinduism moksha is given utmost importance and in shastras also they say that the aim of the man is to realise himself and to attain moksha,but could you please summarise that what will happen after we attain moksha,moksha means we generally know that escaping ourselves from unending cycle of birth and death,is this the literal meaning, please please summarise sir,what is the actual meaning of moksha and what happens to man after getting moksha ,and y people strive to get moksha!!

    1. it would be very helpful if u clear my doubt sir!!!

    2. Your query cannot be answered in a comment. I will throw light on your query soon.

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