Thursday, May 25, 2017

Shani Mala Mantra Sadhana for Shani Graha Shanti

ॐ गुं गुरुभ्यो नमः ।
ॐ गं गणपतये नमः ।
ॐ हनुमते नमः ।।
ॐ रामाय नमः ।।

On this very very auspicious eve of Shani Jayanti, I am going to share a very special sadhana of Lord Shani. Using this sadhana, one can get success in all walks of life and get protection from all kinds of perils.
One will get freedom from all kinds of diseases and gain all kinds of happiness and bliss.
One will get rid of all his bad habits and gain all kinds of fame and name.
All kinds of bhut pret will run away from the house of the sadhak.
The greatest enemies of the sadhak will be turned into rubble.

Procedure -
1. Start this sadhana from today or any Saturday.
2. Sit facing North or north east on a kush aasan.
3. Light a sesame oil diya and a few incense sticks.
4. Keep a chowki in front of you and spread a black cloth on it.
5. Keep a copper plate on it and keep an iron made Lord Shani idol in it.
If you do not have an iron idol then use an iron yantra of Lord Shani.
However, iron idol is highly auspicious for success in this sadhana.
6. Worship your guru, lord Ganesh, shiv, parvati, Lakshmi, Narayan and Lord Surya.
7. Then, perform panchopchar puja of Lord Shani as follows -
A) Deep - offer the sesame oil diya to lord shani
B)Dhoop -offer dhoop of highly
C) pushp(flowers) - offer shami flowers
D)naivedya - offer a naivedya of boiled black gram(kala chana).
E)gandh - offer ashtgandh to the  iron shani idol or yantra.

8. After this, offer akshat to the idol.
9. Take a sankalp for whatever wish you may be having.
10. Chant 1 mala of this mantra daily for 121 days using rudraksh or black hakik mala.

During the sadhana days, every Saturday, the sadhak must do deep daan in a shani temple. 
Deep daan is a very popular totka used to please lord shani.
For this, all you need to do is light til oil diya, look in the diya and try to see your face in the diya. One you manage to see your face in the diya, leave it in front of Lord Shani's idol in the temple.

This totka is must because lord shani loves diya.

Other than this, the procedure that I have  mentioned for this sadhana must be followed as it is and there is no scope of alteration.

Shami flowers, kala chana, iron idol, akshat, sesame oil diya, guggul dhoop - all these are very dear to lord shani.

One thing to keep in mind that the sadhak is always free to perform the puja and upasana of god in whichever way he wants, but getting success in such experimental puja is not in the hands of the sadhak.
This is same as our karmas. Every human or god or a yogi or a rishi has the freedom to perform whichever karma he wants to, but he doesn't have freedom on getting the results of that karma.
A robber has the freedom to keep on robbing as long as he wants, but he doesn't have the freedom to choose what kind of results he will get 
by doing robbery.

Similarly, every person has the freedom to perform the puja, japa, tapa,etc. In whatever way he wants. But he doesn't have the power to control what kind of results he may get by the experimental self invented puja paddhati.

Every god has its own puja paddhati. Some has tough paddhati, some have easy paddhati.

On this auspicious eve of Shani Jayanti, may lord shani teach us to stop being arrogant and self-centered and teach us the qualities of humbleness; may he bless us with knowledge and intelligence and remove our sins and bring us towards the path of good.
May he destroy all the people who are proving to be thorns in our life. May he bless us  all kinds of prosperity in life but still keep us un-attached from all of them.

Viniyog -
।। ॐ अस्य श्रीशनैश्चरमालामन्त्रस्य काश्यप ऋषिः, अनुष्टुप् छन्दः
श्रीशनैश्चरो देवता , शं बीजं,बीजं निं शक्तिः, मं कीलकं,
 शनैश्चर कृत पीड़ा निवारणार्थे श्री शनैश्चर प्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ।।

अथ करन्यासः ।
ॐ शनैश्चराय अङ्गुष्ठाभ्यां नमः ।
ॐ कृष्णवर्णाय तर्जनीभ्यां नमः ।
ॐ सूर्यपुत्राय मध्यमाभ्यां नमः ।
ॐ मन्दगतये अनामिकाभ्यां नमः ।
ॐ गृध्रवाहनाय कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां नमः ।
ॐ पङ्गुपादाय करतलकरपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः ॥

अथ हृदयादिषडङ्गन्यासः ।
ॐ शनैश्चराय हृदयाय नमः ।
ॐ कृष्णवर्णाय शिरसे स्वाहा ।
ॐ सूर्यपुत्राय शिखायै वषट् ।
ॐ मन्दगतये कवचाय हुम् ।हुम्
ॐ गृध्रवाहनाय नेत्रत्रयाय वौषट् ।
ॐ पङ्गुपादाय अस्त्राय फट् ।

ध्यानम् ।।
ॐ दोर्भिर्धनुर्द्विशिखचर्मधरं त्रिशूलं
भास्वत्किरीटमुकुटोज्ज्वलितेन्द्रनीलम् ।भास्वत्किरीटमुकुटोज्ज्वलितेन्द्रनीलम्
नीलातपत्रकुसुमादिसुगन्धभूषं देवं
भजे रविसुतं प्रणतोऽस्मि नित्यम् ॥

माला मंत्र ।
।। ॐ नमो भगवते शनैश्चराय मन्दगतये सूर्यपुत्राय महाकालाग्नि सदृशाय क्रूरदेहाय गृध्रासनाय नीलरूपाय चतुर्भुजाय
त्रिनेत्राय नीलाम्बरधराय नीलमालाविभूषिताय धनुराकारमण्डले
प्रतिष्ठिताय काश्यपगोत्रात्मजाय माणिक्यमुक्ताभरणाय छायापुत्राय
सकलमहारौद्राय सकलजगत्भयङ्कराय पङ्कुपादाय क्रूररूपाय
देवासुरभयङ्कराय सौरये कृष्णवर्णाय स्थूलरोमाय अधोमुखाय
नीलभद्रासनाय नीलवर्णरथारूडाय त्रिशूलधराय सर्वजनभयङ्कराय
मन्दाय दं,दं शं,शं नं,नं मं,मं हुं,हुं रक्ष रक्ष, मम शत्रून्नाशय ,
सर्वपीडा नाशय नाशय, विषमस्थशनैश्चरान् सुप्रीणय सुप्रीणय ,
सर्वज्वरान् शमय शमय, समस्तव्याधीं मोचय मोचय विमोचय,
मां रक्ष रक्ष, समस्त दुष्टग्रहान् भक्षय  भक्षय, भ्रामय भ्रामय,
त्रासय त्रासय, बन्धय बन्धय, उन्मादयोन्मादय, दीपय दीपय,
तापय तापय, सर्वविघ्नान् छिन्धि छिन्धि,
डाकिनीशाकिनीभूतवेतालयक्षरक्षोगन्धर्वग्रहान् ग्रासय ग्रासय,
भक्षय भक्षय, दह दह, पच पच, हन हन, विदारय विदारय,
शत्रून् नाशय नाशय, सर्वपीडा नाशय नाशय,
विषमस्थ शनैश्चरान्  सुप्रीणय सुप्रीणय , सर्वज्वरान् शमय शमय,
समस्तव्याधीन् विमोचय विमोचय, ॐ शं नं मं ह्रां फं हुं
शनैश्चराय नीलाभ्रवर्णाय नीलमेखलय सौरये नमः ॥

Jay Shree Rama

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